My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 59: Saya shot 【上】

After hearing this, the canary could not help but be silent.

As he said, although Canary is very strong, and even constructed her own view of the universe, her strength is not reflected in the strength of the individual, but in the collective.

Commanding the collective military division, this is the canary's self-positioning.

Similarly, this is the path she has traveled!

From the beginning, the canary has never been the strongest individual in the collective, but at any time, she is the collective brain.

Guide the collective progress with foresight, maintain the unity of the collective with emotions, and solve the collective suffering with wisdom!

This is the true power of a woman named Canary!


"Your right!"

Sighing softly, the canary said quietly, "I am alone, I can't kill you, even if I have the power of an independent view of the universe."

Hearing the canary's softness, the storyteller did not have any joy, but took a few steps back.

The vampire maid stood in front of him deliberately, and put her right hand on the huge hilt of her waist, making a defensive gesture. The blond maid's eyes were full of evil magic.

Seeing the actions of the storyteller's masters and servants, all but the canary were puzzled.

"Ah, weren't you just arrogant just now?"

Canary opened his hood, revealing a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth, "How come this gesture suddenly makes people know that they can't help you."


Faced with the provocation of the canary, the storyteller ignored it.

The storyteller felt annoyed when he spread his own perception in an all-round way. Although he was in a hostile position with the canary, the storyteller dared to say that he absolutely knew the other party's existence.

Therefore, after hearing that the canary's clothes were soft, he knew that the canary definitely had a back hand.

It may even threaten your own backhand!

He must not care about it.


Seeing the storyteller's appearance, the canary couldn't help feeling boring.

Now the blond woman doesn't say much. She lifted her left hand and snapped her fingers in the void. The invisible power spread out instantly. The void within the square was all shrouded in canary cosmos.



Unspeakable power burst out of this area out of thin air.

In an instant, the surrounding space showed an illusion. All the people present, even the unconscious back to June and His Royal Highness, even the entire space disappeared instantly.

A huge sky pit appeared in the sand outside the box court, and then gradually submerged by the quicksand


After a short period of illusion, the storyteller finally found himself in a different place.

The environment covered by the yellow sand has changed into a star-filled void, no matter whether it is its own enemy, the canary, or the imperial party of His Royal Highness.

The whole void is only you, and your vampire maid Jia La!

Other than that, there is nothing!

"Where is this?"

He murmured to himself, and the storyteller's voice began to reverberate, creating multiple echoes in the void. With this endless openness, people could not help but feel a sense of horror.

If ordinary people stay in this environment, I'm afraid they would have yelled.

The simple storyteller and the vampire maid are not simple existences. Naturally, they will not be frightened, but although they will not be frightened, they are not in a good mood.

And just when the echo just disappeared-

"Here is the realm of stars!"

The soft voice rang in the ears of the storyteller and the vampire maid. That was not the voice of anyone they had ever heard, ethereal and ethereal, full of a dreamlike feeling.

Then, the figure of a misty dreamy girl in white slowly condensed in front of the two.

"Welcome to the two!"

Barefooted in the void, the girl in a white dress smiled and said to the two, "Since you were sent by the canary, then you are the enemy, so can you please surrender."

"Humph, cut!"

Hearing the girl's words, the magic in the eyes of the vampire maid flashed by.

Almost in a moment, the vampire maid instantly crossed tens of meters and appeared in front of the girl. A large sword with a human height in his hand cut a **** sword in the void to cut the girl instantly.

"What, it turned out to be just a big talker"

After all this was done, there was a hint of taunt on the vampire maid's face, but she hadn't finished speaking, and the whole person was stuck there, because the girl who had been cut by the waist turned into a ghost.

At the next moment, the girl's figure appeared directly in front of the storyteller, and looked at the other party with great interest——

"It's funny, how can you survive without the spirit?"

"It's a business secret!"

Looking at the girl in front of me, the storyteller was silent for a while before speaking.

In front of the other party, the storyteller was completely free of arrogance and magic, because he deeply felt that the girl in front of him was strange and terrible.

Although it looks dreamy and beautiful, the evil in the bone is more terrible than absolutely evil!

At least absolute evil exists for justice, and the evil in front of it is the purest evil, the ultimate evil, without any malicious evil, it can be called the ultimate evil!

Looking at the girl, the storyteller remembered an existence equivalent to a legend in the box court.

The existence that can escape from the encirclement and suppression of the gods and gods such as the mother of evil gods and the ancestors of ten thousand buddhas.

"Are you the legendary extraterrestrial demon!"

"Oh, what do you say!"

Without directly answering each other's questions, the girl's figure disappeared again. At the next moment, seven rounds of small suns appeared in the sky, shining on the entire void.

In this light, the vampire maid took the lead in wailing, and the whole person fell to the ground. The vampire in the box court could not resist the power of the sun!

The storyteller's situation is okay, but he also felt a terrible coercion.

"So, choose, surrender, or die!" ..

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