My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 36: Successively appeared first!

Seeing Berlick's move, Cornelia subconsciously wanted to start.

As the eldest sister of a seven-member group who was trained by an elite who was rigorously trained from an early age, Kornelia is absolutely confident that the bastard's hand will hit him in front of him with a punch.

If you use your own tools, it's a breeze to crush the bones and bones instantly.

Even if the sickle man behind him looks very difficult to tangle.

The girl also had confidence that he could not rescue.

So do you want to do it?

The thoughts were running fast, and the girl denied the hands-on idea for a moment. Although the **** said that the long door would die, the girl didn't believe it at all.

The girl has an intuition that Nagato will never die, even if the other party said the promise.

——In this case, you can't expose yourself!

Thinking in this way, Cornelia did not shoot, but took a step back in a pretentious manner, avoiding the salty pig hands of Berlick and yelling.

"What are you doing, dare to do something with us, the master will not let you go!"

"It's really a stubborn little girl."

Seeing Cornelia being so unaware of the current affairs, a sudden displeasure flashed on Belik's face, "It's just too stubborn but it will be punished."

"That's it, little girl, be good!"

At this time, Holimarca, the sickle man standing next to him, also smiled and grabbed the hand of Zhu Zi to exert a little force, so that the girl with short chestnut hair could not help showing a soft gesture——

"It hurts!"

"Release Zhu Zi, you guys!"

At this time, seeing his partner bullied by the red pupil immediately rushed up, but simply showing the ordinary girl's level, he was shocked in the outbreak of Holimaca.

In other words, you have to act backwards.

"Really, one and two are so stubborn!"

Seeing the reaction of Red Hitomi, Belik's face couldn't help but be a little bored. You must know which girl he would like to be taken by Lord Belik in An Ning Road, which would not be so troublesome.

"Don't you say it already, your master is already dead!"

However, at this moment-

"Oh, I can't take this sentence without hearing it, old fellow!"

With a light voice echoing, Cornelia suddenly felt a heat around her, the umbrella he was holding in his hand suddenly burned up, and a black flame burst out

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

The fluid black flame appeared like a river, immediately enclosing the entire hall. Under this flame, Holimaca immediately released the building purple and made a vigilant gesture.

As an emperor, he felt the breath of the same kind coming!

"Be careful, Master Berwick!"

Putting the sickle in his hand on his shoulder, Holimaca's face showed a color of prudence and arrogance. "This is the role of Emperor Gu. It seems that there is an Emperor Gu came."

"However, please rest assured, no matter who it is, it is a must to come to my blade!"

"Oh, I'm really confident, scum!"

At the moment when Holimaca's words just fell, the rather vicious words rang again, the black flames began to turbulence, and the big umbrella in Kornellia's hand flew automatically.

Then there was a fierce explosion! From the burst of flames, a blond and noble girl came out instantly.

"But, you made me a little angry!"

At that moment, after the appearance of the blond girl, she said with dissatisfaction, "So, Aaliyah will entertain you well, so try to struggle for me."

As the girl's words just fell, the dark flames began to condense into a monster.

The entire backyard hall danced in a flash

Everyone could not help but stunned!

at the same time--

"Something is wrong!"

Guy, who was off-site support for the three of Cornelia at the front desk of the tavern, rose from the ground with a drunken awakening gesture and whispered in Green's ear.

"There seems to be a fight in the backyard!"

"What's the matter? Are they exposed?"

Hearing Guy ’s words, Green, who was still a little drunk, suddenly woke up with a quick voice, "Do you want to kill me?"

"Calm down, Kohl and they didn't expose!"

Covering Green's mouth, Guy said a little speechlessly, "It's the guy on the side of An Ning Road who seems to be backwatering, hum, it's a cult of the cholera country."

"Relax, Kohl and they are all right now, that is, we may be in trouble!"


Hearing Guy's words, Green couldn't help but reveal a little doubt.

Then he heard a slightly chaotic sound of horseshoes coming from outside the tavern, and subconsciously looked out the door of the hotel, and then the spectacled boy could not help but stay in place.

In fact, it was n’t just him. Except the unconscious drunkard, almost everyone in the hotel was stunned.

Because at this moment, they all saw

Hundreds of Empire Guards appeared!


Soon, the gate of the tavern turned into debris and scattered, and the one-eyed man of Gundam came in, and behind him were members of the guards who followed him—

"The imperial guards are doing things, and the unrelated personnel will leave me !!!"

"Oka ?!"

"Oka the ghost!"


After seeing the one-eyed man, the whole tavern was in a panic, except for the unconscious guy, all of them fled frantically from places like windows.

The scene is so funny that people can't help but feel a little emotional.


Seeing that there were a lot fewer people in the tavern, the man named Oka immediately stepped in and moved towards the backyard of the tavern.

"Wait, sir, you"


Seeing this scene, the owner of the pub quickly stepped forward to say something, but just before he finished, he was knocked by Oka and threw it into the hands of the guard behind him-

"Catch this guy too, **** peaceful road!" ..

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