My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 26: War Kai and the second alarm!

"I think, I get it"

Looking at Maxwell, who was undergoing terrible changes in the sky, the red-haired boy's face was full of smile, but his eyes were full of murderous intent, "This is Saya's real gift!"

Jack standing on the side of the long door could not help but step back a few steps away from the red-haired boy.

At this time, Jack could not help confirming one more thing. Nagato deserved to be able to agree with Shaye for a lifetime, and possessing such a skill is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Right, Jack!"

Regarding Jack's move, Nagato knew that he didn't care much, but he released the shackles, and the crystal coffin behind the red-haired boy crashed to the ground.

"You'll take care of my things, after all, it's an unfinished product!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nagato no longer ignored the other party's reaction, anyway, Jack's character would definitely agree.

Just one step out, the figure of the red-haired boy disappeared directly in place, instantly appeared in front of Vera, facing the mutating Maxwell.

"Long, long door"

Seeing the red-haired boy in front of him, Vera couldn't help but feel relieved.

After all, Maxwell is too dangerous now. Vera clearly remembers that last time, under the stimulation of Saya, Maxwell also passed like this. Maxwell at that time was almost desperate.

If it was not that Saya directly sealed the memory of the other party and knocked it off, I am afraid the consequences would be disastrous.

"Teach me here!"

He said towards the girl behind him, and the long door stared straight ahead.

At this time, Maxwell seemed to lose his anger and mumbled:

"Summonmaxwellmyths.3s, nanomaeunit!"

At the next moment, the heat wave and the cold wave were continuously scraped around him, and the cold and warm waves alternated hundreds of thousands of times per second exceeded the laws of the material world, and the plasma ran around in the atmosphere.

The pale light appeared, wrapping Maxwell directly on the ground,


Then, the cracks in the realm, the space is broken like glass.

Two shadows appeared around the hot and cold wind. It was an armor monster with huge wings behind it. Although the appearance was not like a creature, there was a general agitation on the steel skin.

Angels, steel-like angels appear in front of Nagato and others!


Looking at the steel angel who appeared in front of him, the long door stood in the void, and everyone of the half-step Protoss was completely liberated at this moment, and enveloped the steel angels.

Among the stars in the starry sky of the Hak Ting, a crimson star shone brightly.

"Wow, has the companion who has not been born already come?" As the six-figure outer gate in the northern part of Hak Ting was fighting, Bai Yecha, who was chatting with a rare Hak Ting moon rabbit, could not help but look up in a desolate community in the eastern part of Hak Ting Said.

"Master Bai Yecha, what are you talking about!"

The rabbit-eared girl standing beside Bai Yecha couldn't help but ask curiously.

At the same time, following Bai Yecha's gaze, she looked up at the starry sky. Although she saw the red star, the girl who was not very familiar with the starry sky and stars didn't know the meaning of the star.

"Nothing, just talk to yourself!"

Facing the questions of the moon rabbits around him, Bai Yecha didn't answer, but said with a smile, "Black Rabbit, we have prepared a lot of clothes for you, let's try it!"

During the speech, Bai Yecha didn't know where to take out several different colors of clothing.

"Master Bai Yacha !!"

The girl named Black Rabbit couldn't help but be shy when she saw the clothes in Bai Yecha's hands that could make people feel ashamed. If she didn't know that the person in front of her had a high status, the girl would probably throw a punch.

In fact, after getting acquainted later, when facing the other party's teasing, the girl did swing her fists.

But now the girl can't do this, but just shyly retreated.

"Don't be shy, Black Rabbit!"

Seeing the girl's shyness, Bai Yecha, who was obviously Lori, showed Uncle Pervert's expression, "This is a gift I prepared for you, Black Rabbit!"

"Putting on them, I promise there are definitely many people asking you to be the referee of the gift game!"


Hearing Bai Yecha's words, a hint of hope flashed across Black Rabbit's face.

At this time, the community where Black Rabbit resides has fallen to the point of no name. If Black Rabbit can be more active as a referee, it can get more remuneration. For the current community, this is not a small amount of income.

In this regard, Black Rabbit is difficult to refuse.


After seeing the black rabbit hooked, a big smile appeared on Bai Yecha's face, "Come here, we can't wait any longer, Black Rabbit's maid costume, nurse costume"

He kept talking, Bai Yecha grabbed the black rabbit and ran towards the room.

As for compatriots or something, it has long been forgotten by Bai Yecha.

Bai Yecha can not care about the changes of the starry sky in the box court at this time, but many **** groups in the box court cannot, especially those standing behind the Devil King Maxwell.

At this time, in a mysterious palace in Ha Ting, a sense of existence was extremely vague, the appearance of the dress was incomprehensible, and the appearance was unclear. The presence stood up from the seat.

"Really, this kind of thing happened!"

As if to perceive something, this mysterious existence looked at the starry sky, and then at the direction of the northern part of Ha Ting. "The holder of the third perpetual motion lattice was actually confronted by the half-star spirit that shook the entire trajectory of Ha Ting Terrible, if the holder is defeated, what about Carlyoga? "

"So do you want to stop it? After all, it seems that the half-star spirit is a little too strong."

He murmured to himself, and then the existence shook his head again and sat down, "Forget it, anyway, this is not the time when I need to worry, hehe, I just need to wait" ..

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