My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 269: Chaos Realm God is the first!

Time goes forward half an hour-

Under the will of the mother of the avenue, the whole person of Nagato appeared in chaos out of thin air, and formed a road tire that was constantly gestating, and absorbed the power of chaos at a crazy speed.

At this moment, the most fundamental mystery of the entire endless void seems to be revealed in front of the long door.

The red-haired boy in the unborn child fell into an epiphany involuntarily!

Countless laws and connotations flashed in the minds of young people. Various kinds of knowledge continued to reorganize, and soon a spark of wisdom burst forth, causing the mood of Nagato to skyrocket.

Soon, the three views of Nagato began to change

Just as humans do not understand the three views of ants, the world looks different in the eyes of different kinds of creatures and different classes of creatures.

Different concepts will lead to many different results.

What the strong take seriously is faith.

If you do n’t have a strong enough belief, even if you have the strongest power, you will be eliminated by others sooner or later, and you will eventually be able to avoid the fate of being ants.

With the increasing beliefs of the strong, it will form the unique worldview, values ​​and life outlook of the strong!

Obviously, the ongoing changes at Nagato are similar to this!

With the birth of the Taoist fetus, Nagato gradually moved towards the position of the natural **** Buddha, and the senses of the natural **** Buddha gradually infected the teenager, so that his three views began to change unconsciously.

Time passes little by little in the pulsation of the road tire

With the new world outlook, values ​​and outlook on life gradually forming, Nagato's thinking speed is getting faster and faster, and soon reaches a jaw-dropping point.


At a certain moment, the soul of Nagato felt a tremor.

The various senses of the natural **** Buddha and the long door directly overlap, and on the level of soul consciousness, the long door has become an inborn **** Buddha!

At this moment, the origin of Nagato's heaven and earth began to transform completely!

The chaotic road tires are starting to shine

It was an indescribable light, as if it were the first glory that was born on earth, and it seemed to be the golden light that governed the world, just like the magic light when the world was destroyed.

Even in the chaos of nothingness, this light is also extremely dazzling!

At the same time, the consciousness of Nagato is in line with the mother of Dadao.

Nagato clearly felt that the closeness of the mother of Dadao to herself, the kind of warmth similar to the feeling of licking a calf, made the long door with a cold nature inevitable.

However, this is not the time for Nagato to greedy warmth--

Because when connected with the mother of the Avenue, the God of the Long Gate inscribed with the three laws began to madly transform, the laws of creation, the laws of order and the laws of destruction actually became one by one.

Soon, these three laws in the mirror of the long door, interpreted the scene of the world's birth and death!

Then this kind of scene appeared repeatedly, a mysterious force was derived from the gap between the birth and death of the world, and it instantly invaded the soul and body of Nagato.

That was the fundamental power called Chaos Vitality, and once the Nagato engulfed the Chaos Orb got similar power.

It was just that time, the chaotic vitality that Nagato got was only a little. This time, it seems endless.

In this way, the body and soul of Nagato have undergone fundamental changes!


After not knowing for a long time, Nagato's spiritual consciousness produced a huge roar, awakening it from the endless mystery, and then Nagato found out that he had already emerged from the road tire.

At this time, he was sitting on the golden throne, suspended in the chaotic void!

Without any reason, Nagato knew that he had been promoted to Tao Realm, and during the promotion, from the acquired spirit to the innate **** Buddha

And it is still the strongest among the innate **** Buddha!

The creation **** who can open up a new world in chaos, or the chaos world god!

At this moment, the source of the new heaven and heaven is like the inherent strength of the long gate!

Even though he has n’t used it yet, Nagato also knows the various powers he has now, and a strong feeling permeates his mind. However, Nagato still feels somewhat lost.

Because the supreme will of the Mother of the Avenue is fading

She is leaving

"No need to worry, I have been watching you!"

It seemed to feel the emotion of Nagato, and a grand voice rang in the ear of Nagato, full of warmth and expectation, "In my name, I hereby give the name of the **** of Ru-Chaos!"

As soon as the words fell, the will of the mother of the avenue disappeared without a trace


After being silent for a while, the long door couldn't help whispering, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After throwing away the feelings of feelings, Nagato had to sigh with emotion. The expectation of the mother of the road is really high. She actually gave herself the name "chaos" to herself.

You know, the gift of the mother of the avenue is almost equivalent to the delivery of endless void authority!

The mother of Dadao is almost telling Nagato that she has agreed that Nagato will directly control this endless void in her hands in the future, and this will instantly increase Nagato's luck to an unpredictable point.

"Long Aotian is not as lucky as me!"

Such a flash of thought flashed through his head, the long door suddenly frowned slightly, his eyes directly penetrated the obstacles of endless chaos, and directly saw the huge devil who was about to explode.

"This will not work!"

The indifferent voice spit out gently from the long doorway.

Completely ignoring the obstacles of chaos, the voice of the long door echoed directly around the giant demon god, and then the red-haired boy and the throne disappeared in place and appeared above the demon god.

The vertical pupil of the eyebrow opened wide, revealing a golden concentric eye!

That was the supernatural eye that Nagato got after promotion, and its name is Tianyan!

——See through the evolution of heaven and earth, and capture the eye of the law!

Because the consciousness of the plane has perished before, under the power of the pupil of Tianyan, the laws of the entire dxd plane are very easily infested at this moment.

The law began to emerge and turned into a golden net!

Then the big net of law appeared directly, covering the demon who was about to explode. The power of the law constrained the energy of the rage and directly suppressed the detonation of the demon! ..

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