My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 62: The real rise is fourth!

Time flies, three days have passed in an instant.

The war ended without any accident. In front of the army of the city of freedom, those army from various mythical forces were ultimately unable to return to the sky and could only become captives, leaving only the messy ground around the city.

Three days is not enough to erase the traces left by the war, and there still seems to be a smell of blood in the air.

The looming smell made people think they smelled wrong.

It was a huge city. After experiencing the baptism of war and blood, it instantly radiated a heartfelt sense of history. When people first saw it, they knew from the bottom of their hearts that this city has a story.

"The so-called thousand-year-old ancient capital of the previous life is probably the result of many dynasties and many blood baptisms!"

On the top of a not high mountain outside the city of freedom, the figure of the long gate stood here, quietly feeling the post-war breath, looking at the vast city, and admiring it.

"Sir, just now, all three forces have left!"

Just then, Nagato suddenly heard a serious and pleasant female voice behind him.

But turning his head, the voice alone, Nagato knew that it was Guleifiah.

"It's gone!"

Hearing Gurelfia's words, the long door murmured to himself, and then a corner of his mouth appeared, and said, "Aren't you going to send him off, I remember, you should have some past friendship with him." "

"Moreover, the order to hunt down your family was not clarified the day before yesterday, wasn't he ordered?"

"Please don't joke, Lord Nagato!"

A slightly high voice sounded in the ear of the long door, and then Gurefija, who stood behind the long door, seemed to remember something and said, "I'm very sorry, sir, but please do not mention this again in the future, although There were some feelings in the past, but this is no longer possible. "

"I am the maidservant of the city of freedom, he is the devil, and we are no longer companions on the same road!"

"I understand!"

After being silent for a while, the long door gave a light smile, and then said, "After all, I did not expect Sazax to actually agree. In this case, I seem to have a little fiancee, which is really new. Feeling! "

Regarding the emotion of Nagato, Guleifiah remained silent and did not answer.

"Just, such a demon king, I was so disappointed!"

Sighing faintly, a trace of regret filled the face of the long door.

The so-called marriage is actually a choice. Since it is a choice, there are gains and losses!

It stands to reason that at the expense of his sister's marriage, marriage to many masters and the mysterious city of freedom is beneficial and harmless to the devil's side, and it is difficult for him to refuse with the responsibility and position of the Devil King of Sazax.

Even before this, he was hit because of certain things, which did not affect his judgment.

However, by choosing marriage, Sazax was doomed to the future.

After all, he is the devil who puts the race in his heart, not a devil who wants to be strong and wantonly. Although he does not rule out that he will become stronger in order to protect the race, after all, Sazax is bound to the demon race. Above. obviously has a strong talent, but is constrained in a limited environment.

"He, after all, is not the one in my generation!"

For a long time, Nagato sighed, but he was really relieved.

To be honest, Nagato is very contradictory.

If Sazax is a wanton demon, the devil who is determined to be strong, I am afraid that his final ending will die in the hands of Longmen. Although Longmen appreciates the unscrupulous demon, he will not tolerate the existence of the other party——

Unless the other party is a woman, and becomes a long-door woman.

The more you appreciate, the more you must kill!

But Sazax in front of him is obviously not the kind of ‘real’ devil.

He is just the devil king, the devil who is dedicated to the future of the devil family. Since this is the case, Nagato need not be embarrassed. After all, the other party is his fiancee's elder brother, Nagato's eldest son!


A long breath exhaled, and a smile appeared on the face of the long door.

After these three days of buffering, presumably the fallen angels, demons and gods of death, and the underworld treaties signed by the City of Freedom have spread throughout the entire underworld, and even the three worlds, angels, and other mythical forces may have known it.

If you want to come, the top leaders of the rest of the major forces will be so shocked, it has already been self-evident!

Perhaps some interested people are trying to provoke the major forces to do something invisible to the underworld, especially the city of freedom.

"But what about that!"

Nagato is full of confidence in Bai Yujing and his daughters. "After the Treaty of the Underworld, the last footstone of the road to the real rise of the city of freedom has been moved away, and no one can stop it."

Thinking in this way, a few thoughts flashed in Nagato ’s heart, and turned to look at the silver-haired maidservant, and said, “Gurefia, you go tell them, and the next negotiation with the major gods will be given to you Now. "

"By the way, Orpheus has given it to you for the time being. I'm going out. I have important things. I'm contacting you!"


Gu Leifia bowed slightly.

And when she raised her head slightly, the long door had disappeared in front of her, leaving only a blue ripple in the space, full of waves

The desolate center of Egyptian God Realm is a platinum temple that does not know when to stand.

Inside the shrine, members of the scourge in black robe sat on the seats on both sides of the hall, and the deepest part of the hall was a platinum throne, and the silver-haired teenagers without black robe lay on it. .

"It seems that the City of Freedom has really risen!"

I saw the silver-haired boy said quietly, and the words were full of undeniable majesty, "If you want to stop it, some gains are not worth the loss. Since that is the case, let's take a ride!"

"Masters, let the disaster spread to the whole world!"

"Yes !!!"

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