My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 217: Kyoto chaos fourth!

The Fushimi Shrine collapsed in an instant.

Under such a sudden explosion, the ancient shrine was overwhelmed, collapsed in a sudden, and a large amount of smoke rose up, obscuring everyone's vision.


Just then, a gentle wind blew across the top of the mountain.

The huge smoke and dust was suddenly dissipated by the wind, exposing the ancient shrine that turned into ruins, and the whole body of smoke and dust, the crows of the sky dogs all over the ruins.

However, Nagato and others stood in the air in mid-air, without a trace of dust.

Slowly falling from the air, Nagato ’s eyes turned to the feather fox holding Jiuzhong and said, "What is going on, even if the power of the evil dragon suddenly appears, you should be able to deal with it with your power. Right! "

"Evil Dragon? !!!"

"How come there will be evil dragons, isn't that all dead?"

The feather fox hadn't reacted yet, and the surrounding green foxes and Rebel could not help but say aloud.

"Dragon creatures, where is so easy to die!"

Hearing the two people's exclamation, Nagato said a little speechlessly, "The most important thing is that there really exists a way to revive the evil dragon in this world."

"Oh, is this the power of the evil dragon, shameless enough!"

After hearing the question from Nagato, Yuyi pondered a little, and then said, "Someone has set up a guardian enchantment in the earth's veins that can automatically counterattack! Well, there are three thousand layers of enchantment!"

"The most important thing is that as long as it is not destroyed at once, these enchantments will regenerate."

Yu Yi's words suddenly made the Nagato a little dumb.

In the situation just now, I am afraid that the fear of the feather fox is weakened to a certain extent when it destroys the layers of enchantment, and then it is counterattacked.

"Can you still control the ground now?"

Looking at the feather fox, Nagato frowned and asked, although he could control the earth himself, now, Nagato didn't want to use his real power at all.


The feather fox answered very firmly, "Although there are three thousand layers of enchantment, each layer is not very strong. As long as I accumulate three days of energy, I can break it at once."

"I know, three days, it's about the same time!"

He murmured to himself, and Nagato took out a mobile phone from his trouser pocket and dialed out, "Hello, is it Assahir, there is a evil dragon in Kyoto, please prepare it over there."

"Also, if you can, move all the people in Kyoto"

"The real war is about to begin!"

"It seems that I guessed right!"

The time went back a minute or two. At the moment of the explosion at Fushimi Shrine, Cao Cao, sitting in a hidden underground base in Kyoto, opened his eyes.

The extremely sharp light flashed through the eyes of Xiao Xiong's boy.

Just now someone wanted to seize the sovereignty of the ground from Yasaka. Cao Cao felt it, but when he was about to stop it, Cao Cao flashed his light and let the other party act.

I just didn't expect that someone helped him make a counterattack.

Such a situation has to make Cao Cao think more.

"I was really monitored!"

He whispered to himself, Cao Cao turned his head slightly, and looked at an altar on the left, which was an altar filled with special magic circles, and in the middle of the altar was Cao Cao's **** exterminator, the Holy Gun at dusk.

At this time, this holy lance, known as the God of Killing, was tied with a special magic chain built by auras.

While Cao Cao's eyes came over, the Holy Gun was still struggling.

It's just that they can't break the chains.

"It's a sad fact that I can't even believe my weapon since I was born!"

Looking at the constantly struggling holy gun, Cao Cao's face could not help but show a sad look, and then returned to Gujing Wubo, concealing a sharp and sharp posture.

Cao Cao has never been a fool, not only a fool, he is the strongest human in this world!

But looking at what Cao Cao has done since his debut, it is obviously not in line with his strongest human being in this world. The prestige of many hero descendants is simply the dog of the bereavement.

In fact, even Cao Cao had some doubts about how he got to this point.

Then, Cao Cao, who can doubt anything, put his suspicion on his closest comrade-in-arms, the torch of dusk. After all, everything Cao Cao does now is derived from the information obtained from the gun.

That is a legacy message about the God of the Bible.

"Use the energy of the earth veins to lay out the gate of inheritance, and use the sacred lance to collect the energy of all the artifacts in the world at the moment of the hands-free moment as the key to open the last treasure left by the God of the Bible"

After carefully recalling the information he got, Cao Cao's complexion could not help changing.

"I want to come now. The so-called inheritance is probably fake!"

"I was just used!"

His face was slightly irony, and then countless messages were reorganized in his brain, and one by one may appear one after another. Cao Cao's face gradually became firmer-

"Well, since that's the case, let's see who is the final winner!"

"Oh, the situation in Kyoto is getting chaotic!"

On the top floor of the tallest building in the center of Kyoto, Saya walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows in white gauze, looked at the panoramic view of Kyoto outside the window, and said with a smile.

"It's true, but it's fun!"

From behind Saya, a silver-haired girl without armor, Saya, the arbiter, saw that she was also holding a glass of red wine and saluting each other with Saya.

"Hee hee, Brother Nagato wants to watch the drama, the guy in the Bible wants to maintain peace, Cao Cao wants to counterattack, the evil dragon comes to stir up the mess, the guy who has died is going to return, and there is a **** guy watching"

It was a white-haired unidentified beast earmother on the sofa not far behind Shaye-Shaye the hatcher!

"But this time, there are only one protagonist in Kyoto!"

Standing in the hall, the beast king Saye with blonde hair and double ponytails pointed his finger, one finger at a time, "That's me, look, I'm going to sublimate here to get rid of this semi-hanging state!"

"Three days later, let us explode all the enemies !!!"

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