My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 76: Second shot and identity!

The speed of the mysterious dead is fast!

Turned into a black afterimage, the Hei Tong flowers did not have time to respond.

The remaining right hand of the deceased seems to be transformed into an indestructible blade. When he traversed the air, he even produced the sound of hunting, tracing a beautiful arc in the air, and slamming toward the Hei Tong flowers.

At this critical juncture, the golden glow turned into a huge werewolf phantom, appearing out of thin air.

boom! ! !

As soon as he appeared, the phantom of the Golden Werewolf threw a punch and confronted the dead knives with a knife. In an instant, the collision suddenly reverberated, and the invisible energy burst from the collision center of the two palms.

As far as pure power is concerned, it seems that the werewolf has the advantage. In the roar, the ghost of the golden werewolf exerts force twice!

In the shock, the dead stepped back!


Only then did the Hei Tong flowers react.

The rookie magician girl patted her chest with some fear, and then glared at the dead not far away.

If it weren't for oranges to arrange some means on the flowers, then she would have died of Huang Quan.

"It's really fun!"

Standing not far from the girl, the dead man with a broken arm looked at the golden werewolf that appeared more transparent, and the angry girl, and said softly, "Look away, I didn't expect you to have so many good things."


Hearing the words of the dead, the flowers suddenly withdrew their anger, and put on a high posture, and said, "Are you afraid, if you are afraid, just leave me, otherwise, you will look good!"

"No no no, how can I be scared!"

The black dead said indifferently, the sharp eagle eyes showed a searing war intent, "It would be better to say, I found that you are really a good hunting target, girl!"


Feeling the rising breath of the dead, the girl couldn't help but feel a chill.

I just wanted to scare the other person away, but it seems to be counterproductive.

After all, although he is surrounded by the ghost of the Golden Werewolf, it is a consumable item. Just after a collision, the ghost consumed about 30% of the power. After a few more times, it was really clean.

"That one"

"Although watching your fight is a bit of a meaning."

"But how to say, what has been on the sidelines is not really in my style!"

At this moment, the indifferent voice came into the ears of the two, and I saw that the red-haired teenager who had originally led the two to fight did not know when, quietly appeared on the side of the flowers, watching the two, and spoke lightly Road.


Looking at the teenager beside him, the flowers were a little surprised.

At this time, Flowers found that the other party was not surprised at all by seeing the battle between him and the dead.

Look away!

The girl immediately understood that this was no ordinary person.

just-- In this case, the old lady stood up for Mao!

The girl's heart burst into tears

If the flowers are depressed, then the feeling of the dead is a little horrified.

Therefore, at this moment, he suddenly realized an extremely amazing thing, that is, in the battle just now, he didn't realize that there was a third person around him.

It's not the so-called ignoring situation because the other party is too weak.

It is completely forced to forget that there is such a existence!

not good!

At this time, even if the brain is not good, the dead will understand-

The boy he was going to kill before was not a normal human being, no, or rather, a very mysterious guy.

"You guys, who are you!"

The violent breath of the predator that was originally revealed by the Black Dead slightly converged, and his eyes directly crossed the girl, looking directly at the suddenly red-haired teenager, and said in a low voice, "What purpose?"


Hearing the question of the dead, an embarrassment appeared on the face of the red-haired boy, "I'm just here to fulfill a contract I made with others. As for seeing the two of you, it's just a coincidence."

"So, what do you plan to do now?"

Regarding the coincidence in the mouth of the red-haired boy, the Black Dead did not respond, but directly asked the sharpest question, "Leave here, or become my enemy."

The deceased didn't do much entanglement, and directly gave the choice!

As for friends?

The deceased who originally planned to take the name of the other party said that he had no thick skin.

"Hey, don't you want to leave now!"

Hearing the words of the dead, the red-haired boy had n’t made a choice, and the Hei Tong flowers took the lead in saying, "This thing is entirely because of you. If you dare to run away, the old lady will never let you go! "

"Do not worry!"

The red-haired boy smiled softly at the threat of the girl.

Afterwards, he walked out of the shadow of the Golden Werewolf and came to the dead, saying, "No matter what I think, I will squeak, I will not choose to leave, after all, if I want to leave, fight None of you are fully aware of it. "

"indeed so!"

Faced with the words of the red-haired boy, the dead nodded indifferently, "I also understand the situation. This is just an attempt. Although the chance is slim, the possibility is not zero, and it does not matter if you fail. Anyway, you only need to say a few more words. Only. "

As soon as the words fell, the wings behind the dead opened suddenly, and the vast magic began to boil.

Zizizi! ! !

Under the boiling magic power, the dead man's original broken arm gap began to creep and grow wildly. In a blink of an eye, a brand new arm appeared out of thin air, and the breath of the dead man was several times stronger.

The next moment, the dead body changed slightly.

Although the changes are subtle, in terms of visual effects, they are very different!

The dead changed from a humanoid form to a chimera pose like a bird, which made people feel strange.


Looking at the dead man in such a gesture, a smile appeared on the face of the red-haired boy, "the black wing male of the bird who is rare in the ancestors of the dead and can be compared with the white wing fair, interesting" --rm->

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