My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 99: The declaration and the uproar fourth!

"Gui Yanye? !!!"

Hearing this name, Nagato was stunned.

All of a sudden, the thoughts of the red-haired young man turned back and forth from the beginning of entering the subway. At this moment, all the information clues were connected in series. Everything told the long door a fact:

The girl who looked extremely shy in front of her was a sick person in the memory of Nagato's previous life.

"In this way, that guy is Zha Cheng?"

The corner of the eye glanced again at the figure of the boy not far away, realizing that the other party was the famous Ito Makoto in his memory of the past life, Nagato shot immediately, and a spiritual force containing the power of other gods suddenly poured out.

The mental power is invisible and shadowless. Ito Makoto has undergone a huge change without anyone knowing. The original expression of Ito Makoto's jealous look at Nagato disappeared at this moment.

Instead, Qingxiu's eyes constantly aimed at the shy expression of the slightly stronger man around him.

His expression was too explicit, and the passengers around him retreated, and they dared not get close.

In short, from now on, Ito Makoto embarked on a path of no return.

"Huh, in this way, the thought suddenly came to pass!"

After doing all these things quietly, the smile on the face of Nagato couldn't help but he looked at Gui Yanye, who reported his origin, and said softly:

"Good name, Gui, do you have male phobia?"

Hearing the sudden question from Nagato, Gui Yanye couldn't help but reveal a surprise. Although he didn't speak, his big eyes seemed to be asking why Nagato would know her situation.

"It seems that I guess right, it is you!"

Ignoring Gui Yanye's doubts, Nagato said selfishly, and then a big smile came out, "Student Gui, no, Yanye, we will meet again soon, when the time comes, become my chess piece Right! "


Hearing the words of Nagato, Guiyan Ye suddenly froze completely.

Just waiting for her to ask questions, the subway tram has stopped, and the long door that has arrived has quickly stood up and waved at her, and soon disappeared outside the door, leaving only the girl full of doubts.

After getting off and walking for more than ten meters, Collegiate College appeared in the vision of Nagato.

Walking leisurely towards the college, the red-haired teenager took out a platinum phone from his trouser pocket, dialed a number with one hand, and soon the mobile phone communication was connected.

"Hello, my dear father, I didn't expect that you would use this phone."

The black vampire's voice came from the mobile phone in the ear of the long door. Although the sound was somewhat distorted, it was still very beautiful.

"What are you talking about? I am not a barbarian born from the barbaric world. Of course I will use a mobile phone. And, if you buy it for me, how can I not cherish it, Xiao Qi!"

Stepping forward slowly, Nagato coaxed the daughter and lover on the other side of the phone.

Although it seemed impossible to hear from her talk, with the long door's understanding, the movement between herself and Elquitte in the morning definitely made the opposite His Highness Ji Jun very uncomfortable, and now probably still upset.

"Humph! It's your acquaintance!"

After being silent for a while, Elterucci's voice came out again, "Speak, my dear father, what are you doing? If it's okay, I don't believe you will call."

"Ha, I really can't hide you. In this Tokyo city, there is a Kanano Gakuen!"

In the face of the problems of her daughter and her lover, Nagato did not conceal, and directly said, "There is a girl named Gui Yanye in the first grade of this school. She is my new chess piece, but there are some problems with her personality.

"You can help me deal with it and let her transfer to Juwang Academy. The method is not limited, as long as it is not too eye-catching."

"Cut, it's actually this kind of work, get it!"

Hearing the command from Nagato, Heiji's tone on the other side suddenly became unpleasant.

It was just that although she was not happy, she still did not refuse. After all, this was Nagato ’s order, and Elt Luke was also curious. What kind of person would make Nagato think so.

"Okay, so be it!"

Seeing that Heiji had agreed, the long door turned off the phone.

This is not only because Nagato has arrived at the entrance of the college, but also because at the entrance of the school, the red-haired Lias and the black-haired single ponytail Himeji Junai are standing there, seeming to be waiting for him.

"Good morning, Lias, and Zhu Nai!"

Putting the phone away, the red-haired teenager greeted the two girls cheerfully.

"Guian, Teacher Nagato!"

After the long door greeted, Zhu Nai politely saluted, the graceful posture was quite pleasing to the eyes.

"Why do you come here, you guys?"

Compared to Zhu Nai's politeness, Lias seemed more polite. I saw that the red-haired girl stepped forward a few steps, came to the front door, and said, "Don't tell me what you think of the horse. The quality of students at Wang College. "

"Speaking of student qualities, the students in Liberty City have not been better in recent years. I always feel that you guys have other purposes."

"Other purpose?"

Hearing Lias ’s words, a smile appeared on Nagato ’s face, and said, “If I said, I want to get along with my fiancee, Lias, how about this?”

Nagato did not deliberately suppress the sound, but used ordinary words.

It was just that the students around him, when they saw the two college idols of Nagato and Lias and Zhu Nai, could not help but calm down, so the voice of Nagato suddenly reached all the students' ears.

In an instant, there was an uproar at the school gate, and the students immediately had a lot of discussion.

"Give me peace !!"

At this moment, a majestic voice was heard at the school gate. I saw Cangna and Zhen Luo Chunji appeared at the school gate. "This is the school gate, so noisy, what kind of system, let me fall apart!"

The majesty of the student president instantly suppressed the uproar at the school gate.

It's just that some seeds of chaos have been planted

Komawang Academy is destined to set off an earthquake. ..

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