My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 79: Self-explosive and aftermath second!

"not good!"

Seeing the state of Chilong Emperor, Alte Luqi couldn't help but change his face.

The girl understood that the other party was detonating!

That terrifying power can even break the entire space. Elkuit is okay, but he does not necessarily hold it!

Thinking about it, Eltridge turned into a black afterimage and appeared next to her sister Alquette, holding the other hand, and instantly turned back, they could not commit a death with a dying person.

"Oh, in this case, at least it is in line with my conclusion of Belluzad, Deleg!"

Instantly detonating the inheritance from the **** of milk in his own body, and the power of special attributes drawn from the body of Ito, the beluzad said with a laugh, while protecting with his last red dragon power. Muto Yoshiaki's body.


The fierce roar broke out inside the enchantment.

The vast space turned into endless turbulence, and the figure of Red Dragon Emperor was rolled in, and soon disappeared.

"Oh, it's really interesting!"

Looking at this scene, Nagato couldn't help but chuckled.

The red-haired boy clearly felt that at this moment, the soul of the Red Dragon Emperor named Beruzad completely disappeared, and along with him disappeared, there was also the inheritance named Rushen, as well as Ito Muto Pie love

And Ito, if lucky, may meet again in the future.


"What will the Red Dragon Emperor who do not like the European School look like?"

Such a question flashed in my heart, the face of the long door could not help but look a little weird

Indistinctly, he seemed to see some interesting possibility.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just as Nagato was thinking, there was another violent roar in his ears. When he looked up, Nagato found out that it was the space turbulence that the Chilong Emperor had broken open before. Collapse.

"Ah, there is an oolong!"

Seemingly remembering something, Nagato looked at the enchantment with red currents flashing around him, and immediately understood that it was his enchantment that obstructed the instinct of the world's instincts, causing the turbulence in space to begin to spread.

After knowing the reason, Nagato's heart moved, and the deep blue space ripples diffused from the red-haired boy.

Wherever the dark blue ripples went, no matter the turbulence of the space or other, they calmed down instantly, and in an instant, the space within the entire enchantment was restored to calm, and the next moment, the red enchantment became red Thunder gathers on the magic gun in the hands of Nagato.

Soon, the borders all over the city disappeared, leaving only a ruined park and tiankeng.

"Amazing!" Zhu Nai, who has always been in the arms of Chang Men, witnessed all this and couldn't help but whisper with emotion.

From the moment he arrived here, Zhu Nai fell into a stagnation, first a battle beyond her imagination, and then the defeat of Red Dragon Emperor, and then Red Dragon Emperor turned out to be a goal of her student, Li Yasi, The last is the self-explosion of broken time and space, and

The red-haired boy who is embracing his waist is smoothing out the turbulent light in the space.

Just thinking of this, Zhu Nai suddenly realized something, and his face couldn't help but red, and the whole person suddenly earned a little, and wanted to get out of the arms of the long door, but the hand wrapped around her waist was still, making her unable to break free.

"Don't make trouble, beautiful lady!"

Zhu Nai was forced into his arms, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and the whole person slowly fell.

On the other side, Alquette and Elt Luke also landed slowly, while Qi Shi, Black Knight, Orpheus, and Primate Killer were already waiting by the ground pit.

"Ah, such an impolite boy will not be liked by girls!"

Faced with such a situation, Zhu Nai's heart flashed with a panic, but his face was still, and he asked, "This is the territory of the demon side Jimengli. You, who the **** are you, why did you break in without permission?" . "

"I didn't break in without permission. My name is Nagato. You are the person of Lias, you should know me."

Facing Zhu Nai's problem, the smile on Nagato's face was even worse, so he said so.

As soon as this remark came out, he suddenly fell into shock. As the queen of Liyasi, how could she be unfamiliar with the name of Nagato, which is slightly island-oriented, is it not Liyasi's fiance! ! !

Just when Zhu Nai was shocked, a few people at the gate had landed one after another.

After looking at the surrounding environment that had been shattered, Nagato's eyes turned to Erkuite, and suddenly got the same puzzled eyes of Princess Baiji. For this, several people of Heiji couldn't help but fill their heads with black lines for a while.

"Fool, Nagato-kun means to make you use the fantasy to bring it back to its original state!" Finally, there was Hei Ji who couldn't see the past, rubbing his temple, and shouting at his sister.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Upon hearing Heiji's words, Princess Baiji suddenly clapped her hands, and then dissatisfiedly retorted, "Elkut is not a fool, and Elt Luke is a fool, not even a fantasy. Stupid! "


Hearing Bai Ji's words, Hei Ji suddenly rose with anger, "Want to fight?"

"Huh, who is afraid of who!"

Faced with the anger of Heiji, Elkette was also unwilling to show his weakness.

Although they have just fought side by side, I have to say that the relationship between these two true ancestors is still not good!

"Okay, don't quarrel between you two!"

Faced with this situation, Nagato had to open up to stop the two men's upcoming martial arts, "Elkut, let's restore it to its original state, after all, this is my fiancee's territory, and also where I will live in the future. . "

"It's no problem, Nagato Jun!"

Hearing the long gate, the two couldn't help but stop their movements, and Al-Quitt stepped forward with a burst of magic burning flames on his body, the chain of energy coming out in the air, and docking with the whole world consciousness.

In an instant, under the vast magic of Bai Ji, the huge tiankeng suddenly disappeared, and the damaged building reappeared! ..

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