My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 30: Canary is determined to be third!

On the first day of exit, the long gate directly took Vera.

When the rest of the community knew about the incident, all of them showed extremely surprised expressions, especially Ai Xia, and expressed their protest very clearly.

Only Nagato easily suppressed the little girl's protest.

Pumpkin Monster Jack had a detailed conversation with Vera. After confirming that Vera was willing, at least now to be a lover of Nagato, he stopped asking more.

Although Jack knows more than one lover

After all, with the life-long existence of Saya, I dare to have an affair. With my toes, I think I know that there are definitely more lovers in Nagato, but he does not care much.

However, there are no laws like monogamy in the Sand Court.

Even because of the unique rules of the Sand Chamber, polygamy, harems, and harems are everywhere, and there are only a lot of them. Jack has already seen it.

As long as you are willing, other things do not matter.

And in Jack's eyes, after Nagato became Vera's lover, he naturally became part of the community willowisp.

The strength of Nagato will definitely bring greater and longer-term development to its own community.

And as long as the community becomes stronger, then Jack can save more ghosts of premature children.

This is the most important thing for pumpkin monsters.

In fact, Jack's idea has really come true.

A few days after taking Vera, Nagato officially settled here and became a part of the community, and from then on, the community began to advance by leaps and bounds.

Within the community, Nagato acts as a contestant.

Although there may be some flaws in the wisdom of the long door, but can't bear the long door to be able to cheat. Anyway, in case of unfavorable things, just use the poet's means to tamper with the rules.

In terms of strength, Nagato is almost invincible in the lower middle.

So, with the support of Nagato, the community continued to advance at an alarming rate. In the next three years, it was directly upgraded from the community of the sixth outer door to the fifth outer door.

If the promotion conditions for the fourth outer door are not very troublesome, and can not be achieved by personal means alone, willowisp can even be promoted to the point of four outer doors.

The time inside and outside the sand court is not equal.

The difference in time between different planes and the sand court is also different. It may be that the outside world is a millennium in a moment, or it may be a few years, and the outside world is only a short moment.

At this time, the box court where the canary is located has passed for seven years.

Early in the morning, it was not yet dawn.

In an orphanage on the edge of the city, the canary as the dean woke up abruptly in a mysterious call without disturbing anyone.

"Is it time?"

Looking at the still gray sky outside the window, the canary couldn't help but sigh.

The woman with short blond hair knows that the contract period she signed seven years ago has finally arrived. After wandering in the world for seven years, she will finally have her own destiny.

Time is like running water, it will always change a lot of things. If it was seven years ago, the canary would definitely bring his adopted daughter to fight the man!

After all, her adopted daughter, who is completely the same as a bear child, has no trace of femininity besides her body, but has infinite possibilities.

With her help, the canary should be able to break free from her fate.

In fact, the canary adopted the adopted daughter for this day.

But, seven years later, the canary did not want to do this.

Because, in seven years, the canary was finally free from anger, and she finally understood one thing, that is, her era is really over.

"Perhaps, since I was planning to create a group of gods, it was already doomed to end!"

Such a word flashed in my head, Canary could not help but think of his life, a life that was very exciting at the beginning, the process was thrilling, and the end was miserable.

The life of a canary began hundreds of years ago in the Hakting, the dystopian devil!

The dystopian demon is a "closed world" that is one of the "human final trials". It was the strongest demon at that time, and also had the strongest characteristics of killing gods. He closed humans within walls and regarded humans as domestic animals.

It can be said that as long as he exists, humanity has no future.

At that time, in the Eastern District, the mixed **** group led by Emperor Shitian and the twelve days of protection, the Western European God Group in the southern region, and the various evil ghosts in the northern district, Raksha, could not take him.

This war didn't turn until the canary appeared.

The canary born from the closed world is different from her walking compatriots. She has a natural curiosity. Under the guidance of this curiosity, she has gone against the devil.

She fought against the dystopian demon while guiding the human history towards a good reverse development.

During the battle, she gradually influenced the gods and angels on the side of the dystopian demon king, and pulled them into her formation, and finally established the largest alliance community in the Chamber.

They set the greatest victories in the history of the box court, and the canary is the only human who completely cracked the final test of humanity. The name of the canary even spread throughout the upper floors of the box court.

However, the box court is a paradise for gods, but the canary's reputation has become the source of her failure.

She caused the hostility of the Demon Alliance and became the target of the Demon Alliance.

In the war with the Demon Alliance, even if the final human trial that sealed the box court was absolutely evil, Canary felt more and more powerless, and gradually, Canary's eyes turned to the gods.

She even tried to use the power of the poet to create a **** group, and use the power of the **** group to fight against the devil!

It was just that the Canary plan had not been successful and it was devastated.

The plan of the **** group is falling apart and scattered into the void.

"It's an idiot's move, knowing that human beings have unlimited possibilities!"

There was a sentence flashing in his head. Canary walked out of the door quietly when the whole orphanage was still quietly walking past the door of all orphans, feeling the sound of sleeping.

Finally, the canary stopped at the door of her adopted daughter's room and smiled slightly.

Then she disappeared in place


And when the canary disappeared, the door suddenly opened


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