My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 85: Goodbye Luo Hao first!

In the early hours of the next day, it was not yet dawn.

Nagato climbed out of the gentle township with great perseverance.

Although it was only the first time, Fujino ’s tenderness was like water, and it really gave Nagato a wonderful enjoyment last night. If it could, Nagato would sleep directly until three strokes in the sun.

In life, Nagato is not a self-discipline.

Or on the contrary, even if you have been walking on the road forward, Nagato is still a person who likes to enjoy.

For Nagato, if you can't enjoy it, then how much power is needed!


Not today!

Lamenting so deeply in his heart, the long gate had already wandered into the hall of the mansion.

Walking into the hall, the first sight of the long door was the back of a graceful young girl, a plain dress, dark hair scattered from behind, it looked extraordinary, domineering, and only one person took the other in the hall. Human style.

Just looking at the background, Nagato knew who the girl was.

Luo Cuilian, the word Hao!

The most overbearing of Nagato's wife, he also set foot in the superpower between man and god.

She is the reason why Nagato cannot continue to stay in Wenrou Township.

Although Nagato is very philanthropic, in a sense, seeing one loves one, and he doesn't like the old and the new.

But it must be said that the weight of Nagato's lovers in Nagato's heart is not equal, some just have a place in Nagato's heart, and some are indispensable to Nagato, of which Luo Hao is the latter.

Nagato knew from the beginning that Asano's contractor was Luo Hao!

It was just when he arrived here last night that Luo Hao was looking for prey outside. This city, which is housed in the monstrous sprites, was a group of demons and flurrys of dancing at night. For Luo Hao, it was the perfect hunting ground.

Then the long door saw Karen, Qingzi, Aguola and Qiuye who were sitting opposite the girl.

And amber and emerald standing behind several people.

Seven girls in the hall did n’t know what to say, or they were facing each other

The rather condensed atmosphere permeated in the hall. In the view of the long door, except for Qingzi and Agurola, and the girl who was facing away from herself, the other four girls were all fidgeting.


Seeing this scene, Nagato felt a headache, but took it for granted.

Luo Hao's character is difficult to get along with others peacefully.

This is in the world of heaven and earth, the people of Erica who came from the plane of the God-killer faced her most vividly when facing her.

"Master Nagato!"

Amber, who was facing himself, first discovered the appearance of the long door, and said with some surprise.

Her words instantly broke the frozen atmosphere among the girls

The girls looked over one by one.

Except for the girl with her temperament turned away from the long door

"Good morning!"

He looked up and greeted the girls, and the long door wandered. "Yes, amber, and emerald. Fujino should sleep late today. As the maidservant of this mansion, you two should pay attention." "Yes!"

"Understood, sir!"

Amber and Emerald were stunned for a while, then their faces turned slightly red, and they said in unison with a smile, "In this case, let's go down first. By the way, do we need to prepare breakfast immediately? Master!"



The two maids bowed in unison, and then left the place in a hurry.

It seems that there is a land of tigers and wolves in the hall

"When did you guys arrive?"

In this regard, Nagato didn't care too much, and looked at his eyes. He was looking at his four young daughters and asked, "There shouldn't be any obstacles along the way."

"Thanks for your blessings, I have not encountered any obstacles along the way!"

After the Nagato's inquiry, Kalien immediately stood up and bowed slightly. After the Nagato appeared, some of the uneasiness on Kalian's face disappeared immediately. In the girl's heart, when the Nagato was there, everything no need to worry.

"That's it!"

Speaking softly, Nagato has come to the side of the girl who is facing away from her, sitting directly next to each other, reaching out with one hand, holding it in her arms, "I haven't seen it in more than a month, have you had a good time here , Lotus! "


Originally exudes a rather overbearing girl, the temperament has changed.

Some of the overbearing momentum has disappeared, turning into the gentle and gentleness of the Jiangnan woman. This extremely contradictory and incomparably natural change made the opposite Qingzi four girls suddenly surprised. The overbearing girl in front of him still has this side? !

"This month, the concubine had a good time!"

Leaning in the arms of Longmen, Luo Hao said quite cheerfully.

Her voice is as beautiful as singing, but this beautiful, but not soft, but full of a powerful, like the moan of a lion, the roaring charm of a tiger, with the power comparable to the king of beasts.

Even the few daughters confronting Luo Hao couldn't help but sigh when they heard the girl's voice.

This woman's voice is absolute!

However, Luo Hao's next sentence suddenly made some women unable to sit still.

"It's just that the husband has found so many sisters for the concubine within a month, which is a bit unpleasant!"

"Who is your sister!"

Qingzi was the first to respond.

Even if he is already in his twenties, Qingzi, as always, is prone to frying.

Especially when it comes to shy things

Facing Qingzi's somewhat loud rebuttal, Luo Hao just said lightly, "I don't want to be commensurate with you and other rude men and sisters, but, looking at the breath on you, I have already given the husband to him. Deny it? "

Luo Hao's words suddenly made Qingzi blush.

Other girls turned their attention to Qingzi, which made the girl a little embarrassed.

"Ah! Come here all night, I'm a little sleepy!"

Very stiffly shifting the topic, then, ignoring the crowd, Qingzi left the hall fiercely, "Little amber, little jade, hurry to arrange a room for me"

After Qingzi left, the remaining three women left in a very interesting way under Luo Hao's vague sight.

Leaving Nagato and Luo Hao in the hall, embracing each other warmly ..

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