My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 143: The first entry, the first place in the land of steel!

This is a world of death.

The sky, lost its color, covered with dark clouds, the earth, full of barren cracks, dried up with no trace of vitality, and there was no smoke around it, and the cold currents swept from all directions

"My father, it's so cold!"

The snow elf-like girl's voice called Nagato's attention back from the surrounding environment. At the next moment, the silver-haired girl with a small mask plunged directly into Nagato's arms, making him a little cry.

"I told you not to follow me, it's really impossible."

There was some helplessness in the discourse, but Nagato still hugged the girl, and then pulled up his cloak, covering Elia. Then, Nagato's gaze turned to Karen and Qi around him Actually, he asked, "How do you two feel?"

"It was a bit unfamiliar at first, but it's adapted now."

Qi Shi stood quietly in the spot, staring at everything around him indifferently.

In contrast, Karen did n’t have such a good attitude. She wore a special mask covering her chin and nostrils, and she said with a lingering fear: “It ’s amazing, lord, the air is full of dangerous particles.”

"If there is not a small respirator designed by Lord Saya, I'm afraid I already have it"

"This is normal. The air here is filled with special particles called sin, which is a kind of cosmic dust."

"If the memory is correct, the so-called sin is a general term for all harmful and unmeasurable particles permeating the planet that has lost the function of the planet. Although it is harmful to the human body, it is extremely rare and will bring specificity to the human body. Change, therefore also known as ether. "

With a chuckle, Karen and even Qishi and Ilya explained that the long door held Eliya forward a few steps and said in some unspeakable tone, "After all, this is the end of the planet. , The legendary land of steel! "

The land of steel!

The dying star, the planet that is about to die, is also a world in which creatures cannot survive.

This is the name of the current world.

Not an official name, but a common name commonly used among "people" living on the deserted earth.

As the name of the land of steel shows, most of the mainland is now cracked wilderness, covered by gray and white clouds, unable to grow food, and the atmosphere is no longer suitable for animals to survive as in the past.

According to human species, this is the end of the century.

But even if the planet as the mother died, the human species still survived by the advanced civilization technology.

Even the doomsday of the planets imagined by people in the past cannot destroy human species.

have to say

"Humans are really a very tenacious creature!"

Wandering in the exhausted world, reading the shallow knowledge of the world with his own ability, combined with the previous memory, Nagato and others briefly introduced the situation of the land of steel.

After that, the red-haired boy couldn't help feeling

"Although I often use my brain to almost destroy myself, I can still survive tenaciously in such a desperate situation."

Three days ago, after the meeting was held, girls such as Nagato and Saye began to develop combat strategies.

It's definitely a funny idea that Zhengda swarmed up brightly.

At least, until the last resort, Alaya will never choose a decisive battle.

That situation is very unfavorable to Alaya.

After all, in terms of pure combat power, she is the weakest of the three consciousnesses on the side of the moon.

Moreover, if Nagato and others choose to rush forward, it is easy for Alaya to find a chance to attack and use restraining means. In that case, it is really possible for her to succeed.


After discussing for a long time, the people finally decided to use the long door as a sharp knife to first enter the land of steel to explore the situation, create a situation that made Alaya have to fight, and then call everyone through the space channel to go directly to the war .

After all, Nagato still has a **** once buried here.

And the most critical girl in the entire war, Ilya, was the safest next to Nagato, so she followed her. It was definitely not Nagato who was seeing Ilya ’s adorable look, Luo Likong. The reason of the soul attack!

After the brief introduction of Nagato, Qishi immediately asked questions-

"What about Gaia?"

This question also attracted the attention of Ilya and Kallen. At this time, they remembered that if the planet died, then Gaia, as the will of the planet, would it also die?

Okay, this is definitely a joke!

As one of the world's best in the entire moon, how could it be so easy to die!


Hearing the doubts of the girls, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, "The dark-bellied guy is now hiding in the universe, continually fusing all the conscious bodies of the nine planets and returning to the full state . "

During the speech, Nagato raised his head with emotion.

His eyes seemed to penetrate through the clouds and saw the inexplicable will that was floating in the endless universe.

It seems to have sensed the gaze of Nagato, and the invisible will moved a bit, and then fell into a deep sleep again. Nagato could sense that it would take only a month for the will to condense out completely

Who knows in this world?

The so-called planetary wills of the nine planets of the solar system are all Gaia's avatars. Although they are also inhibitory, compared with Alaya and Gaia, who are still bound in the cause and effect of sentient beings, they have already got rid of the earth. limit

The strongest existence under the well-deserved root is Gaia!

Hearing the description of Nagato, the three girls were all amazed. I never thought that Gaia was so strong.

Da! Da! Da!

At this moment, the sound of crisp footsteps came from afar, and Naomi and others immediately heard the prestige and saw that at the end of the wasteland, a rather petite armor figure was approaching a few people without bias. . ..

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