My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 65: The third of Millennium City in the snow!

Although the scenery of the forest road under the snow is good, it is rugged.

However, a few people in Nagato are not ordinary humans. It is needless to say that Nagato or Sazax are also the devil inheriting excellent bloodlines. Even if they are minors, they still cannot be blocked by the snowy roads in the forest.

About three minutes later, the three of them walked out of the forest zone that had turned into snow forest.

In an instant, a heavy building that seemed to have at least a thousand years of history appeared in front of everyone. Even if the scope was extended to the three realms, except for the buildings of the gods and the oldest demons, it could not be compared.

Under the snow, the thousand-year-old castle stands tall, making people look quite impressed.

"This is my temporary residence, the moving castle, the Millennium City!"

Looking at the shocked red-haired demon king and Lias, the long door smiled and said, "I have lived here for about seven days. I didn't expect to meet you before leaving. It's really fate. "

"Crack !!!"

In the moment when the voice of the long door just fell, the vast castle gate made a sound and slowly opened. A short time later, a middle-aged man in a black body and a body dressed in black came out of the gate.

At this moment, the pupil of the red-haired Demon King shrank, revealing a trace of shock.

He could not imagine that he actually saw such an existence, an existence completely free from the curse of time!

You know, even if he is now in the rank of the transcendental, he still can't get rid of the curse of time. Although he is very old, at least tens of thousands of years will really come to the end of aging.

But after all, he is not an immortal being.

Although the man in front of him is not as powerful as him, he is already an eternal life, as long as he is not killed, he will always exist!

"Master Nagato, you are back!"

I saw that this man first bowed slightly towards the long door, and then walked towards the demon brother and sister, and then said again, "His Highness Ji Jun already knows what you have just experienced, so let the next come to help . "

During the talk, the man glanced at Sazax, or the blond boy in his arms.

"Oh, I can predict this. It seems that the girl has gained a lot recently!"

Hearing the middle-aged man ’s words, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, “I ’ll bring her here, in short, I ’ll ask you next, Secretary Stuart!”

"This is what you should do next!"

Facing the praise of Nagato, the man named Stuart responded faintly, and then walked in front of Sazax, "His Royal Highness Demon King Lucifer, please hand the boy in your arms to the next, in the next meeting The one who took him to rest, although reincarnated as a demon, needs a good rest. "

"Uh, okay, you have worked hard!"

Seeing Stuart's move, Sazax froze for a moment before giving the boy in his arms to each other.

It was just that when the boy was handed over to the other party, the red-haired demon seemed to feel vaguely unstable for a while, but the next second, he realized that he seemed to be just an illusion.

On the other side, the indifference is still the same as before, free from the stagnation of the curse of time.


Looking at the middle-aged man holding the blond boy, there was a doubt in the heart of the red-haired demon king, but it was too late to think about it. The long door had already led the way, and Lias had already taken a step.

"Huh? Wait for me!"

Seeing this scene, Sazexton caught up.

Only Stuart looked at the blond boy in his arms, with a smile of joy on his face, and then walked into the city gate in the same direction as the long gate and others.

At the next moment, the Millennium City closed automatically.

"Huh ?! This castle? It looks a bit deserted!"

Approaching the castle, Sazax looked around, but unexpectedly found that the castle was very empty, there was not much popularity, and even the items were few, it seemed a little too deserted.

"That's no way, the owner of this castle is a bit natural."

Hearing the words of Sazax, a subtle smile appeared on the face of the long gate, "Although I don't want to say, but it is okay to ask the guy to destroy, but if she wants to decorate the castle or something, she really can't."

"Really, Changmen Jun, people are not natural!"

Just when the voice of Nagato just fell, a white figure appeared from the end of the sight of several people.

When the sudden voice said the first "true" word, the other party was just a figure that could not be seen clearly, and when the words said "natural", this figure had rushed into the long door. Arms.

Under such a huge impact, Nagato could not help but step back half a step before offsetting the impact.

"It's true, it's all said not to meet and hit it directly!"

Somewhat helplessly turned his head around, the long door turned to the other two, pointing at the blonde girl shrunk in his arms, and said, "This guy is the master of this millennium city, Erkut Brenshi Tade. "

"Uh um, hello, I'm El Quat!"

It seemed that I heard the long door introduce himself to the others. The blonde girl suddenly raised her head from the long door and said, "Well, yes, the next thing should be right, please advise me!"

"Please advise!"

"Please, a lot of advice!"

Facing Alquette's words, Sazax and Lias were both a little stunned before they answered.

The blonde girl ’s surprisingly delicate face, curvaceous posture, and natural posture suddenly made Sazax and Lias slightly shocked. Rao used their knowledge and still rarely sees this A unique and charming beauty.


At the next moment, Jimmony's brothers and sisters were in a bad mood!

Whether it is the future of the sister-controlled devil who is worried about her sister, or the future female grandfather who yearns for freedom, after seeing the intimate contact between the long door and the woman named Al-Quette, an unidentified anger suddenly emerged ..

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