My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 114: The ghost ship group fourth!

"Da da da!!!"

Footsteps echoed on the silent battlefield.

Soon everyone saw it, and the two figures walked out of the smoke one after the other, and in front of them was a beautiful young girl with blond hair, whose body released an extraordinary sense of presence, but bright but full of oppression .

Behind the fair-haired youngster is a weak girl with the same blond hair, at least it looks like a girl.

The former is Kiba Yudou, while the latter is Gaspar!

Behind Youdou, Gaspargin was reluctant, as if the young man in front was a flood beast.

"Minister, Minister, Minister Lias!"

After walking out of the soot area and seeing Lias, Gaspar suddenly shouted and rushed towards Lias. The tears of the weak puppet girl burst into the eyes, crossed the enclave, and hid directly Behind Lias.

"Uh, Gaspar, you are"

Seeing the performance of the blonde pseudo-girl, Lias was a little puzzled, and she quickly answered:

"Minister, Senior Dou Dou, has become so terrible!"

Hiding behind Lias, Gasparth said with a trembling voice, and then seemed to think of something. The blonde's face turned completely red. Soon, smoke came from the top of her head, and a nerve was overloaded. Looks like.

After listening to Gaspar, Lias was silent.

The change of Kudo in Kiba naturally cannot conceal her master. The kind of cool and intimidating pressure is not something that Youdou can possess. Moreover, Lias cares a little about the previous name of Yudou.

What is the owner of my life, do you still have a previous life?


"Just what you think, Lias!"

Seemingly read the mind, the long door standing next to Lias said leisurely and then looked at Yudou Kiba, "Yo, welcome you back from the reincarnation, Brad Qing!"

"Huh ?! You, no, it turns out to be you, Lord Nagato!"

Hearing the greetings from Nagato, Kyouba, who walked between the two teams of horses, was slightly surprised, and then recognized the Nagato, "I really didn't expect to see you in this world, if you are, then Ji Jun Your Highness

"She's there too. Black knights and primate killers are all in this world."

Faced with the white knight who was unaware of many things, Nagato did not intend to hide anything, and said, "After this war, I will take you to see them. At that time, you will have a choice. Oh!"

"Uh, that's true!"

Recalling the temper of the monarch of his previous life, and then looking at the owner of his own life, Yudou was distressed.

Although in terms of pure strength, Lias is not as good as His Royal Highness Ji Jun in the previous life of Youdou, but the enthusiasm of Jimonli still makes the former White Knight nostalgic, but just think about it for nothing, the eyes of Youdou Suddenly placed on the four groups of purgatory.

"Hello, everyone of the Purgatory Squad, we meet again!" "Yeah, see you again!"

The answer to Youdou's words was Huang Quan. I saw this Taidao girl's eyes staring at Youdou. "To be honest, it's really amazing. When I saw you in the morning, it was just a weak chicken." "

"In just less than a day, such a big change has happened and it tickles my hand."

"Same feeling, I have some itchy hands!"

The person who took the call was Zhao Yingkong. I saw a smile on the girl's face and looked at Huang Quan. "It's the hand I left in the morning, so let me do it. Let's sweep my own tail, right?" "

"And, Huang Quan, the biggest prey just now has been handed over to you, and it should be given to me now."

"What, which one is the biggest prey!"

Hearing Zhao Yingkong ’s words, Huang Quan stopped immediately, and immediately retorted, “The state of Lias Jimmony is quite powerful, but it ’s just that the endurance is so poor, it is a pistol head, and it ’s simply not enough!”

As soon as this statement came out, Lias, who was originally distressed by the change of Yudou, suddenly appeared a ‘well’ sign on her forehead!

"It makes sense to say that, Lias can't do it!"

Ying Kong's response made Li Yasi's forehead one more one.

"My knight, Yuba Kiba, I don't care what happens to you!"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Lias looked at Yuba Kiba and shouted loudly, "Teach me the guys who look down on people, bastards, aren't they strong, proud? "

At the end of the day, Lias's voice is getting smaller and smaller, full of anger and unwillingness!

This battle finally made Lias understand that his own strength is still very weak, and he is still far from the real strongman, and he needs more, more, more practice and hard work.

"Understood, Minister! No, Master Lias!"

Hearing Liyasi ’s words, a smile appeared on the face of Yuba Kiba, and then he said, "That ’s it, all of you in Purgatory, although I thank you for your kindness this morning, but now, I ca n’t be kind enough. "

"So, take the trick, subvert the reality, and unfold it, it belongs to my field!"

With this sentence of Youdou, some invisible waves diffused from Youdou. Soon, a huge enchantment comparable to the entire academy appeared in the sky, surrounding the entire ruined battlefield.

The air in the enchantment, at this moment, has a strange feeling of fluidity.

In this case, it seems that air has turned into water molecules.

And Kyouba's body broke out. The huge pressure that has been suppressed before, so that the blonde young man has an unspeakable noble temperament, people can't help but look up.

"Appear, my partner, my boat !!!"

At the next moment, behind Youdou, one ship after another emerged in the sky. It was a pirate ship of the last century, full of various phantom figures.

Known as the magic closest to the law, the super magic called the inherent enchantment

For the first time in this different world!

"From now on, this battlefield is where my ghost ships are rampant! Now, let ’s start, let ’s fight!" ..

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