My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 184: Hades freeze [on] the second more!

Phase shift!

It is definitely one of the most frequently used skills in the star-like skills list of Saya.

Even as time goes by, Saya becomes stronger and stronger. This ability has not become outdated but has become more and more powerful and practical.

All this is because of the nature of Saya, and she is gradually moving towards the threshold of Tao

Dao Realm, within an infinite dimension, is a universal threshold.

Only by reaching the realm of Dao can it be called the real strongman in the entire infinite dimension, and it can be regarded as the extraordinary existence that truly escapes from the mortal beings.

Of course, this refers to the general situation. In the presence of Saya and Nagato, it is not impossible to kill the powerful Dao realm in the non- Dao realm.

However, the existence of Nagato and Saya, after all, is only a very small number of existences.

Under normal circumstances, stepping into the existence of Dao, the nature of life will undergo earth-shaking changes, with a variety of Dao unique to them.

In addition to these Taos and their affiliated connotations, there are also some more popular features, similar to the almost unlimited life span, which touches on the high-dimensional perspective.

Among them, there is one of the most prominent features, called "sayname", which translates to "speak my name", and literature and art is called "Blessing the Holy Name"!

The effect of this feature is simple: when someone yells about your name, you can perceive it, and then observe that in a sense, it is very similar to the intuition of Tianmen in the long door.

As an existence that has seen the threshold, Saya gradually has some of the abilities of this characteristic, plus it is itself a self-observing life

It must be said that this chemical effect is beyond imagination.

And the ability of phase shifting to perform teleportation by observation is more suitable for Saya!

After performing the phase shift, less than a blink of an eye, Saya and his newly conquered Death Girl crossed a distance of thousands of kilometers and appeared above the Hades.

The next moment, the adjudicator turned into a stream of light before he could reach the two of Saya.


At this time, Benya, who had just recovered from the sudden change of the environment, couldn't help but scream when she saw the kingdom of the underworld at this time.

Everything in front of her is no longer the kingdom of Hades in her cognition!

Arriving in the middle of the country, the fountain of blood rushed to the sky, but it spread out at the highest point, causing blood to rain throughout the country!

The criss-cross streets, all kinds of buildings, and even the many deaths and orc warriors in the entire battle are stained with a layer of blood

Here has been completely reduced to the kingdom of blood!

"The scenery here is good!"

At this moment, Shayle's rejoicing voice came quietly, making Benjah shudder, and looked at his master who had just surrendered with a little fear.

Beniya could n’t understand how the distorted values ​​and aesthetics would make such a view nice, even the **** of death living here would n’t think so.

"However, if it is the blood shadow guards, it will probably be the same!"

Such thoughts flashed through Beniya's mind, making the Death Girl stunned and in a trance, the girl realized that this change was definitely related to those Blood Guards.

"Yes, you big head ghost!" At this moment, a full-bodied girl voice came from below everyone, and at the next moment, a golden light cut through the blood rain and rushed in front of the people

The golden light dispersed, revealing a beast-eared girl with blonde hair and double ponytails.

"The old lady is very depressed by this stuff."

I saw that after the girl appeared, she scratched her blond hair helplessly, complaining, "Let me fight a sea of ​​blood, it's a bit embarrassing to think!"

"Ha, indeed, your ability is not suitable for this situation, let me come!"

Hearing the complaint of the golden girl, the adjudicator laughed, and then flew a few steps forward, raised his right hand, and the light from the infinite Garuru gun gathered.

"Absolute zero freezing air !!!"

The cold absolute cold air burst out of the right hand of the adjudicator, and directly bombarded the spurting blood column, freezing it instantly

Turned into a soaring icicle standing in the kingdom of Hades!

The extra cold spreads and even freezes the blood rain that is falling from the sky into hail!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Sudden hail hit the kingdom of Hades, and even stunned the gods of death and orcs who were at war. The vast battlefield was calm for a while.

"Asshole! Why didn't you say hello when you shot!"

Because of excessive engagement in the battle, Huang Quan, who was smashed by several hailstones, suddenly escaped from the blackened state, rushed up in an instant, and complained in a burst of anger.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Facing Huang Quan's complaint, the adjudicator could only apologize with a bitter smile, and then shifted the topic, "Oh, Yezi and Yingkong, why can't you see them."

In the battlefield below, the adjudicators only saw Feiqi Wuye and Jianshan Huangquan.

The other two members of the Purgatory Squad disappeared

"The guy in Sakura is on the battlefield below, but assassin, how can it be easily discovered, and the sister Sister sent Hades to their hell. They are fighting inside at this time."

Hearing the adjudicator ’s question, Huang Quan was quickly distracted and began to worry about the son, "Speaking of that, the guy in Hades is very strange."

"I don't know if Sister Sister can kill him smoothly"

"Trust her!"

Taking Huang Quan's words casually, Saya moved forward a few steps, gazing across the frozen icicles and the whole earth, his eyes flashing with contemplation:

"We are also in trouble!"

Just at the moment when Sayya's voice fell, the change began

In an instant, the huge icicle seemed to be under invisible pressure, showing a series of expanding cracks, and the dangerous breath was diffused over the entire Hades.


The icicle crashed!

And the land where it is located exploded with a huge roar!

The huge figure slowly rose from the ground in the sky of smoke, and the terrifying pressure swept the entire Hades at this moment ..

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