My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 141: Heiji, plan and admit defeat second!

The long night passed

This night, Nagato spent a very pleasant time.

It has to be said that Alte Luci is really a rare stunner in the world, full of charm.

From the beginning, the black blood-sucking Ji kept shouting, do n’t want it, until the last frantic request, if it was n’t for Nagato, there were really not many people in the entire Moon World.

The most interesting thing is that the black girl has two states of loli and sister

Rao is a long door. In the face of such a situation where he can experience two fascinating styles at once, he can't refuse.

and so

"Damn lo*ic*n!"

In the early morning, from last night to the present, Elt Luke, who still has a lot of energy, looked at the red-haired man in front of his eyes contemptuously, even though the two of them were now hugging each other naked, they could almost do, I have done it.

But at this time, the black vampire Ji's spirit of resistance is still full.

"Ha ha"

Faced with the satire of the young girl in his arms, Nagato smiled softly without a word.

It ’s just that although the red-haired man did n’t say a word, the meaning of ‘you did n’t play too much before yourself’ in the eyes did not show the slightest loss, which made the girl suddenly angry and angry.


However, before the girl had spoken, Nagato said first, "You have to say, you are really charming, Xiaoqi, it's hard to imagine that such a temptation came from a girl who looked less than fifteen years old. Exposed. "

This is the sincere emotion of Nagato, Alterucci is really charming!

At this time, the long door holding the girl's body can feel the touch of the skin. It is very warm and tender, and there is a kind of people who can't put it down.

Because it is a sincere emotion, Rao is Alte Luqi, but his eyes are also bright.

"Occasionally, you will say something good."

"This is of course. Unless necessary, I am a very honest person!"

"Then continue to praise me."

"It's still early, let's do it again!"

"and many more!!"

In the girl ’s slightly panicked expression, Nagato once again successfully hit the base


On the same day when Sakura came to knock on the door

There was a gasp and a scream from time to time.

Although this so-called scolding, in Sakura ’s ears, it ’s more like coquetry

The girl was stiff, her raised hand didn't know whether she should knock it down, her beautiful face was flushed, she slowly lowered her head, and her shoulders began to tremble.

Although it has long been known that his father seems to be very emotionally overflowing, when he really encounters this situation, Sakura still feels very unhappy, and the darkness in his heart is about to move.

Fortunately, I recently studied with Bellflower, but I didn't really blacken it.

Otherwise, Nagato is really depressed! But--

"Master Father! The people of the Magic Association want to see you!"

Resisting the urge to rush in, Sakura took a deep breath and shouted, "About Miss Lorella, Sister Saya told me to tell you to go out to preside over and make sure the plan goes smoothly."

Suddenly, there was only a faint gasp like a girl in the voice inside.

And soon after

Nagato appeared in front of her in a well-dressed manner.

"Magic Association?"

"Sent people in less than three days!"

"Although it is also expected, they thought they would talk about it for a few more days!"

Closed the door behind the room, the long door sorted out the clothes, and then stepped open. While walking, he opened to the girl next to him and asked, "Sakura, did Saya say anything to you?"


Immediately behind Nagasaki, Sakura was a qualified secretary, and handed a blank sheet of paper to Nagasaki, "Sister Saya said that Nagasaki's brother was not the kind of person who was good at negotiating. At the command of my sister, I have prepared the conditions in advance. "

"Oh, Sakura, do you still have talent in this regard?"

Slightly amazed, he reached over and took over the material handed over from Sakura. Nagato glanced at it and remembered it thoroughly, then a smile appeared. "Should I say, is it my daughter? Well done, Sakura!"

Sakura's release conditions for the Magic Association are very accurate, almost stuck on the bottom line of the Magic Association

"But who is this guy sent by the Magic Association this time?"

When he arrived at the reception room, such thoughts flashed in the heart of the long door, and then, next time, he saw a familiar figure who served as the little magician who conquered the master in the fourth holy grail war.

"Long time no see, Webber!"

Ignored the leader of the Magic Association directly, and the long gate was not far away. It seemed that the twenty-six-six-year-old young man greeted him, and instantly made the former holy grail participant directly frightened.

"You, why are you here!"

Weber said in a stunned voice, speechless.

"Okay, Brother Nagato may already be in contact with the Magic Association!"

In a room not far from the reception room, Saya played Go with Zhu Yue and said to Lorelia who was beside him, "After returning to the clock tower, what should I do without me teaching you!"

"No need to!"

Even if he has become a servant of others, Loreley is still arrogant in the face of other things.

"So, I'm looking forward to it!"

As soon as the words fell, Saya picked her fingertips, and a black **** flew out of the girl's hand and landed on the board. "It's already a general, you need to work harder, Zhu Yue sauce!"


Seeing this scene, Zhu Yue couldn't help breathing, and then exhaled for a long time, the whole person looked a little frustrated, "I didn't expect that there is someone like you in my dear side, you are under my dear. The strongest, Saya! "

"This is nature!"

Upon hearing that sister, Saya understood that Zhu Yue had already served!

Zhu Yue was defeated in various contests all night last night, whether it was actual combat, piano chess, calligraphy, painting, calligraphy, painting, calligraphy, painting, calligraphy, painting, calligraphy, painting, calligraphy, painting, calligraphy, painting, calligraphy and painting.

Silently, Saya suppressed the new instability in the harem of the long gate ..

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