My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 78: Never return to fourth!

The world has changed in an instant

The night sky that had just shone a little bit of light was completely dark in an instant.

Starlight and ear roar

In an instant, it turned into absolute silence that made people unable to speak.

Looking up, an amazing scene appeared-

The endless black wings completely cover the sky, resembling the sky of the dead feathers, and devour the moonlight and the stars. The world seems to be transformed into an absolute "dead world" at this moment.

"This, this is"

Hei Tonghua's face was full of surprise, and a little fear mixed in.

The girl with a lot of knowledge realized what she was aware of, but she had no hesitation in seeing the real thing.

"Inherent enchantment!"

Nagato calmly affirmed the speculation in the girl ’s heart, without any worries between words, but full of interest——

"According to rumors, the owner of the Black Wing is named" Never Return ", and he once used that inherent enchantment to enter the hometown of the ancestor with the name of" 16th place " Their family is completely destroyed. "

"Your insight is amazing!"

Hei Gonggong's voice echoed throughout the world. At this time, Hei Tonghua realized that Hei Yigong who had stood in front of the two had disappeared, leaving only her and the one named Nagato. Red-haired boy in this unmanned world.

"However, what a pity!"

"When my night sky comes, no creature can escape the fate of death!"

Like the whole heaven and earth, in an instant, the sky of dead feathers all over the sky seemed to move slightly, and the suspended wings in the sky changed their directions, turning the tail of the black feather down!


Seeing the wings in the dark and silent sky, the Hei Tong flowers froze.

Girls who have not experienced many battles, in the face of this offensive like a natural disaster, almost lost the ability to respond!

"not bad!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato nodded his head indifferently. In a flash, the breath of the teenager changed slightly. At the next moment, the endless black wings pour down like a rainstorm.

Boom! ! !

The unprecedented roar exploded in an instant.


This is an unprecedented, almost extinct destruction!

Under the bombardment of wings all over the sky, the whole earth burst apart, and the smoke filled the room, even a small stone, also turned into dust under the bombardment of the wings.

This is the powerful ability of Blackwing Common to destroy hundreds of vampires including the ancestors of the dead with one blow!

Among the dead, except for the fifth of the dead ancestors who exceeded the specifications, no one can confront it head-on.


Roar roar! ! !

In this roar, the sound of multiple dragons echoed, and as the black feathers of the endless bombarded, the sound of dragons became louder and louder, as if the unknown dragon had eaten a big tonic .

Rumble! ! !

It seemed to be stimulated by the inexplicable dragon yin. In a flash, the heavy rain completely transformed from the black feather turned into a super heavy rain, and the unprecedented roar broke out again.

That momentum seems not to completely collapse the earth, and I will never rest!

Domineering and unparalleled!


boom! ! !

In an instant, the whole world seemed to have a pause.

At the next moment, the extremely terrible tyrannical shock reversed from below the black feather barrage, ignoring the obstruction of many dark feathers, and directly bombarded on the sky of the dead feather that covered the world!

The attack mechanism on the canopy stops instantly!

At the next moment, some kind of terrible will flooded the entire world in an instant. It seemed that this world, this inherent enclave, was a little weak under this terrible and extreme will, and had to stop the almost self-mutilation attack.

Roar roar! ! !

At this time, several amazing roars appeared on the ground below.

The gusty wind swept up and blew away the dust, and the first thing exposed was the earth covered with dark feathers.

What kind of terrain like mountains and hills is long gone.

In addition to feathers, the earth is still feathers.

Immediately after that, a blue giant resembling a **** appeared outside the smoke. The giant was making a fist-fighting movement. Obviously, the impact of the rain that broke the endless wings just now was issued by this giant.

The next thing to reveal is a mechanical dragon with six heads that looks very modern!

The mechanical dragon stretched a guardian enchantment.

Under the enchantment, Nagato and Heitong flowers stood there unharmed.

Under them, the earth within the enchantment, is the only place intact in the entire world.

"Have you won"

Although the enchanted protection will not hurt, but Hei Tonghua said that her feet are now soft.

If you are not worried about losing face, I am afraid that you will have fallen.

As a rookie in the magic world, for the first time in contact with the strongest level of battle in the world, the feeling of flowers at this time is-

The earth is really dangerous!

How lucky I am to live safely to the present!


Hearing the flowers, the red-haired boy with his hands in front of him shook his head, stretched out his hand, and pointed to the sky.

boom! ! !

It seemed that in response to the words of the Nagato, the sky of the dead feathers roared strongly.

In the most central area of ​​the sky, the gathering of countless feathers combined, and some unintelligible changes occurred. In a short time, a huge crow that stretched for several kilometers appeared slowly from there, reflecting the flowers. Vision.

Quack! ! !

The extremely unpleasant cries spread instantly throughout the world.

It was a kind of unspeakable cry, not only unpleasant but also fatal.

Ordinary people will definitely lose their lives if they hear it!

Under the cry of chanting for death, unprecedented coercion burst out from the body of the incomparably huge black crow, and came toward the two men of the gate ..

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