My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 244: Break into the tower [Middle] Fourth!

After more than half an hour

Along with Lias's last destructive bullet, completely bombarding the undead human named Feituan into scum, the battle was completely won.

It was just that everyone had some color on them.

It must be said that although the existence of these ninjas is somewhat lethal, their abilities are very special. The most important thing is that each guy is very experienced.

Under such circumstances, it took a lot of time for Lias and others to solve each other.


"Minister, that Payne six?"

Standing on a corpse of a fat puppet, Tacheng Baiyin's eyes flickered a little bit, "Is the ability of six people combined, right?"

"Yes, that is the ability of the city of freedom and Miss Chuan Bingli!"

The red-haired Grand Dame Jimengli flicked his long red hair and said thoughtfully, "This world is probably the world that the guy at Nagari once experienced."

Hearing Lias's words, everyone nodded.

In the previous battle, everyone also discovered that the consciousness of these ninjas is too complete, and the information of this world is also too rich.

This situation is simply not a world weaved temporarily.

"Anyway, let's go!"

After a short rest, Lias issued the order again, and then took the lead in spreading the devil's wings, and flew directly towards the so-called valley of termination.

After her, everyone silently followed

After turning over a mountain in front of them, everyone saw the hanging waterfall and the giant statues standing on both sides of the waterfall, and then

Send, start!

The weightless feeling receded like a tide, and Lias's feet stood on the ground again. Before opening her eyes, the girl's brow furrowed tightly.

Because at this moment, she smelled a very strong **** smell.

Immediately, the girl opened her eyes, showing a blood-stained city in front of her, with broken limbs everywhere, and the blood had turned to the streets.

In the sky are helicopters constantly shooting, and at the end of the field of vision is a group of corpse-eating monsters!

Seeing this scene, Lias couldn't help but take a breath.

It ’s not just Lias, everyone else ’s reaction is similar, except for Yudou, who has the memory of the White Knight, but his breath is also aggravated.

At this time, this test file was dropped again in the sky

"Second layer test: Escape from London!"

"As the test question implies, this is London. Of course, it is not London in your world, but London in a different world. Of course, this is not the point. The point is, run out of this London!"

"Because, the river of death is coming"

"Friendly reminder: No flying on the second floor!"

Just as everyone interpreted the document, the corpse-eating monsters in the distance seemed to perceive the traces of the crowd and surrounded them from all sides.

"Is this a ghoul without self-awareness?"

After these monsters approached, the superior vampire named Al Mein Schertingerstein could not help but reveal a contemptuous look. "What a joke, running away in the face of this guy, it's almost"

Seeing the ghoul creature below the vampire, the arrogance in the heart of the blonde girl suddenly came to life, but she was stuck before she had finished speaking.

Because at this moment, she saw

The **** long river was used from a distance, and the girl ’s vision was clearly seen by the vampire. In the long river, countless lives were crowded.

Obviously, that is the so-called river of death!

"No good, run away !!!"

Lias yelled out for the first time, subconsciously wanting to use her wings without any slight response, and then the girl remembered the hint in the document just now.

With a curse, the girl directly pulled Zhu Nai and ran away.

After her action, the rest of the crowd suddenly.

The action also started.

Then, a chase of life and death began!


In a room on the seventh floor of the tower, Gabriel's moving groan echoed slowly, filling the whole room with a speechless feast.

"Huh, it's only an hour, won't it work?"

Exhaling for a long time, the red-haired boy lay directly on Gabriel's back, raging in front of the blonde angel with one hand and stroking the pure white wings with one hand.

Where did the pure white angel go through this battle, his cheeks flushed, and he couldn't even speak.

at this time--

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The constant knocking on the door interrupted the enjoyment of the long door, and the red-haired boy reluctantly fell down from the angel who had become a puddle of mud.

After putting on a bathrobe, the long door opened.

"Sorry, bother you to enjoy!"

I saw Guleifia stood at the door and bowed slightly towards the long door, and then said, "It's just that someone is out now."

"Oh, let me see, who is so unlucky!"

After hearing the words of Gu Lefia, the long door, which was still somewhat unpleasant, could not help but walked out of the room and soon came to the hall.

Then, the long door saw a blonde girl with broken clothes on the sofa in the hall.

"Huh, isn't this one of the foreign aid I assigned to Lias?"

After thinking for a while, the red-haired boy asked with some surprise, "I remember calling Elmaine Schertingerstein! By the way, Guréfia, how did she get out?"

"The vampire lady's physique is not good. In the test of the second floor, because your adult restricted your flight, she was surrounded by the dead river and eventually out."

Hearing the question from Nagato, Gurefija said seriously.

"Dead River, what is really missing!"

Subconsciously, Nagato's gaze turned to the TV screen in the hall, and the River of Death, which once made Nagato remember very deeply, was taking place.

"Oh, not just the river of death!"

Looking at the flying Lias and others, the long door couldn't help but smile slightly, "The waves I have experienced are more than just a little bit more."

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