My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 165: Emperor vs Saya [Middle] Second!

The emperor's shot was merciless!

Even if the enemy in front of me is the elder sister in his own soul, even if there is indeed some joy in the heart after reunion with the other party, these are not the reasons for the emperor to keep his hand.

Even at this moment, he exerted a force of 120% of his current state.

All this because

The silver-haired king knew very well the terror of this enemy in front of him!

From the moment of her birth, the emperor has never seen the details of her sister, her talent is unparalleled, and her brutality is even more incredible, making it impossible to look directly at.

At least not long after the emperor was born, he definitely did not have the ability and courage of Shaye to tear his own soul!

Therefore, in the face of such enemies, there is absolutely no room for slack!

The first time, the emperor launched a lore!


Under the bombardment of the rain of the Excalibur, Saya's figure instantly turned into a dreamlike phantom, whether it was an Excalibur bombarded in the sky or a nuclear warhead bombarded on a horizontal plane Shaye's phantom.

There is an uncertain self-observer, or Schrodinger's cat!

This is Saya's most commonly used ability today.

Even if more stones are dropped on the water surface, how many shadows have been stepped on the ground surface, the water surface will not disappear, and the shadow will not disappear. Saya exists everywhere, and it doesn't exist anywhere.

Under such peculiarities, at least the emperor's attack could not reach Saya!


As a result, because the target was lost, the Excalibur overlaid on the sky collided with the incoming nuclear warhead, triggering a violent explosion!

In an instant, sparks overflowed, and smoke swept up!

However, in that strong spark, Shaye's figure turned into a streamer and flew out of it, like an arrow out of the string, coming straight towards the emperor, and the speed was so fast that people couldn't help looking.


Faced with the attack of Saya, the emperor thought of it, completely instinctively, directly withdrew his saber at his waist, and cut directly into the light that Saya had transformed, making a sound of collision between swords.

In the collision sound, the streamer directly pressed the emperor, pushed it back a dozen steps, and directly backed to the edge of Vimona before stopping.

At this moment, the radiance of Saya dissipated, revealing the new form of the girl.

No longer a pure girl in a pure white dress, but a silver-haired girl with a full body armor, a victory tyrannosaurus sword in the left hand, and an unlimited Garuru cannon in the right hand, the first form of the true spirit road map-

Adjudicator Saya!

"The battle is only beginning now, little emperor!"

"Destroy Sword Dance!"

There was a certain kind of warfare that made people unable to dodge in the stern eyes, and the adjudicator Saye said, then, the adjudicator Saye took a step back and instantly shot, the left hand victory tyrannosaurus sword waved a trembling sword dance!

In an instant, the adjudicator Saya wielded 666 swords, each of which contained the power of destruction!

"not good!"

Although Shaye was a little cold about what he called himself, the emperor had no time to ignore this.

Although Saya's sword dance contained a trace of destructive power, it was extremely powerful, but it was not impossible to deal with, but what made the emperor tricky was that the time for Saya's attack was retrieved. In other words, the 666 swords were all at the same time Chopped out.


Rao is how fast the emperor ’s thoughts are, but in the end, he only has time to gather a lot of business ideas into shields with thoughts, and then he is directly bombarded by Saya ’s sword dance, and the whole person flew out.


The emperor turned into a meteor and fell to the ground. The sudden roar burst on the ground, directly bombing dozens of heroes and seven or eight black giant snakes in battle, and a tiankeng appeared on the ground again.

The smoke swept up!


"Shoot !!!"

The star-like beam directly conflicted with the obstruction of smoke and dust, and the emperor's figure was suspended again in the air and appeared in front of Saya, but the emperor's left sleeve had disappeared at this time. Although there was no injury, it was not non-destructive!

"It's a big sister Saya, really powerful!"

Looking down slightly at his left hand, the silver-haired king exuded heartfelt admiration.

"The established facts, no need to say more!"

Compared with the emperor's admiration, the adjudicator Saya was much colder, "But if you don't use your hidden powers anymore, I will kill you. Anyway, after a while, you can be resurrected."

During the speech, the adjudicator Saya ’s eyes deepened with an unstoppable war intention

Immediately afterwards, Saya as a whole turned to light again and came to the emperor in a swift manner. The victory tyrannosaurus sword in his hand was raised again, and he instantly exhibited his strongest sword skill——

"The sword of beginning and end !!!"

In an instant, Saya waved his sword!

Although this sword is only a sword, but it is better than the previous sword dance of destruction, a sword is cut out, and it immediately gives people an unmatched feeling, as if the beginning and end of this sword have been determined!

Under the power of cause and effect, this sword cannot be stopped!


"It's true that in the face of Saya, you can't make sure the cards!"

In an instant, the figure of the emperor seemed to change, and the sense of presence of the silver-haired king reached its extreme. The whole person suddenly froze, raised a finger, and faced Saya's sword in front.

"Let you have many changes, in the face of the humanitarian trend, all will be surpassed!"

The Emperor's words and spirits seem to have infinite stress, and the original finger that hasn't changed seems to have infinite changes. It suddenly penetrated the causal power and directly clicked on the sword of the victory Tyrannosaurus Sword.


At the next moment, the emperor burst out with a strong radiance of stars, and the sound of countless prayers echoed, making the king more convincing. Then, the power of terror burst from the emperor's fingertips, and the entire Saya The man flew hard and flew out.


The same encounter with the previous emperor, Saya fell to the battlefield and set off the same shock!

ps: Happy Valentine's Day! ..

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