My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 77: Himeji Junai fourth

The witch's name is Ji Najima.

She is not a real witch, but one of the family members of Lias Gimoni!

It also has the same figure and combat power as Lias Jimengry. His father is the fallen angel organization, the fighting cadre of the supervising God Son-Bai Qiu, and his mother is an ordinary witch.

A few years ago, his mother died and was displaced because of the absence of Ji Nai ’s father.

Later, Zhu Nai met Lias, and with her efforts, she became her queen.

A few days ago, Lias received a communication from the underworld family, saying that her fiancé would come to this city to see her in the near future. For this, Lias, who was naturally rebellious, decided to return to the underworld with her family. The last fight.

But because Tokyo is the site of Lias, it cannot be left unattended, and it is finally left by Himeji Junai.


"Ahhhhhh, what a shame!"

Walking out of the shrine, Himeji Junai felt the pulsation of the earth and the looming dragon's breath, and could not help but laughed at himself with a wry smile, "Suddenly regretting that someone stayed."

It's just that, as for the shock, Zhu Nai of Himejima can't ignore it.

The magic of the demon burst out, the clothes on Junji Himeji's body broke, and a red and white witch costume was knitted under the magic. Behind the girl, a pair of bat-like wings spread out in the air.

"Shoot !!!"

Almost immediately, the girl flew out across the sky.

Following her own feelings, the girl's figure turned into a residual image in the sky and flew over hundreds of meters in a flash. Soon, the girl came to a park near the edge of Tokyo.

At this time, what appeared to her was a vermilion enchantment that exuded the fluctuation of idlers.

The park in Zhu Nai's memory is here.

"Not good!"

As the queen of Lias, Zhu Nai is very talented in spells.

Although he is not a professional enchanter, he still knows a lot about the enchantment. The scale of the enchantment is beyond her imagination, and the breath of dragons that has been leaking from the enchantment, Zhu Nai was even more horrified.

The young girl knew very well that the border was already on the verge of collapse.

Once the enchantment collapsed, according to Zhu Nai's perception, if the energy contained in the enchantment exploded, the city of Tokyo could definitely be erased from the map. This state of affairs has exceeded Zhu Nai's scope.

"You must find a way to inform the devil's talents!"

Such thoughts had just arisen, and Zhu Nai had time to take action in the future. The verdant cracks on the vermilion vermilion appeared in front of him. At the next moment, in the sudden roar, the paradise turned into fragments, a terrifying storm, and Longwei Raging out.

"It's over!" At this moment, Zhu Nai flashed such thoughts.

The breath of death clearly echoed in her heart, and the girl seemed to recall her experience of almost dying a few years ago. If it was n’t for Lias, she might have died.

And now

She seems to be running away!

Thinking so, Zhu Nai gradually closed his eyes, waiting for his end.

It was only at the next moment that the girl suddenly felt that a big hand was wrapped around her waist, and then she seemed to enter a warm arms and opened her eyes instantly. What Zhu Nai saw was almost the same as Lias. Redhead.

Then she saw a cheek that was handsome in human terms.

It's just that the biggest feeling of that face is not Junxiu, but a faint charm that does not exist no matter what the difficulty.

"Little girl, this is not where you can come!"

As if to notice Zhu Nai's gaze, the red-haired boy turned his head slightly, and said with a smile, at the same time, the red-haired boy was holding a magic gun in the other free hand and directly penetrated the void!


It was as if the stone had fallen into the echo of the calm lake.

A rippling sound suddenly rang in the surrounding space. In Zhu Nai's slightly surprised eyes, the broken enchantment fragment seemed to fall into a time pause, and then converged into another enchantment at the outer periphery of the original enchantment.

The vermilion current, full of breath of judgment, circulates continuously on the surface of the new enchantment, strengthening it to a jaw-dropping level.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Nai's heart fell into a silent shock.

Zhu Nai, the witch of Thunder, was originally good at lightning magic. Now, she finds that her lightning has almost no advantage in front of this strange red current, and it is completely crushed!

"Roar! Roar! Roar !!!"

At this moment, a fierce dragon chanting sound echoed within the enchantment, which could not help but attract Zhu Nai's attention.

The girl could n’t help but look at the place where the voice was. I saw that the park where the place was originally turned into a super big pit. A broken old city was falling beside the giant pit. The giant pit was white and red. The light of Dao keeps interlacing.

Along with the endless sounds of dragons and collisions, and the sound of blasting through the air!

"It's an annoying speed!"

At this moment, on the broken ground, the black vampire star looked at the constantly intertwining figures in the sky and murmured with dissatisfaction. Although it was not impossible to join the battle of that level, Hei Ji had to admit

In close combat, she is indeed inferior to her sister, you know, her stupid sister can be the existence of uo!

"If this is the case, then use my method to destroy you, Red Dragon Emperor!"

In this way, Elt Luke raised his index finger in his right hand, a drop of glamorous blood burst out of the girl's fingertips, and some mysterious power from a higher level began to burst out.

Starting with the girl ’s blood, an invisible storm began to sweep up ..

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