My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 16: Forced marriage? fighting! First more!

Lifa is very clear

It is absolutely bad intention to summon myself into the palace this time.

The little emperor may still remember some old feelings, but as the so-called imperial family has no affection, the feelings between the two are really very small. Even after the little emperor ascended the throne in the bloodiest way, the gap between the two was even greater.

In other words, there is a great gap between the little emperor and the remaining members of the royal family.

This is probably a common problem of **** people!

The most important thing is that the little emperor is completely the puppet of the minister, and in the eyes of the discerning person, the minister's maliciousness towards himself has been revealed very early. If he does not take the opportunity to do something, Lifa will be surprised.

Sure enough, after hearing the minister's words, the little emperor's eyes turned to Lifa. After a while, he began to say: "Yes, sister, this time you are called to the palace, mainly the minister's idea."

"That's right, Her Royal Highness."

At this time, the minister took the little emperor's words and made a sullen expression, so he pretended to say embarrassedly, "Is it time for you to fulfill the marriage contract between you and Shila? Grandson "

"That's right, you are also fifteen years old, and Shira is not too young!"

The little emperor was not dissatisfied with what the minister had robbed himself. Instead, he said enthusiastically, "And I heard that the minister's son, Shira, was born in the Imperial Boxing Temple and is a talent."

"Do not make jokes!!!"

At this moment, Li Fa suddenly interrupted the little emperor's words.

That high tone not only made many people in the hall show a surprised expression, but even scared the little emperor, and made the young king step back a few steps.

"You know, in fact, I have endured it for a long time!"

Seeing the expressions of everyone around him, Li Fa's mouth showed a sneering smile.

The girl couldn't help but think that before she met the teacher, she was really forced to go to the dead end by these people. Now she thinks that the girl can't help but be a little funny, not only to others but also to herself.

"My dear His Majesty the Emperor, and the Minister!"

At this time, Li Fa looked directly at the emperor and the minister, and said quietly, "Since you want me to be Shira's wife so much, let me and him meet in the fighting field."

"In the name of the Royal Daughter, only those who win me can become my husband!"

The empire is decaying.

But before decay, the empire was great.

Thousands of years ago, the empire rose in war. With the help of Emperor Gu, the territory of the empire was expanded to a limit, and the surrounding different nations worshiped the empire one by one and bowed down to claim their titles.

At that time, when a king of a different nation expressed his surrender to the ancestor, he also asked to marry the princess

However, the ancestor emperor at that time had only one daughter, so naturally he was a bit reluctant.

However, Her Royal Highness Princess, who also did not want to go to the wild land of a different nation, made a request. If you want to marry yourself, the king must defeat herself. Hearing the princess ’s request, the king of the different nations seemed satisfied with his force, and agreed without thinking.

Then, in front of the princess holding the emperor, he was defeated neatly.

In the face of such a gap, after the decadence, the king completely sworn to surrender to the empire, and the princess ’s actions became the talk of the imperial people, and even the ancestor emperor set the tradition of the royal family-

"The daughter of the royal family, when facing a marriage that you don't like, you can use force to lift it!"

Faced with such a sudden announcement by the princess, even the authority of the emperor cannot be denied, because this is the rule laid down by the ancestor emperor. For the royal family, the ancestor emperor is truly supreme.

If the emperor cannot deny, the minister will be even worse. His authority depends on the little emperor.

Two hours later, the largest capital of the imperial capital was on the battlefield.

"For this reason, I need to fight that woman?"

Standing at an exit of the fighting field, Shira's expression was unhappy, and he looked around the crowd, "And still fighting in such a situation, it's like a clown!"

But it's no wonder that when the minister's men dispatched him to find him, the man was invading a family and was preparing to work with the hostess. As a result, under the imperial order, he could only hold back and came here.

"Is this impossible? I didn't expect that princess to be so stubborn!"

At the side of Shira, the minister smiled bitterly at first, and then a very eerie expression appeared on his face, "This is just right, Shira, let the little girl fully understand, what is despair!"

As soon as the words fell, the minister turned and left, and he went to accompany the little emperor on the podium.

"Come on, dad!"

Seeing the back of her father's departure, Sheila shouted aloud and walked out of the exit. At first glance, Sheila saw the blonde girl who had been waiting on the battlefield.

At this time, the girl with a single pony tail, dressed in white and green clothes, with a sword hanging from her waist, looked heroic.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Sheila always feels that the girl's ears are a little sharp.

In addition to a mysterious temperament mixed with various noble meanings, I have to say that the girl in front of me is indeed a very rare beauty, so that Shira has a special desire to conquer!

However, before this-

"It's really yours, woman!"

When I walked to less than five meters in front of Lifa, Shira ’s face was arrogantly smiling, and there was a glimmer of **** and desire in his eyes, "You make Dad angry, so I will educate me your!"

"Really a rabid dog!"

Facing this man who almost became his husband, Lifa found that he had nothing to say, his right hand was directly on the hilt, and then looked at the referee—

"Can I start, I can't help but cut people!"

"How dare you say it, woman, hum, referee, start now!"

Hearing the words of Lifa and Shira, the referee froze for a while, and then said loudly, "In the name of the empire, this battle has a sacred meaning, please pay attention to both His Royal Highnesses."

"Fight, officially start !!!"

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