My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 14: The first sight and the third conflict!

After the initial surprise, Lifa began to reflect on whether something was wrong.

After all, she had just formally embarked on a path of rebellion. She had been reluctant to pay attention to her emperor who suddenly wanted to see her, and even asked to bring her swordsmanship teacher.

No matter what you think, it looks a bit strange.

It's just that after all the hard work of the girl, she got nothing. Although she did some secret activities with the general, they did all very secretly.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to be known by outsiders!

Thinking so, the girl's gaze looked at the red-haired teenager who was sipping tea, his teacher, and also his biggest rely-Nagato!

Yes, in the eyes of Lifa, Nagato is his biggest rely.

Although as far as the current situation is concerned, General Bude is more important to the girl, but the girl never dared to underestimate, and even dared to neglect her swordsmanship--

A thousand years of undefeated imperial masters, not to mention powerful, their wisdom alone is an unimaginable treasure.

"Relax, you and Bude have not been discovered!"

Seeing his apprentice's gaze, Nagato didn't make a fuss, and directly gave the answer, "Probably the minister's family encouraged the emperor."

"Not long ago, I chopped a guy named Shiraz and called Izang. Then on the same day, when I came back from the Pein family, I caught another minister's spy."

"I want to come. The change of the palace of the princess made the couple of the fox father and son a bit worried, and wanted to try it out, but Lifa, just take this opportunity to let the world know you again, any?"

"Just what I want!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Lifa was a little stunned for a while, then a smile of excitement appeared, and his right hand touched the sword of the elf around his waist, and the faint wind breathed out

The palace is located in the center of the imperial capital and covers a large area.

Two hours later, Nagato and Lifa arrived in the palace in the luxury carriage of the mansion. After getting off the car, Nagato's face could not help but express a sense of emotion.

"Teacher, what are you thinking about?"

Lifa, who walked out of the carriage after the long gate, could not help being curious when she saw the emotion on the face of the long gate, "Yes, when you woke up, you also came to the palace."

"It's been here, but at night."

Withdrawing his gaze, the long door replied lightly, "After all, at that time, I hurried back to sleep, and I was too lazy to take care of some idle things. The only impression I got was that this place is getting bigger and bigger."

Hearing the words of Nagato, Lifa's eyes showed a doubt.

"Thousands of years ago, the palace was only about one-twentieth the size of it. As I woke up again and again, the area of ​​the palace was getting bigger and bigger. I remember that when I woke up last time, the palace was only one-tenth of it. I did n’t expect this wake-up to be ten times bigger, which is really surprising! "

In the end, the words of Nagato could not help revealing a mockery of the royal family.

After listening to this, Princess Chang could not help but be silent.

Although the decay of the empire has been known for a long time, Lifa has discovered that as he continues to progress under the words and teachings of Nagato and Bude, the decay of the empire also constantly refreshes his lower limit.

——This country needs a real redemption!

The blonde girl couldn't help raising such a conviction in her heart. With the establishment of her conviction, the mysterious coercion gradually filled up around the girl, so that the court guard who had originally greeted her and the long gate could not help but stop.

Seeing this scene, a smile of satisfaction appeared on Nagato's face.

The true king, after all, must have his true belief in kingship

Instead of being forced to go this way.

At this point, Lifa finally completed a complete psychological change, and Nagato understood that even if he suddenly disappeared from now on, I am afraid that Lifa will not stop her pace.


"Lifa, you scared others!"

Looking at the palace guards who wanted to get closer but did not know how to get close, the long door could only open to remind, "The emperor is still waiting for us."

"Huh? Oh! Got it!"

Hearing the call from Nagato, and recovering from his own thoughts, the pressure on Lifa's body suddenly dissipated, making the guards think that they were just an illusion.

"Let's go, teacher!"

Looking at the greeted guard, Lifa didn't even bother to bother and walked directly towards the front palace. Behind her, the long door followed with a smile.

Lifa lives in the palace after hours, and is familiar with everything here.

Where do you need a bodyguard to lead the way?

Under Lifa's leadership, Naomen and her passed directly through the heavy palace. Soon, the two came to the palace of Chaozheng. According to the notice, the emperor was here to summon Princess Chang.

Before stepping into the palace, the long door looked through the space and saw a little boy sitting on the throne. Beside the boy, he was a guy who looked extremely strong, even fat.

The two were whispering something, mainly because the fat guy was saying that the little boy was listening and nodding from time to time.

"That is the current emperor and minister ?! It really is"

Seeing these two people, Nagato knew their identity the first time, just what to say, Nagato, who was disappointed at first, was completely speechless at this moment.

"Your Highness Princess arrives!"

When Lifa and Nagato arrived at the gate of the palace, such a voice rang out in the palace.

Lifa paused, sorted out her clothes, slowly walked into the palace, and gently bowed to the emperor. Behind her, the long door was silent.

"See Your Majesty."

It was just that Lifa's words had just fallen, and before the emperor had time to speak, a courtier jumped out and pointed to the long door. "Bold, who are you, even when you meet your emperor, you are not kneeling!"


But before he finished speaking, the whole person flew out and bombarded the walls of the palace.

The whole palace suddenly became chaotic!


At this time, Nagato embraced his hands and said leisurely, "Let me kneel, are you looking for death!" ..

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