My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 207: Sudden attack second!

"Is this the ordinary train?"

On a train in the extreme east of the island country, Aisha Algert sat by the window and looked at the outside world. "It's a subtle feeling to ride this tool for the first time."

"Yes, it's amazing!"

"I didn't expect to be able to get on the train. At first, we used it directly."

The wisteria Irina sitting next to Aisha, and Genova sitting in the seat across a passageway responded to the words of the blonde nun.


Sakura's face was quite delicate when she saw the reaction of her partners.

Especially after seeing tourists who turned around frequently and looked over with strange eyes, the purple-haired girl could n’t help but regret to take the train

What a shame! ! !

No, the words sitting next to Genova shrank shyly away.

Of course, Sakura also understands the mood of the church trio.

The predecessor as a devout believer in the church, Aisha and the three of them lived a very simple life. No matter who they were, they had never taken a similar transportation.

From this point of view, it is quite a happy thing in a sense to leave the church.

"Sister Sakura!"

At this moment, Zhi Dai's voice came around him.

Sakura turned her head and saw Zhi Dai, who had long silver hair, placed a bento in front of her. "Would you like to eat a little, it will take some days before we arrive in Kyoto."

"Thank you, Zhidai!"

Taking a rice ball out of the bento and taking a bite, Sakura's face could not help but show a hint of satisfaction, "The cooking level of Zhi Dai has risen."

"Sister Sakura likes it!"

Seeing Sakura's reaction, Zhidai was relieved, and then said, "Next time, let Nagato Jun have a good look at my craft. However, it is necessary to kill Cao Cao first!"

"That **** actually led us so far away with a blind eye."

Hearing the words of Zhi Dai, Sakura was eating rice **** silently.

What the girl didn't tell her partner was that she was deliberately led to such a far place. Otherwise, with the girl's strength, the first time he met, he would be burned to death.

"Want to come, my father should have arrived in Kyoto!"

Suddenly, such a thought flashed in Sakura's brain, and then I unconsciously remembered the wind and snow between myself and my father.

The girl's cheeks suddenly turned red


Under the continuous sound of the whistle, the train stopped slowly on the quite empty platform, and the large car body echoed slightly with the sound of metal.

"Crack !!!"

After a while, the train door opened automatically!

At the next moment, the blonde girl took the red-haired boy's arms and walked out of the car door, stepping on this quiet and empty platform.

"It's a dedicated line, really fast enough!"

Looking around, the long door free hand touched his chin and said, "Moreover, Asahir was right, no one came to pick it up." "Then what should we do now, Lord Nagato!"

At this time, Lei Bell holding the long arm of the long door, the whole person leaned on the long door. "Kyoto does not have a unified force. Onmyoji and monsters coexist. We are going to find that side."

"Of course it is the monster force, after all it is the party!"

As he said in this way, the long door took Rebel to start walking towards a strange elevator nearby, and soon they entered the elevator.

The next moment, the elevator starts and starts to rise!

After a while, the elevator finally stopped, the long door and Rebel went out of the elevator door, and soon came to a new platform-Kyoto Station.

Compared with underground platforms, Kyoto Station has few passengers at this time, but it is still popular.

"Huh, is that the legendary Kyoto Tower?"

After arriving at Kyoto Station, Rebel saw the iconic buildings in Kyoto in the distance for the first time, a tall tower with a unique cultural atmosphere.

"Not bad!"

Also saw the long gate of the Kyoto Tower nodded.

If it is a simple trip, it is a very good tourist spot, but it is a pity that this time it is not for travel


"I don't know, after this turmoil, can the Kyoto Tower be preserved!"

Such a thought flashed in his head, and Nagato took Rebel out of the station, preparing to head to the headquarters of the Kyoto monsters.

It ’s just that soon after walking out of the station—

Suddenly, a slippery lukewarm feeling wrapped all over the body.

After a while, something like mist rose from the feet of the long door.


Nagato turned his head slightly, but found that besides holding his own Rebel, the pedestrians who were still there were all gone.

The entire street suddenly seemed extremely deserted!

After a while, a mist appeared at the feet of Nagato.

"This fog is"

The red-haired boy looked at the mist indifferently, and then looked around, suddenly said, "It turns out that it was transferred unconsciously, which is really a surprise."

"Master Nagato, do you know anything?"

Rebel, who was amazed at the beginning, could not help asking after hearing the words of the long gate. The unknown things always made people feel a little scared.

"Ah, I know, this is God's ability to extinguish the fog!"

Faced with Rebel's question, Nagato didn't intend to hide it, and said directly, "This fog can transfer what it wraps to other places."

"And here is the closed space technology in the ranking game, the technology of the Bible is out."

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

At the moment when the voice of Nagato just fell, the sound of applause sounded in this quiet space. At the next moment, a man and a woman came out of the dark corner.

It was a giant man of more than two meters and a blonde beauty holding a sword.

"It's a guy who came out of the special train set by the devil!"

The blond woman in the two was talking, and she said quietly, "It's just sorry, Cao Cao's order, anyone who comes out of the special train of other forces must die!" ..

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