My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 169: The great harvest brought by the immortal cloud tidal

Lu Yi couldn't believe it: "...Junior sister, you really don't hate Yunxi anymore?"

Lu Yi had thought of many ways before, but none of them could make the relationship between the two better. I never thought that Donggong Mingyue would call Sister Yunxi now.

Lu Yi just felt a little inexplicable.

But he was still very happy.

After all, Lu Yi has everything, and naturally I don't want their relationship to be bad. It is naturally the best to become good friends and good sisters.

"Really! I feel like I'm going to make a breakthrough. Senior brother, will you let me go back to retreat?" Dong Gong Mingyue shook Lu Yi's arm and said coquettishly.

Lu Yi thought that the time to cultivate with his junior sister was about the same as Yun Xi, and it was considered to be flat overnight, so he nodded: "If that's the case, then fine."

Donggong Mingyue's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Goodbye, Senior Brother!"

She turned into a lightning bolt and disappeared into Lu Yi's bedroom.

Lu Yi smiled as he watched Donggong Mingyue leave.

My junior sister is still very sensible, and finally has a good relationship with Yun Xi.

Lu Yi was very pleased.

After that, Lu Yi began to practice peacefully.

During dual cultivation, Lu Yi's cultivation tasks improved very quickly, and his own immortal sword scriptures also improved quite well.

In addition, Lu Yi's yin and yang mood has reached perfection, and it is not too far from condensing the realm.

This needs to make persistent efforts later, let the junior sister retreat for a while.

Others, Lu Yi did not practice much.

Next, Lu Yi plans to practice the "Little Void Technique" first, and then upgrade the immortal sword script hole to perfection.

In addition, there is also the task of deducing the Great Tribulation Formation, which also needs to be put on the agenda.

If he deduces the Great Tribulation Transcendence Formation, Lu Yi can obtain a wisp of the Law of Formation, which is of great help to Lu Yi's strength improvement.

This is a task that requires attention.

After breaking through to the Void Realm, Lu Yi used Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Essence, and felt that his cultivation speed was not as fast as before.

While the senior sister went to the sea clan battlefield, the junior sister's cultivation base has just turned into the realm of the gods, and new cultivation resources are somewhat difficult to obtain.

Fortunately, Lu Yi had obtained 10 pieces of 100,000-year-old Lingyu before, and he could practice for a while.

It has to be said that Lingyu has a very high concentration of spiritual energy, and it is used for cultivation at a speed far exceeding that of ten thousand years of spiritual marrow.

Even after reaching the Void Realm, Lu Yi's cultivation is still improving rapidly.

Moreover, as Lu Yi's skill level became higher and higher, his cultivation speed became faster and faster.

It's a pity that there are too few 100,000-year-old spiritual jades. There are only ten pieces. Lu Yi can absorb one piece in two months. In two years, he has absorbed all the 100,000-year spiritual jade.

By this time, Lu Yi's cultivation had risen to the second level of the Void Realm.

This is the Void Realm. After two years of upgrading to one level, the speed of cultivation is extremely fast.

It is a pity that there is no new spiritual jade, and the cultivation speed is a bit slow with the use of ten thousand years of spiritual marrow.

And these days, Elder Ming has been in retreat, and it is difficult for Lu Yi to find an opponent to learn from.

In desperation, Lu Yi thought about going out and finding more advanced training resources.

Exactly, you can go to the Sea Clan battlefield.

Judging from the intensity of the battle on the battlefield, he could obtain a lot of tasks, and there should be many rewards.

If he was in the realm of transforming gods, Lu Yi didn't have this idea yet, but when he broke through to the realm of emptiness, Lu Yi's cultivation was greatly improved, and he also mastered the killing formation of the Mahayana realm. Facing the Mahayana monks, there was also a problem. The power of battle.

The most important thing is that these days, Lu Yi mainly practiced the "Little Void Technique", and he cultivated the Little Void Technique to the lv7 level.

Coupled with the broken air boat, Lu Yi has the confidence to face the ancestor of the robbery.

As long as immortals didn't appear on the battlefield of the sea clan, Lu Yi felt that with his methods, escaping would not be a big problem.

When Lu Yi had an idea, he made a decision and planned to visit the Sea Clan battlefield.

If possible, it is best to go to the East China Sea area and find the Misty Island.

That's the mission of the immortals, and Lu Yi has always been obsessed with finding the Misty Island.

After making the decision, Lu Yi went to the top of Lingluo Peak and said goodbye to Lingluo Peak Master.

Peak Master Lingluo was very unhappy when he heard that Lu Yi planned to go to the Sea Clan battlefield, which meant that Lu Yi would not be able to cook food for her in a short time.

A few days ago, Lingluo Peak Master didn't know where to get all kinds of heaven and earth treasures and fierce beast ingredients, and there were even many in the Mahayana realm, so Lu Yi could practice hard.

It didn't take long for Lu Yi to leave?

Peak Master Ling Luo was very angry.

Fortunately, Lu Yi took out more than half of the Xuanyin Brew and gave it to Peak Master Lingluo, plus all kinds of spirit wine and food, Peak Master Lingluo was satisfied.

Lu Yi saw that Peak Master Lingluo was happy, and took advantage of the situation to propose another sermon.

The smile on the face of Peak Master Ling Luo gradually disappeared, but for the sake of all kinds of spirit wine and spirit food, he did not refuse.

After leaving from the top of Lingluo Peak, Lu Yi went to Donggong Mingyue's cave again.

Outside the cave, Lu Yi called out, "Is Junior Sister here?"

There was no sound from the cave, and Lu Yi was very speechless. Since the last double cultivation, Donggong Mingyue has been retreating in the cave, and has not come out until now.

It's been two years.

Even if Lu Yi called her, she would not come out.

Lu Yi was helpless and said, "Junior sister, senior brother plans to go to the Sea Clan battlefield, I'm afraid it will take some time to come back."

As soon as these words came out, it didn't take long for the Donggong Mingyue's cave door to open.

Donggong Mingyue, wearing a long purple dress and ponytails, came out, looked at Lu Yi, and said in surprise, "Brother, are you really going to the Sea Clan battlefield? It's very dangerous over there."

Lu Yi said with a smile: "After breaking through to the Void Realm, the training speed is a little slow. I also plan to go to the Sea Clan battlefield, and maybe I will gain something."

Donggong Mingyue suddenly said: "Then I will also go with my senior brother!"

Lu Yi stretched out her fingers and flicked her smooth and full forehead, Donggong Mingyue suddenly cried out in pain and covered her forehead.

Lu Yi doesn't know if it's because he has been flicked on the head too much by the master, and he has such a habit now.

He opened his mouth and said, "What are you going to do? Your cultivation is still too weak, and now you are in a stage of rapid improvement. Just cultivate well."

Hearing this, Donggong Mingyue opened her mouth and planned to say something, Lu Yi said with a serious face: "Senior brother, I came to see you to say goodbye to you, maybe I won't be able to meet for a long time, so there must be a farewell ceremony, right? "

Donggong Mingyue was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled: "Farewell ceremony? What farewell ceremony?"

With a serious look on his face, Lu Yi hugged Donggong Mingyue and walked to the cave: "Of course it's Shuangxiu."

"Eh? Ah?! Don't!" Donggong Mingyue's people were all numb.

She didn't want this farewell ceremony at all!

The last month of double cultivation had brought a psychological shadow to Donggong Mingyue. Every time she practiced, she felt a little discomfort in her legs. Even just now, the moment she saw Lu Yi, she felt that her legs were a little weak.

It's totally instinctive.

Hearing this now, Donggong Mingyue's face was full of horror.

However, Lu Yi ignored Donggong Mingyue's resistance, and directly took Donggong Mingyue into the cave and closed the door of the cave.

Ten days later, Lu Yi left Lu Yi's cave mansion with some unfulfilled thoughts. Donggong Mingyue was already comatose in the cave mansion at this moment.

Lu Yi didn't go to say goodbye to Wu Qingfeng and the top leaders of Baiyun Sect. After all, Lu Yi's talent is amazing. If you talk to them, they will probably persuade Lu Yi not to take risks, which is very troublesome.

Lu Yi also didn't tell Lao Lu and his mother, lest they worry.

Now that both Lao Lu and his mother have high cultivation levels and live very casually, Lu Yi doesn't want to cause trouble for the two of them.

He stepped out, turned into a streamer, and left Baiyunzong.

After that, Lu Yi used the Thousand Transformation Technique to transform into an ordinary-looking young man and flew towards the direction of the Thousand Flowers Sect.

Lu Yi planned to meet Yunxi before leaving.

It has been a long time since he returned from Wanhuazong.

Although the Mahayana forces in the Wanhuazong territory have already brought many strong people to the battlefield, there are still some strong people. Although the Wanhuazong has lifted the mountain closure, few of the Wanhuazong disciples have left the guardian sect. range of large arrays.

After the movement of Yunxi's transformation from the immortal body, it fell silent.

After Lu Yi left the range of the White Cloud Sect, he used the Small Void Technique, the aura turned, and walked through the void. One move directly covered a distance of thousands of kilometers, and traveled towards the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect's territory at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, Lu Yi came to the door of Wanhua Sect.

There is still a galaxy shrouded outside the gate of Wanhua Zongzong. The galaxy is tilted down, the stars are shining, and there is a kind of dreamy beauty.

The guardian formation of the Thousand Flower Sect is open.

Lu Yi stepped in, passed through the Protector's Great Array without a sound, and came to the valley where Yunxi Cave House was located.

The valley this time surprised Lu Yi a little. The flowers in the valley were all flickering with a mysterious streamer at the moment, which looked very extraordinary.

The flowers seemed to have life, swaying rhythmically, in sync with the pulse of the mysterious light in the hut at the end of the valley.

At the end of the valley, there are gorgeous nine-colored streamers flashing, with extremely mysterious Taoism.

Lu Yi was shocked, these Dao Accumulations are the embodiment of the power of nature.

In these days, Lu Yi's natural domain has been improved, reaching the height of the fourth floor. Even so, Lu Yi felt that the power of nature was very mysterious, even higher than his domain realm!

After Wanhua Spirit Body transformed into Immortal Body, there was such a big change?

Yunxi's original natural domain was still very weak, but he did not expect such a big improvement during this period of time.

It is indeed a fairy body.

Lu Yi was shocked, and then very happy.

Yun Xi is his Taoist companion, the stronger she is, the stronger Lu Yi is.

Moreover, the stronger Yunxi, the higher the quest reward, which is a good thing.

When Lu Yi smiled, the door of Yunxi's cave suddenly opened, and a stream of nine colors passed by and came to Lu Yi.

It is Yunxi.

Compared with before, Yunxi now has crystal clear skin, exuding mysterious light, and her originally beautiful face has more ethereal and natural temperament than before, like a fairy walking among flowers.

Although Yun Xi's face has not changed, compared to before, it has a little more fairy and natural charm, which makes Yun Xi appear to be very different from before.

Yun Xi hugged Lu Yi, rubbed her face lightly against Lu Yi's chest, and said with a smile, "Lu Yi! Why are you here?"

Lu Yi touched Yunxi's hair and smiled, "I miss you a little bit."

Yun Xi looked up at Lu Yi with an ethereal and pure smile, and said, "I miss you very much too. But my mother-in-law won't let me go out, for fear that the ancestors will pay attention to this place."

Hearing this, Lu Yi nodded slightly: "Mother-in-law is right. After you transformed into an immortal body, your talent is extremely strong, and many ancestors of transcending tribulation will probably want to pay your attention."

Lu Yi discovered that Yun Xi's cultivation had actually broken through to the Void Realm. Although his breath was a little unstable, he should have just broken through, but it was still an extremely appalling speed.

Lu Yi was a little surprised: "As expected of an immortal body, it has broken through to the realm of emptiness so quickly."

Yun Xi smiled slightly and said, "It is the credit of the nine-colored linglan. After absorbing the nine-colored linglan, my cultivation base has reached the tenth level of spiritual transformation. After that, I used the spiritual essence that you left me with Lu Yi. Breakthrough now."

Lu Yi was stunned, and then smiled: "As expected of a treasure that is close to Xianzhen, it's worth it for you."

Yunxi smiled brightly, and kissed Lu Yi's mouth with her feet, and there was a fresh scent of orchid left: "Now I am an immortal body. If I work hard in the future, I can fly to immortality and walk with you."

A look of longing for happiness appeared on Yun Xi's face, and Lu Yi was also warmed up in his heart.

He smiled slightly and said, "Of course, on the Xian Road, we have to walk together."

Then Lu Yi asked curiously, "By the way, after the Wanhua Spirit Body has transformed into an Immortal Body, is there anything special?"

Yun Xi thought for a while and said, "The physical body has become much stronger, and I am much closer to the way of nature than before. These days, I have been comprehending the power of nature, and I have raised the field to a very strong level. It can even reach the point where it communicates with the flowers in the valley. That's how it is, when you step into the valley, I feel it."

Lu Yi was stunned. No wonder Yun Xi came out as soon as Lu Yi entered the valley. He didn't even notice the fluctuation of his consciousness.

As expected of an immortal body, Lu Yi thought it was very magical.

Afterwards, Lu Yi thought of something, and said with a serious face: "So it turns out, the body has become a lot stronger... Let me see what is the difference between Yun Xi's body and before, I have to check it carefully."

With that said, Lu Yi picked up Yunxi and flew towards her cave.

Yun Xi's ethereal and natural eyes had a touch of water, her pretty face was slightly red, then she hugged Lu Yi and nodded slightly: "Well, this time, I shouldn't be defeated so quickly, I can let Lu Yi You are satisfied!"

When he said this, Yun Xi was very confident.

Lu Yi was also looking forward to it.

The two entered the cave, Lu Yi hugged Yunxi, and returned to the bedroom with ease. A mysterious and complex pattern shrouded the cave.

Inside the cave dwelling, there is a mysterious light flowing, and there is the sound of dragon and phoenix roaring.

Four days later, Yun Xi realized that he was too confident and began to beg for mercy.

Six days later, Yun Xi was almost collapsed, but still fainted.

When Lu Yi walked out of the room, he looked up at the void forty-five degrees with a complicated expression.

Yun Xi's body, which Lu Yi has carefully explored, is more charming than before, and the physical strength has become much stronger. Although it is slightly worse than Jian Ruyu, who is also an immortal body, it is still extremely strong.

Unfortunately, it is far from satisfying Lu Yi.

Lu Yi said that he was very sad, and that being too strong can sometimes be a trouble.

Lu Yi silently went to the training room to receive the task reward.

To Lu Yi's surprise, after cultivating with Yunxi, Lu Yi's improvement was too great.

The natural realm was directly raised to the fifth floor! Straight up one level!

You know, this is the realm of nature! One double cultivation, even made Lu Yi a level higher.

This is really an exaggeration, and it can even be compared to the improvement of the sword domain of Lu Yi from the Divine Sword Stele.

It is indeed a fairy body!

Not only that, Lu Yi's original perfect Yin-Yang mood also made a breakthrough, reaching the realm of Yin-Yang.

The mysterious yin and yang Dao patterns circulated around Lu Yi. The Dao patterns were black and white, intertwined, one yin and one yang, one bright and one dark, with an indescribable mysterious Taoism.

The way of yin and yang is an extremely mysterious way.

When the Great Dao is transformed, there is yin and yang energy. This is one of the Great Daos that is closest to the source, and it can even continue to evolve to deduce other Great Daos.

Lu Yi was immersed in the profound mystery of Yin-Yang Avenue and had a lot of insight.

After Yun Xi transformed into an immortal body, the effect of the power of nature was much better than before, and her recovery ability was improved. After only half a day, she woke up.

Yun Xi walked out of the room with a look of exhaustion on her ethereal and beautiful face. After seeing Lu Yi, she said seriously, "Lu Yi, did you listen to my opinion last time?"

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled: "What opinion?"

"Shuangxiu with Sister Yunxi and Sister Ningshuang earlier." Yunxi looked serious: "If I am alone, I really can't do it, and I will die."

Hearing Yun Xi's straightforward words, Lu Yi felt a little embarrassed for a while, he coughed dryly, and said a little embarrassedly, "A few days ago, I really did double cultivation with my junior sister."

Hearing this, Yunxi's eyes lit up and she smiled: "That's great, did Sister Mingyue say anything?"

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Lu Yi said with a happy face: "Junior sister seems to be no longer resisting you as much as before, and she even called you sister Yunxi, let me come to you to double repair."

Lu Yi said this with a look of relief.

Yun Xi's expression was a little weird all of a sudden, she looked at Lu Yi who was happy, and asked, "How long have you and Sister Mingyue been cultivating together?"

"About a month? What's the matter?" Lu Yi was a little Yun Xi was expressionless and shook his head slightly: "...It's okay."

Lu Yi suddenly thought of something, and said, "By the way, Yun Xi, you can rest for a while, let's discuss it. After you break through to the Void Realm, let me see your current strength."

Hearing this, Yun Xi's eyes also lit up, and she nodded in anticipation: "Of course you can. I also want to see how big the gap is between me and you, Lu Yi!"

Lu Yiman said to himself expectantly, "I want to defeat Yun Xi."


Defeat Yunxi

Reward: 10 pieces of 100,000-year-old Lingyu, improve the perception of natural Taoism.

Whether to accept the task: yes/no


Change first and then change~

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