My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 123: The third before the peace talks!

Time flies

In a flash, a week's time passed.

In this short period of time, the battles that took place in the private Komawang Academy completely spread throughout the Three Realms, and the terrorist organization Purgatory is famous, at least on the blacklist of high-level seniors in the entire dxd plane.

As a sister who dares to attack the transcendental, trying to provoke a civil war in the Bible is too terrifying for any organization.

Today, purgatory can take action against the biblical forces, and tomorrow can naturally take action against other forces.

Based on this consensus, different mythical forces made a wanted order about purgatory at almost the same time.

After hearing about this battle, many senior leaders of the three major forces of the Bible gave a cold sweat.

Most of these high-level leaders understand that after the extremely cruel ancient war, the three major forces of the Bible have weakened too much, and can no longer afford the consumption of the second civil war,

If there is another battle comparable to that of the ancient wars, the three forces will really perish.

As a result, the peace talks proposed by Sazax and Asachel were unexpectedly unhindered.

This shows that the pursuit of the vast majority of life in almost three major forces of peace.

In this meeting, the Free City, which served as a buffer for the three major forces, finally received a definite answer after receiving a news from Nagato and after a full day of meetings.

It's just that although the talks have been preliminarily determined, the major forces still have some trivial.

"So, there will be some days for formal talks."

In the health room of Juwang Academy, the long door frowned slightly, thinking, saying that the words were full of boredom, "Although the ordinary days are good, but I have enough energy now, I want to do a big job!"

"It turns out so!"

Hearing what Nagato said, Genova responded, and then the girl with short blue and green hair frowned and said, "But does this matter have any direct relationship with Nagato Jun, you are messing around with me everywhere?"

Between speaking, Genova looked down at his European school

On top of that, a hand is being held very irregularly and rubbing back and forth.

"Of course!"

Responding with a smile, Nagato rubbed more vigorously and said, "It's just too boring, so I can only spend some time with the beautiful servant's body."

"It turns out that this is the Lord's punishment for my reincarnated demon, Lord !!!"

Hearing the response of Nagato, Genova did not respond much. Although the girl born in the church looked a little wise, she was just a muscular fool in nature. She was too slow and even prayed subconsciously.

It ’s just a devil or something. If you go to pray, it will be a headache.

Yes demon!

Genova has merged the demon pieces of Nagato and reincarnated as a demon!

In fact, it was Genova's own request.

After knowing the information that ‘the **** is dead’, Genova ’s faith collapsed. Under this stimulus, he directly chose the depravity, and took the initiative to find the long door without the further temptation of the long door. Of course, Genova is not unconditionally a reincarnated demon.

Her request was that Nagato was not allowed to take the initiative to tell Aisha and Irina of the news that the **** is dead. According to Genova, the belief of the two girls was stronger than her, and it would be painful if the belief collapse of.

After knowing very well the news that the **** is dead, Nagato naturally agreed to this condition.

Then, Genova became the reincarnation of the second demon chess piece of Nagato, who was a knight!

After becoming a demon, Genova's blessing was naturally the power of the Giant Divine Soldier. Under this power, the girl completely controlled the power of Dirandal and became more powerful.


"Even if you are strong, you can't change the result of being a fool!"

Seeing Genova's actions, Nagato said amusedly, and the words were full of sarcasm, "Where is that Lord worth praying! No matter what life is, after death, everything will rest!"

During the talk, Nagato realized again that his Bible should start!

Even if it is not a **** of faith, Nagato will not give up the power of collecting faith. It is necessary to know the number of lives in the entire heavens and the world. The power of faith that can be produced is massive, and it is wasted if not used.

To collect faith, we naturally need teachings like the Bible!


Just then, there was a knock on the door of the health room.

Nagato looked at the time, and found that it was not time for the class. He was a little curious and didn't see what Nagato did. The door of the health room opened automatically, and the island of Najima, who was about to knock on the door, was revealed.

"Good morning, Nagato Jun, and Miss Genova!"

Seeing that the portal in front of him opened automatically, Zhu Nai naturally lowered his knocking hand and said hello to the two. During the speech, Zhu Naiduo glanced at Genova, who was somewhat disheveled, and his lips flicked.

To be honest, Zhu Nai was really curious. What method did Nagato use to make this holy sword nun willing to be reborn as a demon.

"Good morning, Zhu Nai!"

Standing up, Genova sorted out her clothes calmly and said hello calmly.

The calm kung fu is really shameful.

"Zhu Nai, what's the matter with me!"

Compared to Genova, Nagato seemed more casual, and even opened his arms slightly, and said directly, "Are you finally determined that you are willing to be in my arms?"

"I'm really sorry, I am the queen of Lias!"

In such words, Zhu Nai refused to speak in a playful manner, and Zhu Nai solemnly said, "This time, Zhu Nai is only guiding the way for an adult. Master, please!"

During the speech, Zhu Nai slightly gave way, revealing the figure of a black robe.

At the next moment, the figure in black robe came in through the door


The sound of the stone falling into the calm lake echoed.

Afterwards, there was a trance around the black robe, six pairs of gold wings spread from behind the black robe, and a few pieces of golden feathers fell ..

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