My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 173: The second of the three magical gods!

Thunder is raining

As if the anger of the sky poured over the earth.

The huge battlefield was shrouded by the scarlet dragon, all under the scarlet thunder, and the earth kept shaking, as if it could not bear the anger of this day!

However, in this endless thunder bombing, the entire high platform was not affected by any thunder, not only the high platform, but all the surviving self-devil were not hurt.

This scarlet thunder seems to be alive, with the ability to identify the enemy

"Although it's not the first time I saw it"

The whole person leaned on the seat of the high platform. There was a shocking look on the face of the fallen angel Governor Asahir, and he said quietly, "But I still can't help but be surprised. The attack is completely a strategic level attack. "

"It is indeed the case, and this is only a trial of the power of the magic gun after liberation."

Following the words of the fallen angel governor, the archangel Michael exclaimed, "There are still two pieces of demolition equipment that have not been liberated, so it seems that the so-called gods are really worthy of the name!"

"That's it, right, Odin!"

Hearing this, Asachel nodded, then looked at the Nordic **** king, and said, "Loki appears without permission, do you have nothing to say, look like this?"

"Just leave it to the little devil!"

After being silent for a while, Odin said, "I have always understood Rocky's will, but the future is unstoppable, and it is a price to pay for the car to be a car, even"

"Even if that price is death, Rocky is ultimately responsible!"

As soon as the words fell, the Nordic king, who had always been energetic, closed his eyes, as if consuming a lot of energy, falling into a deep sleep, silent.

"Cut, really a decisive guy!"

Seeing Odin ’s reaction, Asachel was half upset, half admiringly speaking, and then looked around, but he saw that besides the seriously injured Achuca

I do n’t know when the three demon kings disappeared!

"Go to the new generation of demons."

Seeing the gaze of the fallen angel governor, the demon devil said lightly, "This time, the evil gang really angered us. The next time, it is absolutely endless hatred."


Hearing this, Asachel remained silent.

To be honest, the Governor of the Fallen Angel was startled when the enchantment was broken.

The Scourge has done too much. This is completely ruining the future of the demons. This situation is enough for the demons to start the war desperately.

As everyone on the high platform talked, the battle changed.

Under the heavy crimson thunder, several enemies who appeared extremely passive also began to fight back. The first to start was the six sisters of Ali.

I saw a black six-pointed star in the red thunder rain curtain.

"Seize the entire heaven and earth in the name of the six kings of earth, water, fire, wind, air and nothingness! Take over everything, the king of darkness !!"

Under the six voices singing in unison, the huge dark six-pointed star continued to expand, then merged into the entire void, and then the thunder came to an abrupt end. reveals the vast earth, the heavily damaged super snake and two little demon wolves, the enclave of Rezevim, and the seemingly awkward Loki and A big demon wolf in front of him.

At this moment, the red-stained void turned into a dark sky.

The dark king seized control of this area!

"Is this your strength?"

At this time, the red-haired boy looked up slightly at the sky, and could not help but said in amazement, "It's amazing, under this kind of power, the original Zhu Yue should also avoid the sharp edge."

To be honest, the situation in front of me is not surprising.

Although it is only temporary, it is obvious that the six sisters of Yali, who respectively control the kingship of the six attributes of Xingyue, have actually taken away the dominance of the entire sky from the long door.

With such power, it is no wonder that he will make a name for himself on the land of steel.

"It just seems that it still can't suppress the strength of Nagato Jun."

Facing the praise of Nagato, one of the six sisters of Ali said indifferently that her words had just fallen, and there was a sudden burst of lightning on the dark sky.

The red electric light shone on the whole world in an instant, and then disappeared again.


At this moment, the crimson dragon on the head of the long gate made a roar of unwillingness, and the height of up to 100 meters directly rushed into the sky and merged into the darkness.

At the next moment, red and black interweave in space, bursting into a humming noise.

"It seems that the sky dragon's strength is not enough, then"

Seeing the state in the sky, Nagato sighed slightly and secretly activated two other **** exterminators on his body. The dark blue caged hands and the golden wings of light appeared in the sky.

"Let's liberate, Pterosaur Dragon, or Giant Divine Soldier!"

A slight murmur murmured, and then, the caged hand on the right hand of Nagato and the wings of light behind them all burst into a terrifying aura of horror.

"Roar Roar !!!"

"Crying !!!"

Two roars broke out out of thin air, and I saw ripples in the space beside the Nagato. The dark blue caged hands and the golden wings disintegrated separately.

At the next moment, two huge beings stepped out of the ripples of space!

One of them is a dark blue giant like a sacred statue, standing on the earth like an obelisk, full of sacred and tyrannical destruction.

The other is a golden pterosaur with a eagle beak suspended in the air, and the faint heat of heat diffused from the pterosaur, causing the surrounding temperature to rise by several degrees in an instant.

From the last destruction of the Egyptian God Realm, the three illusions that became more powerful appeared again at the same time.

The terrible coercion made everyone present feel unreal.

"Roar Roar !!!"

"Crying !!!"

Afterwards, there was no need for more command from the Nagato. After the appearance, the two monsters just adapted to the environment and rushed towards their enemies.

Fight, start again! ..

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