My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 70: Door breaking and dialogue first!

Nantianmen, one of the gateways to the mythical legend of Tiangong.

Tiangong, although it is a palace, is actually a mythological small world. It used to be the sphere of influence of Taoism, but after years of changes, coupled with the concept of Taoism inaction, it gradually evolved into the base of the power of Mount Sumiya-33 days!

Among them, Nantianmen is a gateway dedicated to connecting the Divine Land and the Temple of Heaven.

But now the Nantianmen is extremely attached to the plaza, but it is full of roaring and killing intentions. The peaceful environment has been stained with blood, and the Paladins waving the unknown Holy Light have hit the huge portal time and time again. .

Under the horrific impact of the knights, the Buddhist soldiers guarding the front of the portal gradually couldn't resist.

For one thing, the knights had the advantage of attacking in this war. Second, the power system they held seemed to have obvious mutual restraint with the power of the Buddhist gates. Difficult to fight.


Finally, in a huge roar, the surge of knights crushed the guards of the monks!

In the horrified eyes of the remaining Buddhist soldiers, the huge portal standing between the clouds slowly opened under such a huge roar

In the dxd plane, the power of Mount Xumi standing at the apex was directly opened by people!

Even if the knights stop here, this news alone is enough to shock the world, but will these emperor knights stop, the answer is no doubt, naturally no!

"Dear brothers, kill your emperor!"

As the leader of the knight, Edo Yaden saw the Nantianmen wide open, his face was rejoicing, and a powerful brilliance broke out suddenly, and he roared loudly!

"For Your Majesty !!!"

The many knights behind him echoed one after another, bursting out their own glory.

A large amount of radiance echoed each other, condensing the entire army of knights into a whole. The radiant brilliance left the remaining Buddhist soldiers shocked their eyes. At the next moment, the knights launched a charge, and a huge torrent of holy light poured into the Nantianmen. .

"Leave my grandson !!!"

At this moment, rumbling broke out from the sky.

I saw a golden ray of light falling down from above, and the target pointed directly at the torrent of holy light that almost became the whole. The breath that permeated the golden light like an endless blade, and wanted to cut off the torrent of holy light.


"You just have to stop me !!!"

The ripples of space appeared out of thin air above the torrent of holy light, the figure of the red-haired purple robe boy appeared, and a dark blue simple caged hand appeared on his right hand, full of tyranny and divine fighting.

Faced with the golden light falling from the sky, the red-haired boy burst out with a punch!


Emperor Shitian is very angry!

For the first time since becoming a Heavenly Emperor, this God of War was so angry.

Emperor Shitian clearly remembered that when Buddhism was introduced to the land of Shenzhou and merged with Taoism, there was a repertoire called "Da Nao Tian Gong", which was a farce that pushed the Jade Emperor down to the position of the Emperor.

Later, with the rise of Buddhism, the Jade Emperor of Taoism gradually lost its power, until later he had to abdicate to himself.

With the body of God and Buddha, the position of Emperor Tiandi is achieved, which is the identity of Emperor Shitian today.

Since then, Emperor Shitian secretly began to strengthen the protection of Heavenly Court, all for the purpose of preventing himself from repeating the mistakes of his former Emperor, but now, just now, he felt that Nantianmen had fallen behind, which made Emperor Shitian How not to be angry!

Losing the South Tianmen, although the Xumishan Tianjie still has three east-west north gates, it has already exposed its position!

For mythical forces, this is simply being caught in the dead hole

At that time, letting locals attack anything is a disaster!

"In the end it's that big evil!"

Sitting on the throne of the heavenly palace, Emperor Shitian pressed the armrest with both hands, and his **** eyes looked at his group of ministers, "I will order some soldiers and horses immediately. Guys obliterate! "

Seeing Emperor Shitian behave like this, the group of officers immediately showed greater surprise than hearing Nantianmen being attacked.

You should know that although you are the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor Shi Tian in the weekdays is a non-adjustable, non-trimming, and also a worse existence. , Emperor Shitian was really angry.

"Your Majesty, the battle to defeat the Buddha has gone to suppress the enemy. Presumably with the strength of the victory over the Buddha, a little Xiao Xiao should be able to defeat it immediately."

At this time, the first **** Buddha standing next to the head came out and embarrassed Emperor Shi Tian. As he spoke, the other **** Buddhas woke up one after another and stepped forward to tell their own ideas.

The gods and buddhas spread their tongues in a lotus flower, saying nothing but one meaning!

That is to let Emperor Shitian stop his anger, don't do it.

Although everyone knows that Emperor Shitian defeated King Asura's martial arts, it is one of the best in all mythical forces, but even so, the God Buddha still does not want him to do it, because he is the Heavenly Emperor.

The safety of Heavenly Emperor is related to the entire Heavenly Court and even the entire Xumishan forces.


The anger in Emperor Shitian's mind stopped a little after hearing the words of the gods and Buddhas below.

After all, as Emperor Tian for many years, although Emperor Shitian was still a **** of war, he also had a bit more emperor's heart. After all, he just now knew that someone had attacked Nantianmen, and the specific situation was still unknown.


"I thought you would rush out, which is really disappointing!"

At this moment, a faint voice rang in the hall, and at the next moment, I saw a silver-haired youth suddenly appearing among the many gods and buddhas. !

"Emperor? !!!"

Seeing the silver-haired young man, Emperor Shi Tian was puzzled for a while, and then he remembered something, and his eyes showed anger, as if he wanted to burn the young man. Emperor !!! "

ps: I stopped for a few days, my brain was almost blank! After a night of sleep, I finally eased down and continue to cheer! ..

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