My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 147: Undercurrent and arrived second!

This is an unnamed island in the Atlantic Ocean.

The rolling mountain range is the most important geographical feature of this unnamed island. The island is overgrown with trees, and the mountain slopes down into the ocean, while in the middle of the island is a huge fissure canyon.

Judging from the renovated soil on both sides of the canyon, this canyon is newly cracked!

If you look at it from a bird's-eye view, it's like someone has cut it with a magic weapon.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Deep in the gorge, there is a sorrowful and strong roar, echoed from time to time with violent roars. Under these roars, the whole island seems to have a slight vibration, and new soil is constantly falling on both sides of the canyon.

"Oh, does this seem to be here?"

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared on a clean giant rock above the gorge. Among them, the orange tights and the girl ’s ears around the grudge slightly moved, and he said leisurely, "Listen to this sound, it seems That's right! "

"There is a lot of death in the canyon, and it should be the fools in the heroes."

The girl with long purple hair in black clothes perceives it slightly, and then quietly said, "I do n’t want to think that the users of the God Destroyer are not ordinary people, so the way of so-called overbearing recruitment is to find death!"

"Ha, maybe we are putting too much pressure on them!"

Hearing the words of the purple-haired girl, the grudge girl jumped to the edge of the canyon and looked at the bottomless canyon. "The **** exterminator created by sealing the Nemean lion of Greek mythology into an artifact— —The Lion King ’s battle axe should help me go further. "

As soon as the words fell, the girl jumped towards the bottomless canyon.

Soon, the roar in the canyon suddenly rushed.

The frequency of the shock instantly increased several times!

"It seems that Saya is very interested!"

Feeling the battle in the canyon, the girl with purple hair showed a eager look on her face, and then suppressed it again, "No, this is Shaye ’s battle, you ca n’t intervene, be safe, anyway, there will be a battle in the underworld, hehe Evening "

"And Hades, Hades, one day sooner or later, I will"

After registering for almost an hour

"Arrive at Jimonli Home Mansion soon! Arrive at Jimonli Home Mansion soon! Thank you for your ride."

Suddenly, there was the voice of the demon named Leonard in his ear, awakening the thought of the long door from his contemplation, and the red-haired teenager who realized that he had arrived, awakened the blonde girl in his arms. Over here.

"Woo, Nagato Jun, I'm hungry!"

The blonde girl who woke up from a deep sleep stretched her hand to hook the neck of the long door, with a pitiful expression on her face.


"I want to **** Chang Menjun's blood!"

Elquitte had just spoken this sentence, and was attacked by a long knife from the long door. The whole person jumped out of the long door and covered his forehead with his hands. There were even some tears in his eyes. To be honest, if other women with a mature body like Erquette make such a move, it will make people feel malicious and cute.

But Zhenzu's princess wouldn't. Instead, the others in the carriage could not help but straighten their eyes.

The same is true of Lias, who is also a woman.

"Okay, we should get off!"

Standing up from the seat, the long door directly took Erkut's hand, and then looked at Asachel, and said suddenly, "Yes, Asachel, you don't seem to be here. Get off? "

"Ah, that's right! My plan is to take a ride directly through the Gimri collar and go to the Devil's collar, because I have to find Sazax and they have some things to talk about. You say hello first. "

Recovering from the charm of Princess Shinzu, Asahir waved his hand at the long gate.

"In this case, please help me to greet my brother, Mr. Asachel."

At this time, Lias said, and then glanced at the long door. The whole person took the lead to open the door in the carriage and went out.

Slightly stunned, the Nagato then waved towards Asachel as well, holding the princess of the true ancestor, followed Lias, and walked out of the door of the carriage. We, as well as the four dependents of Lias, are already concentrated there.

At this moment, the dimensional train has arrived and the door opened in an instant

The family members of Jimmondi headed by Lias walked out first.

Then Nagato and his family members met, and then as a leader, stepped out, but Nagato just stepped onto the platform, and there was a burst of welcome in his ears.

"Welcome Miss Lias to return home !!!"

"Welcome Lord Nagato's visit !!!"

In the roar, the footsteps of the long door did not change, and his eyes followed the sound.

I saw that the whole platform was surrounded by dense soldiers. These should be the private soldiers of Grand Duke Jimengli!

Immediately after--

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Massive pyrotechnics exploded in the air, the soldiers also fired at the air, a group of people who should be in the vicinity of the band began to play neatly, and the soldiers flew in the air on unidentified creatures, waving flags.

Faced with this sudden appearance, many family members showed signs of being at a loss.

In the family of Nagato, Zhidai, Aisha, and Yanye all leaned together, as if they felt like they were standing in the wrong place, and in the family of Gimri, the blonde pseudo-vampire was hiding directly. Behind Kyoudo

Well, seeing this scene, Nagato couldn't help but feel the admiration for the Yoshito Kiba, a thousand-year-old guy.

The pseudo-girl named Gaspar seems to have stepped into the world on the other side.

Just then, a group of maids and deacons came out of the welcome team.

The head maid said:

"Miss, welcome you back, you arrived so early, and Master Nagato, thank you very much for coming, it seems that the two of you are very safe along the way, it is really good, then please come on the carriage, we will take The carriage went to the mansion. "..

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