My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 126: The secret hand and the white dragon are third!

In the entire dxd plane, Bible myth is undoubtedly the strongest force!

Although the weight of the entire biblical myth in the world has been declining year by year due to the death of the biblical god, the biblical **** shined enough light during his lifetime to accumulate a lot of details for the entire myth.

For at least hundreds of thousands of years in the future, biblical mythology will remain the center of the entire plane.

Among the three major forces of the Bible, the angelic family is the most helpless family in the eyes of the long door. The remaining two races, although fallen angels and demons are difficult to entangle, there are always many ways to conquer them.

But the angelic family is not good. In the economic aspect, the angels have almost no desire or desire. In the political aspect, the heavens shut down the country, even if they use the last means of war, they can only get a group of fallen angels.

A true angel will definitely die unyielding and fight to the last moment when the blood runs out.

To be honest, at first, Nagato was distressed for a long time.


"As long as the Celestial Realm and the City of Freedom have traded, Celestial Realm is mine!"

Thinking of the elixir out of the three things that he took out, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and the elixir itself had no problem, but in the elixir, there was a ray of faith causation in Nagato. .

As long as the angels take the panacea, that ray of cause and effect will slowly invade the angels' hearts.

Until a certain moment, Nagato will replace the God of the Bible!

As for other angel reincarnation cards and disturbing roulette, the former is just to get the angels' goodwill and let those angels put down their defenses, the latter is just to let the angels appreciate the joy of slightly releasing their hearts.

Any life is longing for existence, longing for more and better.

After experiencing the joy brought by the disturbing enchantment, the angels will further hope to get more joy, and at this time, the angel elixir will enter their eyes.

All of this is to get the whole angel family really!

"Think of it like this, I'm so bad!"

A thought flashed in my heart. The long door stood up from the sofa, but saw that Genova beside him still kept a bit dull, and it seemed that the meeting with Michael overloaded the brain of her former believer.

"Really, is it necessary to exaggerate?"

Seeing Genova's performance, Nagato murmured helplessly, approached Genova's side, patted the girl's head, and said, "Come on, Genova, it's time for training."

"Practice how to control the Holy Sword today, and you will fight in a few days!"

A suburban area in northern Tokyo.

There is a mountain that is not very high. The mountain is almost covered by rocks. Although there are few people, there are not many trees here. Instead, we can see tenacious weeds between the cracks in the rock.

Just then, a white-haired teenager in a black jacket set foot on the mountain.

On the huge rock at the top of the mountain, he saw a girl in an orange tights lying sideways with his back to him. Although the girl's body seemed a little petite, it exuded coercion like the king of beasts .

The coercion was not fierce, but it was terrifying, and the white-haired teenagers all grinned slightly. "You are here, White Dragon Emperor Wallis Lucifer!"

As if sensing the arrival of the white-haired boy, the girl's coercion gradually converged, sat up on the rock, turned his head and looked over, "It's really slow, it actually made me wait for half an hour, really bad reviews."

"I'm so sorry, there is something about Asachel!"

The white-haired boy, the White Dragon Emperor Wali, said indifferently, "And, if I remember correctly, we are enemies, I should have no reason to move you."

"Speak, what's the matter with you calling me, and who are you?"

"Cut, didn't you just punch you, really a stingy man!"

Some murmured with dissatisfaction. The girl with orange hair was sitting on the rock with her right hand holding her chin. "I'm Saya, from a group of disasters. I've asked you to come out, just invited you to join the group of disasters."


Hearing Saya ’s words, the white dragon emperor ’s face changed slightly, “I remember Assahir said, that is the terrorist organization with the infinite dragon as its leader. It seems that the purgatory is also a subordinate organization of the scourge. . "

"The information network of fallen angels is good, that's exactly it!"

In the face of the White Dragon Emperor, Saye ’s face remained unchanged, and he still said, "How are you willing to join us? I know that you are after battle. After the three forces negotiate, you will have no chance of fighting." . "

"By the way, your grandpa is also in a disaster group."

"what did you say!!!"

Hearing the news of his grandfather, Wali suddenly couldn't control his emotions. The power of the White Dragon Emperor was constantly erupting, causing the environment and vegetation around Wali to be completely destroyed.

"I said, your grandfather is in trouble!"

Faced with Wali's anger, the smile on Saya's face remained the same. "He built a subordinate organization called the evil tree or something in the scourge, and I don't know what he is planning?"

"I said, he"

After confirming his grandfather ’s message, the anger on Wali ’s face disappeared and was deeply buried. The wings of light spread out behind him. That is the light wing of the White Dragon Emperor, which is the same level as the hand of the Red Dragon Emperor. Of the same kind of god.

At this time, the entire White Dragon Emperor seemed to turn into a volcano that was about to erupt, and asked aloud:

"Where is he"

"Shut up for the old lady !!!"

Before Wali ’s words were finished, he was interrupted!

With an enchantment encircling the entire mountain, Shaye in the state of sword lion stood up from the rock and rubbed his fists. "It seems that I need to get your hands to calm down."

"Come on, let's fight, let's fight once!"

As soon as the words fell, Saya turned into a golden light, jumped up from the rock, and rushed towards the wall!

Fight, start in an instant!

ps: Woo, almost fell asleep ..

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