My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 97: Early morning and tram to subscribe!

Early in the morning, it was not yet dawn.

When a ray of the morning sun outside the window shone on the cheeks, the long door woke up from a deep sleep. At about the same time, the sound of "Um" came from the red-haired boy.

Slightly tilted his head, the long door saw the blonde girl with her naked upper body and her lower body hidden in the bed, waking up slowly.

The beautiful white skin and pretty face, as well as the unpretentious gesture of rubbing his eyes unconsciously, made the long door can not help but a moment of movement, could not help but rushed up again, began the morning luck.

Soon, bursts of sound sounded throughout the room.

Almost an hour later, Nagato walked out of the room alone.

After a small corridor, the red-haired boy came to the villa's restaurant. Just after arriving, the long door saw Qi Shi, who was drinking tea, and Aisha and Orpheus, who were having breakfast.

The arrival of Nagato suddenly caught the attention of several girls.

No matter Orpheus or Qi Shi, they just nodded their heads with a smile and stopped paying attention.

It was the blonde nun Aisha who had just stayed here last night. After looking at the long door, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she stuttered, "Good morning, good morning, Long door gentleman!"

After speaking, the girl's face became even more flushed, and she was speechless.

"Good morning, Aisha!"

Smiling and responding, the long door came to the table to sit down.

Seeing the almost fainted gesture of the blonde nun, the long door knew vaguely

The girl in front of me was probably told by someone that the morning exercise she was just doing, the simple nun, suddenly knew that kind of thing, and the excitement was inevitable.

Therefore, Nagato did not talk too much with Aisha, but instead looked at Qishi and said, "Irquit probably has more sleep, and breakfast, it will trouble you at that time, Qishi. . "

"Okay, I see, master!"

Hearing the long door, the girl in the kimono responded softly, then picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Oh, why don't you see Alterucci and the Black Knight."

Eating the breakfast that was already prepared, the long door looked around and asked with some doubt.

"Black girl took her knight and pet out."

Faced with the question of Nagato, Qishi's eyes almost squinted into a straight line, and asked with some contempt, "I do that kind of thing with my sister early in the morning, where does that girl still have a mood to stay here."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Qi Shi's words, Nagato just chuckled and didn't say much.

After being reincarnated as a demon, Nagato found that his daily desires were getting bigger and bigger, and every time he did with Elter Lucie and Sister Elquitte, there was always a kind of 'time is up' feel.

If not, the Nagato is not so anxious, and will be tossing around early in the morning.

Soon, Nagato finished his breakfast. "Okay, I ’m going out!"

Looking at a few people in the restaurant, Nagato said with a smile, and then looked at Aisha, "Aisha sauce, you can help me accompany Orpheus at home. Also, think about me as a demon. Chess piece. "

"Okay, okay, Nagato Jun!"

Suddenly hearing the words of Nagato, Aisha seemed overreacted.

Seeing this look of Aisha, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato. It seems that during the past two days, Aisha could not calm down when she saw herself. This Nizi is too simple. Now!

As for turning Aisha into a demon piece, Nagato was not particularly anxious.

In the original fate, Aisha experienced a more ups and downs than last night, and then he reincarnated the demon without hesitation, but the current Aisha experience is not so deep. Although she fell out with the fallen angel, but for the reincarnated demon , There is a trace of doubt.

And that trace of doubt, Nagato confidently passed some time to wipe it out.

The most important thing is that Aisha is obviously not the main battle person. Even if the other party delays for three or four months, it only takes a few days for Nagato to fully develop her ability, so Nagato is not in a hurry to take it Turn into chess pieces.

"Just enjoy the happiness for a while as a human being, Aisha!"

A glance at the girl with flushed cheeks, such thoughts flashed in the heart of the long door, and then nodded with Orpheus, Qi Shi, put on a purple robe, and walked out the door of the villa.

After leaving the villa, Nagato chose not to take the car by himself.

The previous driving experience told Nagato that in places like Tokyo, it is sometimes slower to take a car, so Nagato chose to take a subway train, which happens to be not far from the villa where Nagato is located.

As for the choice from the villa to directly cross the space to the school, it really has not appeared in the head of the long door.

Too much reliance on extraordinary abilities will make life undecent.

Soon, when Nagato arrived at the station, the subway arrived.

The lucky value of Nagato is very high.

"and many more!!"

However, as Nagato waited for the tram to start, a whisper came in his ear.

Almost at the next moment, a long-haired girl in an unknown college uniform caught up with the car before closing the door and ran past the long door. When the long hair brushed the long door's face, it left a relaxing fragrance.

The girl hurried into the carriage and found a place to sit down.

"Call! Call!"

After a few breaths, he looked around and found that the car was empty and no one looked at her before she was relieved.

Opened the schoolbag, took out a book and looked at it quietly.

The early morning sun shone on her through the window, and she shone a afterglow, making the girl look beautiful and unusual.

So much so that Nagato could not help turning around to look at each other!

The girl was dressed in a school uniform, with long black hair hanging down to her waist, giving a feeling of serenity. A beautiful piece of chess called Delicacy was revealed on her beautiful face. Her skin was transparent and bright, like pearls. Six years old.

The most striking thing is that her European school, which is totally unaged, seems to break through the shackles of her school uniform. ..

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