My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 149: Statement and party fourth!

In principle, there is still a ‘night’ in the underworld without the sun and moon.

The sky darkened, looking up at the sky, you can still see the simulated moon, but that is not the real moon, but the use of magic to reproduce, the night of the underworld is also expressed in this way

In fact, the sky was originally purple.

The concept of time is in principle in line with the human world. There is time in the underworld, but in order to reincarnate demons and demons living in the human world, the devil kings use special spells to adjust them.

This adjustment does not take long. In fact, it did not adjust before the reincarnation demons appeared.

It's just that with the emergence of reincarnated demons, the underworld and the human world are more and more connected

Most forces in the Underworld default this adjustment.

There is a saying on this plane, that is, the war between fallen angels and angels and demons is called the ancient war. However, the history of the entire human world is less than ten thousand years, compared with the ten thousand years of life generally possessed by demons Shorter.

Under such circumstances, why could the past civil war be called "Ancient"!

There is only one real reason, that is, the battlefield of the ancient war was in the underworld, and the underworld at that time operated in independent time. From the beginning of the war to the end of the war, it took an absolutely long period of time.

If not, why let the three most powerful forces in this world be weakened to the point of annihilation!

In fact, the situation of the three major forces in the Bible today is not very good

As far as demons are concerned, reincarnated demons are products that make up for the crisis of demonic extinction. For some demons who pay more attention to blood, normal reproduction is more important to them.

Although in terms of the probability of demon reproduction, it is indeed a pit!


"It doesn't matter at all, anyway, there will be more pushes, there will be !!!"

On the balcony where the moonlight was shining, a woman with long linen hair, almost the same as Lias, held a glass of red wine in one hand, gestured slightly towards the long door, took a sip, and said very violently:

"So say, I absolutely support Nagato Jun, you immediately push Lias down, and don't worry about that bet!"

"Yes yes, thank you Mother-in-law for your support!"

A long door with a flash of color flashed across his face, and after a slight consternation, he also raised his hand in red wine, gestured, and then drank it before laughing, "Relax, I will seize the opportunity!" "

"In this case, I'm relieved!"

Hearing the words of the long door, the woman, or the mother-in-law of the long door, Vinylana Gimmory smiled contentedly, and then the whole person walked on the catwalk and left the balcony. After a while, the faint words came

"By the way, in a few days, there is a meeting of a new generation of demons, Lias please you, Nagato!"

"Huh? I don't want it! It's really troublesome!"

Originally, after hearing the request of Vinylana Gimoni, Nagato intended to refuse. After all, as Nagato, go to that kind of place, do n’t bully too much, but the woman did n’t refuse Nagato at all. The opportunity directly went away.

"Forget it, go check it out"

Wandered to the table and chairs arranged on the balcony, the long door sat down leisurely, picked up the bottle on the table, and poured another glass for myself. I have to say that this kind of wine in the underworld is quite suitable. Nagato taste.

It was already four or five hours after Nagato came to this Jimmony mansion

After arriving here, the family members of Nagato, as well as the family members of Gimory including Lias, all went to their rooms to rest. After all, they took a long train and experienced a series of battles. After that, many people were lacking.

It's just that compared to other people, Nagato is a little sleepy.

After wandering around for a long time, Nagato came to the balcony, enjoying the moon and drinking, and Lia's mother, Vinylana Gimonelli, came here after Nagato arrived, and came to drink with Nagato. A glass.

Well, a drink or something is just an excuse.

Nagato is very clear that his mother-in-law is completely showing himself the attitude of the Jimengli family to himself!

In this way, when the long gate drinking and enjoying the moon, the time passed by one minute and one second.

When the bottle in the hands of Nagato bottomed out

"Master Nagato!"

On the balcony door, a pretty pretty devil maid appeared there, bowing toward the long door and saluting, "Dinner is ready, and the master of the house has returned, hoping to have dinner with Lord Longmen."

"I know!"

The last bit of wine was consumed, and Nagato's thoughts moved, and the spirit was washed away.

Then got up from the chair


The contemporary owner of Jimmony is a very peaceful demon.

There was no twists and turns between Nagato and his dinner, just a simple narrative of the family, except that halfway through the dinner, the owner of Gimmondi hinted at Nagato's support for the marriage contract, and then caused Lias' dissatisfaction There is nothing else.

The life of Nagato in Jimone ’s mansion is also very simple, so simple that the red-haired teenager is bored.

The family members of Nagato arrived on the second day of the Jimmony mansion, and they were all sent to the City of Freedom by teleportation magic circle, where they will receive comprehensive training for a summer vacation.

Presumably, after the summer vacation, the family members of Nagato will have an amazing improvement!

On the fourth day, the meeting of the new generation of demons began, and Nagato and Elkut followed the family of Jimmony, and took the Jimmony private train to the Demon Lord.

On the way forward, the train passed through a huge long-distance jumping magic array unfolding in the air several times.

No way, the realm of the underworld is really too big, just relying on the speed of the train to run from the Jimmonri territory to the Demon King's territory, it won't be possible for a few days.

Even so, the crowd shook the train for three hours before arriving.

Both the station and the platform are very modern, and even have vending machines. Although the design is not the same as the human world, the buildings that appear in the distance look very advanced. There is no doubt that this is the city of the Demon King. —

Lucifer! ..

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