My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 122: Jing Ke's lore [2] Second!

Seven to seven!

In an instant, Qishi and Musangfang Bianqing entered

The final showdown!

The seven mysteries of the imaginary sword flow from the summary of the research history of the four seasons of Jijisaki who peered into the history, and then through hundreds of years of grinding, and the seven treasures held by the seven avatars of the Musashifang Bianqing

At this moment, head-on collision!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In an instant, the six mysteries of the six Qishi figures instantly flowed with the virtual sword, the mirror flowers and water moon, the flowers and birds wind moon, the flowers and flowers, the flying flowers and the leaves, the icing on the cake, and the falling flowers.

And at this moment, the seventh place Qishi broke through the blockade in an instant and came to Musashifang Benqing deity

"The virtual sword flow profound meaning-willow green bonus!"

With the short time of breaking through the siege, the seven wills have unbelievably completed the green willow flower red. This is the only mystery that needs to be charged in this virtual sword flow Aoyi. It hits with a punch and collides with the big knife in the hands of Ben Qing deputy Musashifang.


The young girl's white, slender, small-handed fist bombarded a large knife surface

Suddenly echoed by the sound of collision, an invisible sword burst out from the fist of the girl, completely penetrated the block of the sword, and bombarded directly into the body of Muqingfang Benqing

Heroic Core

Click! ! !

Only the voices that Musashifang Bian Qingcai could hear echoed in his ears, making this heroic monk understand that his battle was completely over. At the next moment, Musashi Fang Benqing spit out blood and flew out

"Finally, are you going back to the Throne of Heroes?"

Thinking this way, Musashi Fang Bianqing closed his eyes. At this moment, whether it is Musashi Fang Bianqing himself, his avatar, or the summoned parade saints, they all turned into ether particles and began to dissipate. Open

"Goodbye, Mr. Bianqing Musashifang!"

At this time, Qi Shi, who had reunited, first sighed, and then politely bid farewell to the disappearing monk, and then said, "So, then I have to find other ones."

The girl's words were not finished. In a dark corner, a figure rushed towards Qi Shi's back.


"Twelve Palms of the Phoenix and Phoenix Wings!"

It seemed to have been aware that Qishi didn't even look at it. He turned straight and it was a palm burst. Under the shadow of the red flame, a red phoenix weather burst out from the palm of Qishi and hit the attack. Above the shadow

boom! ! !

The sudden Phoenix weather bombarded him

The powerful force bombarded Jing Ke. The whole person couldn't help but flew out, and then directly hit several walls in a row, and fell directly on a misty ruin.


Can't help but cough up a bite of blood, Jing Ke's eyes were full of horror.

Although it was an assassin who failed to assassinate Qin in history, as the most famous assassin in the heavenly dynasty, Jing Ke ’s bonus after becoming a hero was not a joke. The scent of the breath alone is definitely the highest level.


"Why, why was it discovered ?!"

"Obviously the breath has been completely eliminated"

Such a question naturally came out of Jing Ke's mouth. The original assuming foolproof assassination actually had such a result, which made Jing Ke really unbearable.

"This sentence sounds familiar"

At this moment, the indifferent voice came from the smoke not far from Jing Ke's body, and I saw Qi Shi approaching slowly with a small step. "I wanted to ask this gentleman why he still exists, so I thought I could Eliminate the breath. "

"Isn't the person there just there?"

"This is the same thing as being there but unable to find it, is it?"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Shi appeared not far away in front of Jing Ke, standing on the spot, watching the assassin falling down.


Hearing Qi Shi's words, Jing Ke was a bit sluggish

I actually fell to this point, obviously only the ability given by the Yingling Hall, but let me believe so, it is too inconsistent with the status of his own warrior, thinking of this, Jing Ke can only smile bitterly.


"I thought I had failed my assassination!"

"But I didn't expect that you who can obviously kill me from a distance will take the initiative to approach me!"

"Now, you and I are less than ten steps away, which happens to be my ultimate weapon's attack range."

I do n’t know why, Jing Ke ’s face was filled with rejoicing at this time, obviously the body of the heavy hit, but it seemed that he had won the victory, and the **** Mrs. Xu ’s dagger shone with a terrifying light.

"I know!"

At this moment, a smile of warfare appeared on Qishi's face, "Just now, I felt that, sir, you have a powerful force of faith, which makes me unable to resist trying. "

"What a arrogant little girl!"

With barely supporting his body, Jing Ke stood up. "Remember, the person who killed you is named Jing Ke!"

"Mr. Jing Ke?"

Qishi's voice was still soft and indifferent, his hands were hanging down together, and he bowed slightly, "Although you should already know, but as a courtesy, I still introduce myself, the virtual knife is the descendant of the world, and Qishi!"

"So, come on"

"Burn this body!"

As soon as the words fell, Jing Ke burst into an unimaginable anger!

Immediately, along with Jing Ke itself, the anger turned into flames and burned madly

Standing not far in front of this anger, Qiqi's face appeared cold for the first time.

Jing Ke is here, liberating his ultimate treasure!

As the assassin's spokesperson in the entire history of the dynasty, Jing Ke carried the assassin's belief in the fight against tyranny in China for five thousand years, for the country and for the nation, and for the country and the nation.

The wrath of the warrior!

And this is what Jing Ke holds and can be called a must-have treasure!

In the face of the millennium anger derived from the endless cruelty, only the blood of the enemy can calm down

With such a belief, at the cost of burning himself, Jing Ke instantaneously turned into a crimson impact, sending out the deadliest lore towards Qishi! ..

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