My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 85: Go out and meet Aisha second!

Time flies.

In a flash, a few days passed.

After a few days of rest, the demon **** in the Nagato finally merged with the origin of Chiyue Zhenzu. Compared with other reincarnated demons, the demon **** in the Nagato could no longer be separated.

In a sense, the Nagato and the pure-blood demons are almost the same.

Because of the complete integration of the king chess piece and the long gate, the remaining fifteen pieces have also undergone varying degrees of variation. .

In other words, the value of Nagato's demon pieces instantly increased several times.


"There are still no suitable candidates!"

Although as long as Nagato is willing, his lover and daughter will definitely be very happy to accept, but after carefully thinking, Nagato excludes those girls who do not like fighting, and the rest almost have their own directions.

Becoming a reincarnated demon, for them, although it will also improve in the short term, it will damage their future potential.

After thinking for a few days, Nagato finally decided to go out and try his luck.

See if you can find one or two suitable pieces.

Nagato did n’t expect to collect the pieces in this plane, but at least one or two. He did n’t want to fight with Lias half a year later, and he only played on his own. .

So, after comforting a few girls in the villa, Nagato greeted the Black Knight and went out.

"It's worthy of Tokyo, there is enough lively, really"

"Unpleasant !!!"

Sitting down from the villa, it seems to be an unknown car that Elter Luqi went out to buy a few days ago. The long door was not fast or slow, and the eyes were sweeping through the dense traffic outside the window. regret.

Although it has long been known that there should be a lot of traffic in Tokyo, Nagato really did not expect so much.

Obviously it is the main road. Obviously it is a good looking car, but it can only be driven so slowly, it is better to walk.

No wonder Elterucci only drove the car once and left it idle in the villa.

"Forget it, find a place to park first!"

Thinking so, the long door turned the head, and under the horrified eyes of the surrounding owners, it burst out of this dense traffic at an alarming speed, and instantly squeezed into a side road next to it, leaving a lot of convulsions after the shock.

Half an hour later, Nagato drove through various paths and finally came to a relatively remote unmanned area.

Parked the car on the roadside without people, the red-haired boy opened the door and came out.

"Really, I won't take the car anymore!"

Relying on the car, the long door opened the cap of the drink that he brought out of the car, took a sip, and complained somewhat helplessly, "Walking is easier than this. If I'm not afraid of trouble, I want to try to hit the other directly Car. "


Just as the long gate complained, suddenly a sound came from behind, and at the same time, the sound of something falling on the road was also heard.

The long gate turned his head subconsciously, and saw that a nun fell to the ground not far behind him.

She opened her hands, her face fell down on the road.

Looked closely at the nearby ground, it was extremely flat, and suddenly, the Nagato felt an inexplicable sense of joy

Is this natural?

Thinking so in his mind, the long-drinking drink bottle in his hand hit the nearby trash can, and then walked to the nun, reaching out to help her up, and at the same time asked, "Girl, are you okay?"

"Ah! Why do I fall?"

With the help of Nagato, the nun slowly stood up and said involuntarily.

As soon as this remark came out, Nagato couldn't help but have the urge to support the amount!

"Ah, sorry. Thank you."

Soon, I suddenly realized that I was being lifted by the nun who was being lifted, and thanked toward the long door.


Just then, a gust of wind blew the nun's veil.

The long blond hair fixed in the veil slipped in front of the long door, and the straight blond hair shone in the sunlight.

This is a beautiful blonde girl with green eyes, beautiful and deep, but extremely pure.

The purity that burst out of my heart made Chang Men's heart suddenly move.

Suddenly, Nagato realized that the girl in front of him might be who, but he was not particularly sure

Turning around casually to pick up the veil she flew away, and after handing it to the girl, the long gate seemed to ask casually and asked, "Actually a nun? Hello, my name is Nagato, nun, you are here to travel ?"

"Hello! This is Aisha! Aisha Alget!"

After hearing this, the blonde girl introduced herself subconsciously, and then said, "No, it's not a trip. In fact, I went to the church in this town today. You live in this town too. Please enlighten me in the future."

"Oh, I really want to ask a lot of advice, Aisha sauce!"

Hearing Aisha's answer, Nagato couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Nagato did not expect that he was so lucky that he found a very qualified pawn. In front of him, this girl should be one of Gimonry's dependents and a powerful assistant in the original fate trajectory.

According to Nagato's memory, this girl is a good-hearted girl.

The artifact she possessed could heal the wounds of humans and angels. She was called a saint by the church. Later, she accidentally healed a demon, only to discover that the original artifact could be healed even by demons and fallen angels.

But even so, this young girl still believes in piety, even if she later knows that the Lord is dead.

In a sense, such a girl makes Nagato feel good.

Although it is a little weak in terms of strength, Nagato does n’t mind, he has some ways to make Aisha stronger!

The only problem is

"How to make this girl willing to be a demon?"

Looking at the blonde girl who was tidying her veil, a long flash of light flashed in the eyes of the long door, and her thoughts went back and forth.

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