My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 264: The second battle of guardianship!

Valerie's approach did not affect the emperor.

At this time, the silver-haired king was maintaining the movement of holding the sword through the dome, and the faint golden brilliance continued to spread upward from the sword in his hand and continuously integrated into his body.

The surrounding space seems to be filled with carols of all things, sacred and majestic!

It was the dome that had been covered with cracks. When Valerie approached, he kept groaning like a cry for help from his allies.


Facing the wail of the dome, Valerie could only snort coldly, and ignored it.

In Valery's eyes, a guy with a narrow vision, such as the God of the Bible, but full of ghost ideas, after all, is not a climate, and the final result can only become the food of the strong.

It was the emperor's reaction that made Valerie happy.

"Promoting, it really is you!"

With a whisper, Valerie gathered the power of the few robbers left in her body, and turned into a **** long sword in her right hand, slashing straight down towards the emperor.

The **** swordmand burst out of her blade, and the murderous and stern!

However, at this moment-


The space between Valerie and the Emperor was suddenly twisted and torn apart!

At the next moment, a white figure fluttering out of the cracks in the space, long silver hair fluttered in the devilish spirit, and it was extraordinary.

The comer is the killing pill that disappeared after fighting the great red.

At the first moment of appearance, Shi Sheng Wan held the natural teeth in his waist with his left hand, and then pulled out a sword. The silver Yuehua cut through the void and condensed into a silver sword.


The two swordsmans confronted each other in the void.

The power of the **** robbery and the power of Yuehua from the natural tooth caused an energy conflict in the collision sound, directly detonating the void and distorting the space in the roar.

"What ?! Damn it !!!"

Seeing this scene, a glare flashed in Valery's eyes!

Obviously victory was in sight, but unexpectedly was hindered by others, Valerie's fierce personality inherited from the body burst out for a time, without talking much, and rushed straight up.

A large number of forces gathered together to arm it like a red rocket!

"Huh, the intersection of the sun and the moon-Shuanglong broken!"

Facing the incoming strong enemy, Shi Sheng Wan just snorted softly. Instead of choosing close combat, he directly pulled out the crushed teeth with his right hand and crossed them with the natural teeth.

The glory of the sun merges with the lunar moonlight of Taiyin and turns into two spiral dragons!

Then Ssangyong roared and slammed into Valerie


The tyranny of the sun and the coldness of Taiyin intersect, and the power of the sun and moon evolved, even suppressing the power of the number of robbers on Valery and blasting it out.

"Shoot !!!"

At this moment, the figures of the four Sayers descended from the sky and appeared directly on the emperor ’s side, blocking the front of Valerie with the killing pills

"Damn, **** it!"

The blonde girl who flew out was a little dazed, and then a bit of hatred! Valery understands that although the power of robbery is powerful, it is not invincible. It is normal to be repelled when he has used too much energy and the power of robbery is insufficient .


"How can we get the victory that we have in hand!"

A speechless refusal emerged in my heart, and Valerie instantly unlocked all the limitations of her body, frantically extracting the endless power of the birth of the Great Plane Havoc.

The mad influx of power continued to increase the burden on the body, making it gurgling.

But Valerie's face was unmoved.

The girl is overdrawing herself. If nothing happens, her body will die in half an hour, but as long as she can kill her old enemy and give up a doppelganger, it is totally worth it.

Even this clone, especially the clone artifact, made her very satisfied.

Seeing Valerie's situation, the battle-hardened Shengsheng Pill and Saya knew what she was doing to nature, glanced at each other, and attacked almost at the same time.

"Mystery-Shuanglong broken!"

"Must kill! Force Field Cannon!"

"The sword of beginning and end!"

"Sin Arrows!"

"Soul of Beastmaster !!!"

The five energies were different, but the attacks with a considerable degree of lethality suddenly broke out, and from different angles, they were sieving towards Valery.

When the attack was about to fall on Valerie—


The unimaginable shock of terror erupted from the girl.

Attacks coming from all directions shifted their directions one after another at this moment of eruption, and then the blonde girl laughed smirkfully and began to deform.

The white hands turned into **** claws, and the **** color stained the girl's body.

Even the cheek, which was quite touching, was twisted directly.

Valerie turned into a monster in an instant!


In a sudden collision, Valerie rushed out at an alarming speed and appeared in front of Shi Sheng Wan in an instant, even making the perfect monster unable to react for a while.

At the next moment, the claws containing infinite numbers of robbers directly grabbed towards the face gate of Shi Sheng Wan!

The big monster had only time to tilt his head. The claws left a blood mark directly on the face of the killing pill. With one blow, Valerie twisted the whole body and kicked the killing pill directly.

The killing pills in mid-air wanted to fight back, but the wounds on his face became hot

The power of the few remaining in the wound has happened!

Rao is the perfect monster and his body is also stiff.

At this time, Saya had reacted, and surrounded him for the first time. In the face of Saya's siege, the monster even gave a roar directly, and the scary blood energy turned into a storm.

Under this storm, Saya had some difficulty moving for a while.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the monster roared and rushed towards the emperor. Its speed was so fast that it appeared on the emperor's head almost instantly.

Seeing the monster is going to bomb down directly!

"It's over!"

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