My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 112: The Cavaliers awakened second more!

"Me, where is this?"

Consciousness slowly awakened from the chaos, and Kyoudou was confused for a while.

What appeared in front of Youdou was a dark chaos. There was no sky above his head, no earth under his feet, no life in sight, no life, no, nothing.

In this chaos, Youdou felt that there was only one person in the whole world.

Other than that, there is nothing!


After being silent for a while, Kyouba ’s thought circuit gradually became clear for a while, and he could n’t help but say, “Why am I here? Where is this? What happened before this?”

With a series of questions automatically speaking, the blond boy's thinking memory gradually became clear

"Right, I killed Barpa, I remembered it!"

Youdou remembered what happened before he fell into a coma:

At that time, Yudou, who was preparing to go to school from home, met a strange team. Following them, they found that they were a team calling themselves purgatory and an old man calling themselves Barpa.

At first, Youdou was only subconsciously tracking to ensure the order of the city.

But who knows, I suddenly heard about the sword of the king.

As the only survivor of the church's "Holy Sword Project", Yuba Kiba is very sensitive to the sword of the king and almost rushed out. Fortunately, he has some reason, knowing that the other party is not easy to provoke, and there is no hard way.

It's just that with the passage of time, the more you hear, the more intolerable Yudou becomes.

Until he knew the identity of the old man named Barpa--

The former member of the church was expelled from the church because of the discovery of the ‘Holy Sword Project’ in secret. He is known as the “bishop of the killing”.

Yuba Kiba can't help it anymore and directly launched the attack!

Under the attack of Youdou, Barpa died.

"And I have been devastated by the Holy Sword myself!"

In the memory of the sky, the light of the holy sword became Yudou's last memory. Considering the holy sword's relevance to the demon, there was a moment of silence. Yuba Kiba could not help but think that he should be dead.


"Hell like this? Not right!"

Looking at the left and right, it means that I have been to the underworld, and even watched the blessing of **** from any distance. In any case, there is no way to see any figure of **** from this chaos, but this makes Kiba somewhat concerned about his life and death. Not sure.

"However, even if I die, I feel at ease!"

After being silent for a while, Yudou's face could not help but show a smile.

Although he did not cut off the sword of the king, after killing Barpa, after letting the hatred accumulated in the heart for many years to vent, the heart of Yuba Kiba was calm and really felt a trace of happiness.

"boom!!!" Just when Youdou was in a happy mood, the whole chaos began to change.

The roar sounded like an earth-shaking echo throughout the chaos, and I saw the endless chaos rolling, spreading in all directions, and a huge portal appeared in front of Youdou.

It was a slightly dark and quaint portal with various creatures engraved on it.

Heavy chains blocked the portal, but at the intersection of the chains, a lock appeared out of thin air. A key was inserted above the large lock. It seems that as long as the key is turned, the blockade can be unlocked.

"This, this is"

Looking at this portal, Youdou could not help but tremble.

He remembered that he had seen this portal, and four years ago, after Youdou escaped from the church, he had seen this portal when he passed through obstacles and fainted in the snow forest.

It was only then that Yudou was reincarnated by Lias before he had time to respond to the portal's call.

Since then, this portal has never appeared again.

This made Youdou think that the portal that once appeared was just an illusion when he was dying.

It's just that Youdou didn't expect that when he got his revenge, this portal appeared again, and he summoned himself again, calling Youdou to unlock the blockade.

"In other words, do you want to untie it?"

After being silent for a while, he looked around and realized that Yudou, who had no choice at all, sighed first, and then the blond teenager trembling his hand to the key.

The moment he touched the key, he sensed an unprecedented excitement in his heart.

"Crack !!!"

With such a mentality, Youdou turned the key.

At the next moment, when the big lock is unlocked, the chain automatically drops and disappears in place, leaving only a faint and dark ancient portal, slowly opening automatically in the buzzing sound.


Suddenly, countless memories poured into the teenager's mind.

Far beyond the memory of the young man named Kiba Yudou for just over ten years of poverty, the vermilion moon above, the pure Ji Jun standing in the dark, the black knight who accompanied the long years, the bulldog that tears all human

"Me, who am I?"

"I am Yudou Kiba, the knight of Lias Jimmony!"

"I am, the black vampire, the white knight of Alterucci, Fenerbrads Fielding !!!"

Roaring out the last sentence, the entire void chaos began to break, and the next moment, the whole person of Youdou fell into darkness, and then opened his eyes violently, a bloodthirsty light flashed in the scarlet eyes!

"Is that bagar idiot finally awakened ?!"

At this moment, in a cafe far away from Juwang Academy, the black girl who was chatting with the weak girl named Gui Yanye couldn't help but stunned slightly, with a smile on her face.

"Although I was a hundred or two hundred years late, and I have invested in the staff of others. If it is not necessary for Nagato Jun, I will definitely let that stupid come back and be punished. Well, punish him for not being close to the beautiful boy for a hundred years!"

The white bulldog beside the two girls and the black knight waiting outside the cafe were slightly moved.

Although nothing was said, there was a little more joy in the emotions of the two. ..

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