My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 111: Consummation, the first of the two moons!

In the void space, Nagato and Zhu Yue face each other.

The two were less than half a meter apart. The purple eyes of the red-haired boy were full of indifference and no emotion, while the golden eyes of the moon king were full of consternation, trembling, and a touch of grief that could not be eliminated.

The whole body felt a sharp air lock, and the slender neck was held by one hand

At this moment, the king of the moon has been defeated!


"You really don't miss it at all?"

There is less arrogance in Zhu Yue's voice, but a little more unspeakable complexity.

Although her life seems to be completely under the control of the other party at this time, Zhu Yue is the least concerned about it. She cares more about why Nagato can be so ruthless.

From fate choice!

This is the name of the attack launched by Zhu Yue using the tributaries of the long river of fate!

Under such an attack, Nagato's consciousness will return to the biggest turning point in his destiny. At that time, Zhu Yue opened another path for Nagato with his own will and let it advance along this path.

As long as Nagato recognized this road and handed over the turning point of his own destiny, Zhu Yue won

Nagato will get a life like illusion.

It's just that there are some minor problems.

That is the life essence of Nagato is too strong. Except for the existence of the life level far above the Nagato, or the wonderful existence of all skill points on deception, there are really few people who can deceive long. door.

It is the same even if Nagato temporarily forgets all his strength.

and so

If you want to cheat the long door, you must put in the truth.

In such a situation, Zhu Yue was out, and really fell in love with Nagato in that illusion, and even gave his true heart, but I did not think about it, but got such a result.

This is Zhu Yue. If it is another woman, the horror is already hysterical.

"Do not!"

"I miss it very much!"

Nagato's eyes gradually softened, and the whole person slowly approached Zhu Yue's cheek and said, "If life is an infinitely splendid journey, then you beautiful girls are all blossoming by the roadside. Beautiful flowers. "

"I am a flower-loving person and will occasionally reside, picking my favorite words along the way and putting them in my flower pot!"

"However, I will never really stop my steps"

As soon as the voice fell, the distance between Nagato and Zhuyue was infinitely close, let go of his hand on Zhuyue's neck, Nagato instantly hugged the beautiful king of the moon, and kissed the blonde girl directly. On the lips.

Under this kiss, a huge phantom shadow appeared behind both men and women!

Those are two huge moons.

A round of vermilion and a round of crimson, in terms of color alone, do not seem to make much difference, but on the magical moon behind the long door, there are huge six-pointed star patterns all over the planet and six totem-like images of beasts.

The unreal moon behind Zhu Yue is the simplest lunar surface, full of endless vicissitudes

boom! ! !

Under this deep long kiss, the two rounds of Moyue constantly exchanged some kind of aura. With the passage of time, two rounds of the magic moon gradually undergo some indescribable transformations, a kind of resemblance of a perfect atmosphere slowly emanating, but whether it is Nagato or Zhu Month, did not pay attention to here.

The two of them just kissed for half an hour in that chaotic void

Later, they slowly separated

"I never deny my ruthlessness!"

At this time, the long door spoke slowly, but the words were very firm, "But, I am too greedy, and I do n’t want to let go of the flowers along the road, so I seek to control everything. the power of"

"The path I take is the only way, but this‘ me ’is a circle centered on me. Would you like to be a flower in my circle?”

Zhu Yue was silent.

a long time

"You are such a cruel man"

In the faint sigh, the moon king kissed the long door again

Just when Nagato and Zhu Yue are lingering in the void

On the icy ground in the overlapping space of Guanzi City, a huge pure white enchantment is standing, and within that enchantment, the endless black flames are burning wildly, hitting the enchantment

Boom! ! ! !

Continuous roar echoed in this quiet space.

"Damn it, let me go!"

"I have the ability to fight one-on-one with me!"

"Kill kill !!!"

The demon **** of the horns roared wildly for more than half an hour in the middle of the black sea of ​​fire, and the power output of the demon **** also reached more than half an hour, which shocked the girls outside the enchantment to be speechless correct.

Although the girls on the battlefield have a lot of energy, if they stay in the enchantment and lack the supplement of external energy, apart from Saya, even Luo Hao and Agu Laura can't do this.

However, letting the demon **** toss about it is impossible to destroy that enchantment.


"Is it really okay?"

Alterucci sat in the tall chair, took a sip of red wine mixed with the blood of the virgin, and glanced at the fierce demon, who opened her mouth to the Saya who was not far away, and was drinking tea.

"it's OK!"

Saya first responded, and then took a sip of black tea before continuing to say, "It's just a low-quality demon god. It doesn't even have its own physical body. It looks very strong, but it is really weak."

"Is that so?"

Hearing Saya's words, Alterucci fell silent.

With a slight glance of sight, Elt Luke placed the huge round table in front of him and the boring girls on the side of the round table. They were waiting for the long door or Zhu Yue to return.


"Mom, can you really win?"

Thinking of the mystery of Nagato, there was a certain uneasiness on the face of Princess Kuroki


Vermillion's two moons are horizontal, surrounded by each other ..

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