My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 31: The third encounter with Shiva!

Saying goodbye to Saya, the long door stepped into the chaotic void.

After the end of the retreat, various strengths of Nagato have reached their zenith. The control of the power of time and space has risen more than one level. Although they have not yet achieved the power of the Dao Realm, it is no problem to directly cross the chaos.

But the chaos of time and space disorder is still too pit for Nagato!

Perhaps it was just a wave of ripples in the chaos, which may allow the creatures crossing the chaos to be trapped for thousands of years. Although the distance between the chaotic starry sky and the dxd plane group is not large, Nagato still does not want to take risks.

Using the power of the Key of the World as a traction, Nagato directly constructed a space-time channel directly into the plane. Then the red-haired boy stepped out, and the whole person passed through endless chaos and entered the dxd plane.

The whole process is very simple, even less than a minute, and the great red that guards the crystal walls of the plane is not even noticed.

In fact, in these years, the great red's protection of the crystal wall has long been riddled with holes.

The existence of the three major legions threatens the dxd plane from the front from time to time.

At this point, the Great Red had not rested well for ten years. If it were not for the true dragon's infinite energy, he would have been nervous for a long time.

But because of this, the attention of the Great Red has to be distracted.

Coupled with the Rin three as the internal response in the plane, the combination of the inside and the outside, the whole dxd world has long penetrated a lot of Bai Yujing's forces. The free city standing in the underworld is, in a sense, Bai Yujing's power. Camouflage.

"So, the dragon of legends is actually just an idiot!"

The corner of his mouth opened gently, while the long door said such words, while walking out of the ripples in the air in the air, and then landed lightly, watching subconsciously around, and the long door began to rise up to the place where it landed.

There are white clouds floating on the blue sky, and the bright sunlight shines on the body, making the long gate feel a little warm.

The place where the long gate is located is a ruined village. All the houses around it have appeared desolate to varying degrees. Obviously, no one has lived here for a long time.

Although in a desolate place, it did not affect the mood of Nagato.

"Sure enough, it seems that my luck is better than Rin and they are here, right?"

He said to himself, a very interesting anomaly appeared in the perception of Nagato. Nagato, who was very curious about it, walked out of the village along the path under his feet, and soon came to a small river side.

This is an almost dead creek, and Nagato did not feel any vitality from the creek.

But by the small river, there was a fisherman sitting.

It was a beautiful young man with a slightly pan-glazed black hair, aged between 14 and 15, with correct facial features, at least from the perspective of purely naked eyes.

"Yo, hello, Lord God of the New World!"

Walking leisurely to the beautiful young man, the long door ignored the luxurious purple robe on his body, and sat down directly on the dirty rock. "I didn't expect to have come to this plane and saw you such an interesting existence!" "

"you flatter me!"

Facing the praise of Nagato, the beautiful boy just smiled faintly, and then thought about it, picked up another fishing rod from his side, and asked, "Do you like fishing, I still have a fishing rod here." "Although there are very few fishing trips, I do n’t mind trying it."

Frowning frivolously, there was a mysterious smile on the face of the long door, so he said.

During the talk, Nagato took carelessly to take the fishing rod in the hands of the beautiful boy, did not care about the lack of bait on the fish hook, or the lack of life in the small river, and swung directly to throw the hook into the river.

Two unfamiliar beings began to fish quietly by the river.

In such silence, time passed by bit by bit.

The sun at noon gradually became red, which was the color of the setting sun.

In an instant, it's been three hours

During this period of time, the smile on Nagato's face has not changed, and it seems to have some fun from this almost futile fishing. Suddenly, Nagato's eyes slightly moved and directly pulled up the fishing rod!

At the next moment, a large fish with sacred radiance appeared on the line of the long rod.

"It seems that I won!"

Hanging the sacred big fish directly on the fishing rod, Nagato's gaze looked at the beautiful boy around him. "In other words, do you need this stuff, it feels a little bit similar to you in nature."

"Never mind, fishing is just for fun!"

Seeing that Nagato caught a fish, the beautiful boy withdrew the fishing rod and stood up. "And in terms of etiquette, you are a guest coming from afar from another world, and it is rude to ask for something from this guest. . "

As soon as the words fell, the beautiful boy took his fishing rod and turned away, and soon disappeared in the eyes of the long door.

The cleanliness of the action was surprising.

"Oh, interesting!"

Seeing this scene, the smile on Nagato's face could no longer stop.

The red-haired boy really didn't expect that there is such an interesting **** in this world. He knew that he was a visitor from a different world, and knew that he would destroy him in the future, but he didn't care. No, he was looking forward to it.

Nagato knew that the beautiful boy was looking forward to destroying his existence!

"It's such an interesting existence, destroy the **** Shiva!"

The name destined for life and death in the future was chanted in a low voice. The right hand of Nagato pointed out, and the sacred fish shattered into a mysterious force between creation and destruction.

At the next moment, this force flew over automatically and merged into the purple robe on the long door

The mysterious Qi machine reverberates in the robe on the long door, and then hides in nothing.

"Ah, it's already evening, it's time to find a place to sleep."

After doing all this, Nagato looked at the evening sunset, muttered, and walked back to the village where he landed again, and after the Nagamon left, the dead little river Suddenly disappeared

Only a dry riverbed, and completely dead fish bone remains. ..

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