My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 76: Surrender and black pupil first!

Looking at Lifa's hand, Najieta couldn't help but stunned.

On the way to the imperial palace, Najieta had expected that she would be recruited, but she really didn't expect that Lifa's sincerity to recruit her would be so great.

You know, although she is capable, she is a former general who betrayed the empire after all, a betrayal!

In any world, at any time, betrayal is a spurn existence.

Although the two did have some friendship in the past, Najieta did not think that the relationship was mostly deep, and the indifference of the royal family was no stranger to the former imperial general.

However, the facts told her that she still underestimated the instrument of the high princess!

"Before answering your question"

After being silent for a while, Najieta asked, "I want to know, what about my men, Brand, Leonai, what will happen to them?"

I have to say that Najieta really moved.

After all, as far as the real situation is concerned, the revolution really has no prospects, and even if it continues, it is at best only a terrorist.

What's more, the empire is in Nirvana in the hands of the princess.

At first, Najieta betrayed the empire, not because of his decay, otherwise, why would she go this way.

However, before that, she had to determine the safety of her men.

"Don't think of me too scary!"

Hearing Njieta ’s words, a smile flickered on Lifa ’s face, “I can tolerate you, and I naturally can accept your subordinates. Of course, the premise is loyalty!”

"So, Lubbock"

"The person who betrayed you, I heard that the new minister found his family and threatened him with the safety of his parents and family. He did not intend to betray you."

"I understand!"

Najieta was silent for a while, instead of reaching out to hold Lifa ’s hand, she bent down and knelt in front of Lifa directly, making a gesture of surrender—

"Sinner Najieta, have seen His Majesty the Regent!"


Seeing Najieta so out of sight, Lifa couldn't help but pursed her mouth, and then said a little helplessly, "So, Najieta, you should understand what I want you to do!"

"Sinner understands!"

With his head down, Najieta said.

As a genius-like general, Najieta has terrible strategy and courage.

Even in this situation, she can clearly understand the current situation of the empire. In order to resist the sudden disaster of the undead natural disaster, the empire needs to concentrate all its strength.

In order to concentrate all forces, the empire must first stabilize the situation in the empire.

At this time, the remnant forces of the revolutionary army became the goal of the empire. It was the choice of the imperial capital to recruit these forces and use them to stabilize the situation in the empire!

And Najieta himself is the one who performs this task just when Najieta chose to submit

In a room far from the edge of the northwestern battlefield of the empire, the long door woke up from his sleep.

Before opening his eyes, there was a burst of roar from the distance in the ears of the long door. That was the daily routine of this level on the edge of the battlefield-corpse attack.

I don't know why, there are a certain number of corpses on the level to attack each day.

Then the long door felt a softness around him, the tip of his nose smelled a scent, opened his eyes subconsciously, the long door turned sideways, and looked at his side


In the arms of Nagato, the black pupil and Nagato covered the same quilt.

The girl's head was resting on the arm of the long door, her hands were also tightly around the neck of the long door, the pretty face was still silky ruddy, and there was a teardrop hanging in the corner of her eye, but her expression was extremely peaceful and she slept very well Steady.

Under the quilt, both are in a state of being naked.

Just last night, Nagato finally ate the black pupil!

Although the girl had rebelled, but how to get the long door, from grievances to unwillingness, and then to joy, the black pupils were all eaten up and down by the long door.

Presumably, this girl must be exhausted now.

Would n’t it be sober until noon or even at night?

"Have a good rest"

Nagato gently touched the black pupil ’s head in his arms, and then left a soft kiss on the black pupil ’s forehead, and then gently came out of the quilt, picking up the clothes that fell on the ground, Dress neatly.


I don't know if I lost the temperature of Nagato so that the black pupil in my dream felt a little lost.

I saw that the girl turned over, her fair skin appeared from the slippery quilt with the action of turning over, and was exposed to the air, she was whispering dreamily

"Sister, bad guy"

Upon seeing this, Nagato smiled heartily, re-covered the quilt on the black pupil, and then picked up all the clothes belonging to the black pupil on the ground and hung it on the hanger beside.

Then he glanced at the black pupil's sleeping face and walked lightly to the door.


The door opened gently, and the red pupil appeared in front of the long door.

The girl who was originally black and straight was leaning indifferently on the wall, not knowing what she was thinking about. When she saw the long door open, she suddenly looked over and cheeked up

"Yo, Chi Tong, good morning!"

Faced with an unhappy red pupil, Nagato showed a smile.

Strolling to Chi Tong's side, Nagato slightly lowered his body, and said softly in Chi Tong's ear, "Hei Tong may be up late today. Please take care of your sister, and then"

"Be mentally prepared, maybe when I will eat you!"

With that said, Nagato walked straight past Chi Hitomi, and soon disappeared in the corridor, making the face of the black long straight girl who had been waiting here early in the morning deeper.

"Nagato, big villain!" ..

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