My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 68: Demon King

"Crack !!!"

The sound of a nightmare echoed in Luos' ear.

Looking at the pendant with a crack in his hand, Luos's eyes couldn't help but look a little lost. At this moment, the brother's mind was blank and he almost couldn't work.

In any case, Luos couldn't imagine that his community's final hole card actually showed a crack.

"No, isn't it, difficult, isn't it"

Thinking of the result of the destruction of this slave **** sealed with the devil's pendant, Luos turned a bit stiffly to the distant Protoss Demon King. At this time, the other's body was clearly blurred.

Then, in Luos's surprised and terrified eyes-

"Geeeeyaaaa !!!"

Long purple hair fluttered in the air like a snake's hair, Alger made a startling sound, and the restrained black belt was broken one by one, and the momentum was also rising.

The roar that is beyond human comprehension, even if it is the master of Alger, is not clear, of course, the greater possibility is simply to shout after losing consciousness.

But in this cry, Luos heard a trace of sorrow and hope.

It's just that despite hearing these voices, Luos obviously didn't have much mood to understand, because of the outbreak of Alger, Luos's body, and even the soul, suddenly came the unspeakable pain.

Under this pain, Luos instantly fell from the wall, and then continued to roll on the ground.


A violent roar broke out from Luos' mouth. In an instant, the young brother-in-law's vision was confused, as if he had penetrated time and space and saw a picture from a long time ago.

It was a long time ago that an invisible man in armor was waving a sickle to a monster.

Even though it was so painful to think at this time, he instinctively understood that the painting was about his ancestor, the great hero named Perseus beheading the monster of Gorgon.

From the picture, Luos felt a glory and sorrow from a long time ago.


"Crack !!!"

The picture began to collapse, and then Luos's pain suddenly stopped.

Turning back to reality from the perspective of a long time ago, Luos found that his vision showed a dim scene, which was surrounded by countless monsters.


Looking at the dense monsters in front of them, especially the eyes of these monsters are full of amazing maliciousness, Luos couldn't help but cried out, and the whole person crazily wanted to retreat.

But behind him was the wall, and there was no escape route.


Under the crisis of life and death, Luos's mind was finally awake. The boots of Hyermes under his feet instantly opened their brilliant wings, and he saw that he would fly out of the encirclement of the monster.


In an instant, the ground at the foot of Luos turned into a greasy big mouth with teeth, biting up from bottom to top, and Luos, who had no precautions, was directly bitten below the knee.

"Click !!!!"

The sound of broken bones echoed around, and then there was a throbbing chewing sound.

Luos felt his feet numb in an instant, and then the endless pain burst out heartily. The younger brother, who had not suffered any setback since childhood, instantly fell to the ground with a pale face.

The blood flows in an instant, and Luos's breath is being weakened at a rate visible to the naked eye

Originally, Luos wanted to scream, but he heard the chewing sound in his ear, but he couldn't be frightened. He could only curl up on the ground like a dead bug.

"Ru, it's really ugly!"

At this moment, a faint voice rang in Luos' ear.

The sound seemed to be full of some kind of magic power, even if Luos still looked involuntarily towards the source of the sound, and then he saw it, and the monsters were consciously separating.

With the light footsteps, the girl with long purple hair fluttering.

It was a girl full of magic, especially the dark brown eyes, the most magical, wearing only a low-cut short skirt, showing a lot of fair skin, and behind it was a pair of pretty cute The wings make the girl's magic more lovely.

There is no doubt that this is a strange girl, but each other's feelings made Luos recognize the other's identity.

"You, you are Alger!"

Speaking in a low voice, Luos's pale face was unbelievable, "Why, obviously you have lost all the devil, why can you return."

In the Sand Chamber, although the Demon King cannot live forever, if he fails, he will lose his autonomy.

This situation is almost absolute, and the Devil has never escaped.

"I can only say that this is the choice of fate!"

Hearing Luos ’s words, the girl, or Alger, who opened the seal, began to laugh, then looked at Luos ’s ugliness and said maliciously:

"But that's no longer your business. Perseus' children, in order to repay your kindness to me over the years, let me send you to see your ancestor.

As soon as the words fell, the monsters around them seemed to get orders and pounced towards Luos.

"no, you can not"

Before the last words were finished, Luos was covered with a lot of monsters, and then there was a chilling chew that made Alger laugh.

"Oh, this is just the beginning of my revenge!"

After chuckling, Alger whispered to himself, "Perseus, even if you go to hell, I will pull you out and kill again, and the Greek gods, hum! Before this"

Waving his hand toward the place where the monsters were eating, several blobs of gifts flew out of it and fell into Alger's hands. That was no other. It was the gift of Luos.

After leaving a gift and collecting the rest, Alger's gift turned into a sharp sickle.

This is Harpa, the sickle of the gods, and killed Alger's own sickle!

Waving the scythe that killed him, Alger accidentally discovered that after his blood baptism and the achievement of killing the Gorgon monster, the scythe unexpectedly and his modestly high.

The use of this sickle is good for Alger, whose strength is far from reaching his peak.

"Especially when facing the man!"

Thinking of this, Alger's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although the other party is the main reason for his escape, Alger does not think that he and he can get along peacefully, and does not say that the Protoss Demon is a veritable demon, and the other party is not good.

Turning his head and looking in a certain direction, the monsters in his field of vision have given way to a road, and at the end of the road, it was a red-haired boy standing in front of the statue of Leticia.

It seemed that the gaze was sensed, and the red-haired boy who was originally staring at the statue turned his head to face Alger's eyes.


The air seems to be solidified at this moment ..

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