My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 9: Hill and Ronin are second!


The sudden appearance of Nagato suddenly shocked the smiling girl.

I saw that the girl stepped back abruptly, wanting to say something, looked at the corpses and the blood on her body, and suddenly felt inexplicable, looked at the long door, and could not help but make a lovely whine.

-Am I wrong?

Seeing the girl behave like this, the expression on Nagato's face remained the same, and she couldn't help but choke.

The girl in front of her seemed to have changed a person in a moment. The decisiveness and coldness just disappeared at this moment, and her face even showed a bit of stunnedness!

Despite this, Nagato attaches more importance to the girl in front of her

It's so easy to change his temperament. It's the best choice for killers. It just happens that Nagato plans to organize a team of assassins directly under him to clean up the emperor and even the entire empire.

Obviously, this girl is one of the candidates he has scheduled!

"No need to panic, girl!"

Approaching the girl step by step, the long door said lightly, "Your case should be a legitimate defense, and according to the laws of the empire, it is innocent."

"Yeah, I'm innocent, last time!"

Hearing the long door, the girl couldn't help but say, but at the end, it seemed that something she didn't want to say was involved. The girl reacted immediately and bit her lip.

It's just that Nagato was a little crying and laughing, and the girl seemed a little too hard.

There were even tears in the big eyes under the glasses

"Oh, it's not the first time you have done this kind of thing!"

Although the girl did n’t finish, but what kind of person was Nagato, it ’s easy to guess her situation, “In this case, it ’s a little trouble, this kind of thing, once okay, twice, the guard has to doubt Your motivation. "

"After all, are you really taking revenge, or do you simply want to kill?"

When saying this, Nagato's body was less than one meter away from the purple-haired girl, and the slight sense of oppression made the girl who was originally discovered because of the murder show a panic look completely.

Then, in an instant, the girl's expression cooled instantly, and a cold light flashed in her eyes!


Along with such a sincere apology, the dagger in the hand of the girl with purple hair instantly swiped towards the neck of the long door, trying to take his life.

But at this moment, a strange smile appeared on Nagato's face.

The whole person leaned back slightly, and escaped the murderous blow of the purple-haired girl!

"No need to apologize, because you are still far away!"

In the indifferent words, the left hand of Nagato was directly raised, grabbed the arm of the girl with purple hair, and twisted hard, and then twisted it behind the girl, while the right hand of Nagato was placed on the back of the girl


A faint haze emerged from the right hand of Nagato, and turned into a series of flashing electric currents, which instantly flowed through the body of the girl, causing her body to become paralyzed in an instant.

The girl's glasses fell to the ground at this time.

"Now, I understand!" During the talk, the long door let go of his hand, and the purple-haired girl who was paralyzed all over the body collapsed directly on the ground, "You are not a murderer with fun to kill, but it is obvious , You only kill people! "

Hearing the words of Nagato, the girl who was still struggling could not help but widen her eyes.

She could not imagine that the mysterious man in front of her guessed her essence so easily. Yes, the girl would only kill people. Besides, she could not do anything well.

Cooking will scorch the food, buying and selling will confuse the goods, even simple cleaning will destroy the environment.

In short, she can hardly do normal things.

Only killing, she does not even need to learn.

Pick up the knife and know how to use it!

"You can't survive in the normal world like this!"

At this time, the long door squatted down and pinched the girl's chin directly with his right hand. He said, "However, I like you very much, follow my steps and become my person!"


Hearing the words of Nagato, the girl's face appeared with an expression of "overwhelmed".

"If you don't say it, I will be your default!"

Although he saw that the other party was in chaos, the red-haired boy was obviously not an empathetic existence, and he made a decision for her directly and overbearingly.

"Starting today, you are a member of my direct force, yes, your name, girl!"

"Hill, my name is Hill!"

After a long silence, the girl said so.

As Nagato prepares to talk further with his novices.

Sudden clogs came from behind him, and the right hand released the girl's chin, a little on her temple, and let it fainted directly, the long door stood up with some dissatisfaction.

Turning his head, the long door saw that at the end of the street, a man dressed as a rogue was walking step by step.

This is a cold-blooded and merciless swordsman full of blood!

At first glance, Nagato knew this fact.

He has a blood-drinking demon sword, which is the second thought that Nagato produced when he saw the blade on his waist.

——He **** it!

No need for any reason, a killer appeared in the heart of the red-haired boy. After seeing something unpleasant, Nagato had the only idea of ​​completely destroying it in his heart.

Thinking so, the breath on Nagato's body gradually calmed down.

At this time, the swordsman dressed up by the rogue had come to the front door and said, "You must be the sword teacher of the princess that Shira said, Your Excellency!"

During the speech, the swordsman even took a few deep breaths, and his face gradually turned red.

Obviously, the blood here makes the swordsman very happy.

"Sila? That little deflated son!"

Some of them said something boringly, and Nagato didn't intend to talk nonsense, and the faint mist condensed in his hands, turning into a long sword of ice, and the blade pointed directly at the swordsman—

"No matter who you send me, I hate you, so please die!" ..

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