My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 4: Escape! Red Dragon! return! Fourth more!


The horrible big bang appeared in front of the two Sakura Kong.

At the next moment, accompanied by a violent roar, the earth shook violently, and the forest was startled by endless flying birds and beasts, billowing thick smoke like dust storms all over the place, covering the girls' vision.

It took a long time for the smoke and dust to slowly dissipate, and a large pit appeared in the center of the explosion.

A closer look at the two Yingkong suddenly silence.

Because under the big pit, only the dead sea dragon was lying there, and the figure of Red Dragon Emperor had disappeared without a trace. The space remaining under the big pit fluctuated, so that the Sakura Kong could not help frowning.

"It's Hailongjun's own space technology, which is really a headache."

The mantra gradually converged, and Li Yingkong slowly said, "Which Red Dragon Emperor is not a simple character. If he wins, I am afraid that we will not be so easy to win. I hope we can find him. He has n’t recovered yet. "


Hearing Li Yingkong's words, another Yingkong, which means Yingying Kong, nodded in agreement.

at this time

"Master Sakura Kong!"

Li Yingkong's black bracelet on his right hand projected a three-headed blonde girl phantom, and said, "According to the system monitoring just now, another life left this world without permission. The preliminary judgment is that it may have been a traverser. "

"Oh, does Hailong still have the technology to send people out of the world?"

Hearing Red Queen ’s words, Li Yingkong was not stupid, and instantly understood what was happening around him. Obviously, Hailong exploded in order to send Chilong Emperor out of this plane.

"Red Queen, tell Rin!"

On the other side, Watching Sakura said, and reached out to point at Li Sakura's bracelet. A message was sent from Watch Sakura to the bracelet.


"It turns out so!"

Two minutes later, on the tower of a distant place, in a mysterious large monitoring room, Rin nodded after digesting the information sent by Sakura Kong, "It is Sister Sakura Sorry, and indeed the **** messenger Killed. "

"Actually said that Miss Ben's milk volume is not qualified, it is just to death, there is wood!"

Recalling that when attacking this weird world of milk god, the guy named Hailong dare to talk about his milk problem in front of the battlefield, and then thought that this guy finally paid the price, and he felt relaxed and happy.

By the way, Luo Hao was also said, then, shortly after the war, Ruo was directly beaten by Luo Hao to the base camp and killed

It's just that the sorrowful heart and soul will soon disappear.

Because at the next moment, the virtual images in the surveillance room began to disappear one by one. Before the hundreds of virtual images disappeared, almost red dragon heads, long eyes, red dragon scales and so on were captured.

"Hah, it's really the name of the great red, monster!"

After being silent for a while, Rin exhaled for a long time, and said so.

About three years ago, the heavens and the world finally found a world group that could open a large conquest. Among them, the three planes closest to the chaotic starry sky are not like other planes. They seem to be connected together. Wushuang, the three major legions of the night and dawn are responsible.

It's just that when the three major legions are dominant in the three planes and want to reach out to the world where multiple planes are connected to each other

A red dragon named the Great Red blocked their way forward.

This wandering in the gap of the dimension, the monster ignoring the chaotic void is extremely powerful. More than half a month ago, Luo Hao was ready to come to the challenge. As a result, after seeing the great red, he was silent for a while and gave up.

Later, after hearing Luo Hao's story, in order to prove that he was better than Luo Hao, Zhu Yue also went to find the great red.

Only after seeing the other party, Zhu Yue said a **** thing, and then gave up.

Later, after the high-level leaders of the Dark Night Corps conveyed Zhu Yue's meaning, everyone was stunned. According to Zhu Yue, the great red turned out to be the guardian of the multiple planes, and the enemy was these outsiders. Ability to borrow the power of the entire world.

The great red itself is definitely strong enough. After all, how can a dragon that can only survive in the void not be strong!

With such a strong him, coupled with the help of the world, it is completely imaginable to what extent the strength will grow. In this case, it is no wonder that Luo Hao and Zhu Yue will give up fighting with her.

Under such circumstances, conquering had to fall into a stage of stagnation.

"Red Queen!"

After all the images in the monitoring room disappeared, Rin called out to her bracelet, and the phantom of the red back three-headed body appeared suddenly, saluting towards Rin, "Miss, do you have any orders?"

"The monitor that monitors the Great Red is broken again. Continue to improve and invest again!"

Indifferently ordering, a cold light flashed in Rin's eyes, "Before Father and Master take action, collect all the secrets of the Great Red, I don't believe that he has no weaknesses!"


The flow of data flashed through his eyes, and the red phantom said.

"By the way, I applied to Bai Yujing's time and space door, and the time agreed with my father's time is up. Today I will go home. If there is any problem that I can't handle, please contact me, otherwise, don't bother me!


The voice of Hung Hau had just dropped, and the space in front of Rin began to ripple.

Then a very ordinary door appeared out of thin air.

Taking a step forward, Rin pushed the door open and walked in towards the vortex-like passage behind the door. In an instant, the field of vision around the girl changed, and from that monotonous monitoring room, she instantly arrived at the white jade room completely constructed by white jade .

"Hoo, come back!"

Standing in his room, Rin breathed out a long breath.

Although you wo n’t be blamed even if you have lost the entire legion, how could proud pride make that happen!

For this reason, girls are also under great pressure!

Glancing at herself on the mirror floor, the girl frowned, unbuttoned her coat, put it aside, then walked to the hanger and started dressing up.

I have n’t seen them on some days. The girl wants to show her best face to her father! ..

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