My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 215: Conversation and summon second!

Three hours later, the shrine backyard.

The young Nine-tailed fox Lori was sitting in danger, looking at the three people who were also sitting opposite him, especially the red-haired boy headed by them.

"I'm very sorry, several reinforcements from afar!"

It was an adult woman with foxtails and fox ears next to Xiao Loli who saw her bowing slightly, "Nine people are only because of Yasaka"

"Relax, I don't mind at all!"

Before her words were finished, the long door spoke very generously.

——Sir, you do n’t mind more than that!

Hearing the long gate, Rebel and Jeanne secretly vomited.

In the eyes of the two girls, Nagato even had a great time. If it were n’t for the cadre of the Nine-Tailed Fox, the Nagato would n’t mind playing a little longer.

No, Nine-Tailed Fox Lori's face is even more unpleasant when he hears this!

"Thank you so much for your generosity!"

Because it was unclear what Nagato did, the fox demon sighed with relief after seeing Nagato so generous and said salute again.

It's just that her attitude suddenly angered Ninefold Little Loli. Under such anger, Xiaoya's mind turned quickly, and then thought of one thing-

Later, I saw Xiao Loli jumped from the seat regardless of the image, pointing to the long door and saying, "Don't be fooled by him, Aunt Green Fox, I remembered it. Before that, he used a misty power."

"This is very similar to the enemy's use in the battlefield where her mother is missing. Obviously, they are not a reinforcement coming from outside Kyoto, but a kidnapped mother!"


I originally thought that Jiu Zhong only had a stern face after hearing the words of the mischievous green fox cadre. I saw her blinking at the three men in the Nagato.

Although he did not speak, it was clear that this was a little skeptical.

The nature of the fox is suspicious. Nagato knew this for a long time, but he didn't mind it, but Jeanne and Rebel wouldn't work anymore. The two who regarded Nagato very heavily immediately refuted.

"Please don't scorn the prince underneath, otherwise, you won't stop underneath!"

"That's right, the mist is just the power that Lord Nagato seized on the way it came. Lord Nagato, but the legendary god-master, how could he join forces with Cao Cao's group!"


After hearing the words of the two girls, especially Rebel, Qinghu froze for a while, and then couldn't help raising her tone of voice, "No, don't you be the god-master, Lord Nagato!"

"As you can see!"

At this moment, Nagato smiled slightly and opened a pair of golden wings in the back, and then disappeared, "This is one of my **** extermination tools, the light wings of the wing **** dragon!"

"I didn't expect it to be the visitor of the gods!"

After seeing the evidence presented by Nagato, the enthusiasm on Qinghu's face suddenly increased by dozens of percentage points. "With the presence of your adult, I will surely be able to save Yasaka!"

I can't help Qinghu being so confident, after all, this existence is a **** guardian!

The unprecedented plural **** destroyer owner, killing Fenrir, defeating the Nordic evil **** Loki, crushing the entire old demon faction, etc., the record of the gods have to look up.

The most important thing is that the guy who captured Yasaka is Cao Cao, the owner of the same **** exterminator.

Although Cao Cao's Twilight Gun is known as the strongest **** exterminator, everyone knows that the strongest **** exterminator possesses a **** deity. Although Cao Cao is strong, he is not an opponent of the **** deity!

"It's okay to fight!"

Hearing the flattery of the Green Fox, Nagato just nodded indifferently, and then said, "It's just that I couldn't find Cao Cao's hidden place. Do you have any news about this?"

"This, we are still looking for it!"

During the speech, Green Fox's face was very embarrassing. After all, Kyoto was the base camp of the monsters, but the enemy caught the monster general and even hid it.

Anyway, this time the monsters lost their face!

"I understand!"

Hearing this, Nagato slowly stood up from his position. "If there is news, let me know. I will stay here these days."

"That, that"

At this moment, Jiuzhong's voice sounded again.

Nagato heard the sound and saw the little tail lily of Nine-Tailed Fox, but looked at Nagato with expectation, "Can you really help me save my mother?"

"of course!"

Seeing such a pitiful little loli, Longmen's heart moved and said, "Yes, Jiuzhong, your nine-tailed fox like a vein seems to be good at controlling the land."

"And your mother is the big demon who controls the veins of Kyoto, and is related to the whole dragon vein of Kyoto. In this way, you can find out where your mom is by observing the flow of qi."

"However, I still can't do it now, and I don't see the ability of the earth's gas." Jiuzhong lowered his head a little and said softly.

"The nine major people are still too young, and the bloodline has not been fully awakened!"

At this time, seeing the loss of Jiu Zhong, Qinghu added with some distress, "With the qualifications of the nine major people, as long as one adult, you can have the ability to be no less than that of Lord Yasaka."

"In this case, then you don't mind, let a foreign nine-tailed fox temporarily control and interfere with the geography of Kyoto, if you don't mind"

Nagato's words were not exhausted, but the meaning between words was already very obvious.

"I do not mind!"

"Nine great people, this place is but"

"I said, I don't mind!"

For the first time, Little Loli showed her determination over age, looked at the long door firmly, and said, "As long as you can save your mother, you can use it at will!"

"Interesting, I found that I seem to like you, little girl!"

Seeing Jiu Zhong's performance, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, a faint mist suddenly filled, and in a trance, a portal appeared across the backyard.

"Crack !!!"

The portal opened slowly, and the temperature in the entire backyard suddenly dropped!

The terrifying demonishness began to pervade.

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