My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 90: The first feast started!

The future king of the world?

Hearing the title of the long gate at the night of Varazzia, Eltridge suddenly frowned.

Although the time with the mysterious true ancestor of Nagato is not long, Alterucci instinctively knows the man ’s extraordinary. When she wants to come, the name of the night of Varazzia is not a compliment.


"Now that you have negotiated, let's start, don't let the guests wait too long."

In Heiji's mind, the most important thing at this time is to lead his mother, Zhu Yuebrun Stadt, to be born again!

For the rest, we need not delve into it for the time being.

However, as if responding to her call, a terrible voice broke at the end of Skyrim.

In an instant, a figure came across a long distance at an incredible speed, standing in front of the long gate and Hei Ji, and took off the felt hat elegantly and murderously.

"His Royal Highness, please forgive me for being late."

Under the black cloud, Bai Yigong said so, and never concealed his rebellion and murderous opportunity.

"Although it is unlikely, I still want to persuade His Highness Ji Jun. If so far, everything can return to the past."

Tfam Otten Roche!

One of the oldest three dead men, Baiyi Gong, has become a blood-sucking species through the study of the magic path.

It is claimed that the blood-sucking species does not depend on the need for the super-extraction ability obtained by becoming a dead person, and is excellent as a creature itself.

Typical vampire, king of the dead. As the representative of the twenty-seven ancestors, he has the largest say in name.

Because of this, he turned against the de facto leader Alte Luci.


Facing the enemy, Hei Ji showed a faint anger: "Tevam seems to be underestimated because of his long-term benevolence."

Even in the face of the enemy who has always been evenly matched, Heiji still does not change his arrogant posture. The next moment, holding the magic sword of the real demon, the black knight who is also one of the oldest three dead, and the primate killer, the white beast The attack was launched towards Baiyi Gong.

In an instant, the condensed blade of the magic sword and the huge white beast phantom hit the white wing male.

At this moment, Bai Yigong showed his strength as the king of the dead!

Uh! ! !

Turn your left hand into a claw and grab it!

In an instant, five vacuum blades emerged from the vacuum in eight ways!

boom! ! !

The sword blade of the magic sword and the ghost of the white beast are all destroyed

With such a simple blow, the King of the Dead completely wiped out the incoming attack, and did not even borrow other special abilities and spells at all, but simply used the physical power of the Dead.

In a sense, this system is almost comparable to Bai Ji.

It was only when the White Wing Gong issued an attack that the Black Knight and the Primate Killer had already killed him.

Bang Bang Bang! ! !

At this moment, the White Wing Gong had to arouse the will to fight against it frantically.

After all, one side is the oldest dead with himself, the other side is a monster made by Gaia!

The combined combat effectiveness of the two cannot be underestimated.

Although Bai Yigong firmly believes that his victory is inevitable.

But at this time, the White Wing Gong has undoubtedly been dragged

"Let's start now!"

When Bai Yigong was dragged, Hei Ji immediately urged.


The long door who knew the girl ’s urgency smiled indifferently, "Cyberia Altnam Oberon, your mark has been imprinted by me. If you spread rumors for another hundred years, you must have hope of rebirth?"

"Now, use your life to perform the sixth method for me!"

"This is an honor to be under!"

The ancestor of the dead prostrate prostrately, then raised his hands and prayed loudly--

"Then spin it!"

The magic swayed the atmosphere, making the hoarse and crazy sound spread like thunder.

At that moment, the illusions and fantasies of countless people in this city were drawn from the body, drawing closer to the realm between reality and reality.

Flying in the sky, the scarlet big cloak resembles a vortex, and the amount of terrifying magic power is drawn from the ‘big source’ and drawn into the hollow.

Laughing and screaming

The night of Varazzila used all his power to recite:

"Reverse the second hand! Reverse the birth! Reverse the world!"

So everything started to rotate on this axis!

Space and concepts are twisted under this will, converging into a bottomless vortex.

In the general roar of thunder and thunder, everyone felt that their blood was speeding up and almost rushing out of the body.

There was no other sound in his ears, but he heard the crazy prayers of the dead:

"Spin! Spin! Spin! Spin! Spin! Spin! Spin !!!!!!"

In the blink of an eye, the "big hollow" that swept all the magic and blood has been born in the dark clouds-

"It's now!"

At this moment, a glimmer of light appeared in the eyes of Nagato!

Standing on the highest peak of Guanbuzi City, the long door opened his hands, and the glory of black and white gathered on the hands of the long door. That is the power called life and death. Convergence spins--

"Mystery-Life and Death Rotation!"

The mystery of reversing life and death is displayed in the hands of Nagato!

Vermillion Yuehua gathers in the hands of Nagato through the black cloud, and tempers the vermillion brilliance in the black and white light wheel!

The next moment, the glory flew out!

Like living creatures, it entrenched in the center of the vortex and began to endlessly plunder the magic drawn.

Boom! ! !

All of them suddenly recalled some kind of heart-beating sound.

Vermillion Yuehua broke through the black cloud and shone in the center of the vortex, like a vermilion beam spreading from the top of the building to the black cloud.

The sixth method of unformed moon is officially launched at this moment!

The breath of life begins to permeate

"His Royal Highness, stop, now it's too late to stop."

At this moment, the former magic marshal who was really named Zellridge, and the second magician, appeared from the space and arrived at the scene

The killer is fierce! ..

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