My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 33: Rainstorm travel first!

A few days later, the rain was pouring!

The luxurious carriage ran on the muddy road, bringing a series of muddy water.

"The rain is getting bigger and bigger."

Looking at the overcast clouds outside the window, the long door sighed softly, then he closed his eyes and closed his eyes against the soft sofa seat.

Although the cold wind outside the carriage blew in from time to time.

But the mysterious runes inscribed on the inner wall of the carriage easily dispelled the ice in front of them.

This mysterious horse-drawn carriage was specially made by Nagato after it settled in the forest castle, in order to facilitate the rapid back and forth between the palace and the castle of the Princess Princess. The carriage is a tall horse with a dangerous bloodline.

The tall carriage can accommodate four or five people, and the luxury inside naturally goes without saying.

The most important thing is that almost every part is engraved with runes from different worlds by the long gate, so that the carriage can run anywhere on the ground, the winter is warm and the summer is cool, and even it can resist some attacks.

Therefore, the Nagato was able to roar outside with thunder, and stayed in the car leisurely under the torrential rain, enjoying a comfortable environment almost comparable to the high-speed train.

It's just that such enjoyment costs are also extremely high-

Rune activation requires the existence of aura. This power is not available in this world. Almost all of them are transformed by the **** of the long gate extinct with the mist, absorbing the energy of the world.

Fortunately, this consumption is very small, still within the tolerance range of Nagato, and has not caused much impact.

"Saya is missing, it's really inconvenient!"

At this time, Nagato can't help but think of Saya, if it is her, I am afraid that he can use this world's power as a foundation to transform the rune that is suitable for this world, instead of being awkward like Nagato.

Thinking of this, Nagato shook his head involuntarily.

And at this time. A slightly curious inquiry came from Cornelia in his ear.

"Is there any problem? Master?"

"It's nothing, Cole, it's just thinking of someone important."

Hearing Alice's inquiry, Nagato looked up and glanced at Kornelia, who was sitting opposite her, and the two little girls, Zhu Zi and Chi Tong, who were beside her.

A few days ago, when I saw three girls in the castle, Nagato just expressed surprise, and consciously or unintentionally, I ignored some girls ’crappy acting--

After all, my father owed huge amounts of gambling debts and sold my three daughters as maids.

Then, after a brief narrative, Nagato took the three girls as her personal maid.

And this time when he went out, the long door naturally brought the three girls out.

"Are you still used to living in the castle?"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, Cornelia could not help but froze for a moment, then she nodded quickly.

"Fortunately, Master, Mr. Butler takes care of us, and Master, you paid off our debts."

Speaking of which, Cornelia's voice became a lot smaller, and finally even lowered her head with a red face to sneak a peek at the man in front of her. It is no wonder that Cornelia has such a performance. After all, what Nagato did in this world, this era, is enough for girls to agree with each other.

Even with a bad purpose, Cornelia had to admit that Nagato was very attractive.

——He, would he really be the kind of evil villain?

In the past few days, Cornelia has always had such a problem in his mind. After all, except for being lazy, Nagato did not do anything harmful.

It was just education and trust in her father that she had kept these ideas completely down.

"Really, that's good!"

Looking at the heavy rain outside the car window, the long door nodded indifferently, and then said, "So, Cole, when are you going to warm my blanket!"

"Master, master !!!"

Hearing Nagato's words, Cornelia couldn't help but say that her cheeks were flushed red, and she immediately drew Nagato's laughter. Even Zhu Zi around her couldn't help but pursed her lips.

Such plays are often staged within these few days.

In the past few days after getting the castle, Nagato has stayed here, and has not even returned to the residence of the Princess, and in his spare time, it has become the daily interest of Nagato to tease Cornelia.


"Sister Cole wants to warm the owner's bed?"

Chi Tong, who was carefully eating snacks, heard laughter, raised his head, and asked with a natural face, and her words instantly made the whole car speechless.


At this moment, there was a crisp horse hiss outside. The heavy rain penetrated the ear of the long door, and when he heard the sound, the long door raised his right hand and gently pushed down his glasses.

They have reached their destination.

Although the carriage was made to go back and forth between the Princess Princess mansion and the castle, it does not mean that the destination of the Long Gate is the Princess Princess mansion.

The destination of Nagato's trip this time is a settlement of foreigners located in the castle town of Imperial City.

It was already evening in the evening.

Due to heavy rain, most people in the settlement have returned to their homes to rest.

However, many people still spend their time in the tavern.

The appearance of the luxurious carriage was immediately attracted their attention, and even the heavy rain could not stop their enthusiasm, these guests walked out of the tavern, staring at the carriage in front of them curiously.

For them, the white carriage with no trace of dirt is as if it had fallen from the sky, and the beauty is fascinating.

It wasn't until the pub owner came over and shouted loudly that the guys who had drunk too much alcohol were driven away. But they were still hiding under the eaves, watching the carriage in front of them with curious eyes.

And in the eyes of everyone, the carriage door slowly opened.

Cornelia, who got off first, saw that the maid chief beside the long door held up a big umbrella and stood by the door of the car to wait. Then, the long door walked out and stood with Cornelia together.

Behind the two, Chi Hitomi and Zhu Zi held an umbrella together.

The four handsome men and beautiful women instantly attracted everyone's attention! ..

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