My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 71: White night talk

"Black Rabbit, is this really okay?"

On a street at the seventh outer gate of the Eastern District of Ha Ting, the long-distance Asuka in the trio of unnamed girls who are coming home together ca n’t help but ask towards the black rabbit walking in front: "Your goal, that one The current holder of the original demon's pure blood vampire is coming, is it okay to leave like this now? "

"Yeah, black rabbit, we can try again!"

When the voice of the distant bird first fell, Kasugabe then added.

As the unnamed girl with the strongest frontal combat power at this time, Kasugabu Yao ’s opening is almost equivalent to the support of the entire community ’s combat power for the Black Rabbit ’s decision.


"No, Miss Asuka, Miss Yao!"

Stopped, Black Rabbit's voice was a little slow, but he said very firmly, "Black Rabbit really hopes to win back Miss Leticia, but Black Rabbit knows more about the suffering in this matter."

"Both are geniuses with the highest human gift level. If they can be carefully polished, they will definitely become powerful game participants, but that is the future. Now, the two are still a bit young."

"It would not be a good thing if confronted with the existence of Chang Menjun."

Hearing the words of the black rabbit, Asuka and Yao were slightly silent.

Although the two are unique in the outside world, they are indeed proud of their power, but no matter how proud they are, they will not think that they can overcome the long gate now.

According to Bai Yecha, you must have at least the strength of the four-figure Demon King of the Chamber to compete with the Nagato.

The strength of the two people is probably still hovering in the six or seven figures

"Therefore, the most important thing now is the growth of the two!"

After seeing the two enter into thinking, Black Rabbit continued to say, "Unknown growth cannot be achieved overnight. Black Rabbit is ready for a long battle."

"I understand!"

Speaking in a low voice, Jiu Yuan Fei Bird felt for the first time that his ability was far from enough, and beside her, Kasugabe Yao shook his hand, also full of fighting spirit.

"Then go, we should go home, two!"

"Uh!" X2

"So, did you replace Perseus as Alger's emissary?"

In the Thousand Eyes branch, after listening to Nagato's unilateral narrative about her battle, Bai Yecha nodded to express her default. Although she also knew that there was absolutely water in it, she didn't care about it.

Then Bai Yecha glanced at Alger, who was sitting beside the long door, and asked the red-haired boy.

"That's why, I became the owner of Arsa!"

In response, Nagato smiled and nodded, even to prove that Nagato directly grabbed Alger's shoulder next to him and smiled at her, saying, "Are you saying that, Aar sauce ?!"

"Yes, it is!"

Regarding the move of the long door, Alger twisted his body a little bit uncomfortably and said twitchy.

In fact, at this time, Alger was almost crazy, and he finally broke free from Perseus's bondage, and he changed the shackles within an hour.

The most shocking and crazy about Alger is that the current owner is too capable of pretending.

Obviously have the strength of these three figures, but pretend to be four figures.

Becoming such a black and powerful guy, Alger couldn't help feeling that Freedom was far away from himself.

"Huh, it's amazing!"

Seeing that Alger was so clever in Nagato's hands, Bai Yecha suddenly felt that the red-haired boy in front of him was not easy. You know that Alger was really a grumpy temper.

At the beginning, Ming Ming was already down, and the result was a direct battle with Athena because of a little dissatisfaction.

This kind of guy who is almost ignorant of current affairs, will have such a side?

"I have changed for you, boy!"

He murmured to himself, and Bai Yecha suddenly laughed and said, "If that's the case, you must manage this guy well, don't let her do anything."

"Hey, Bai Ye Wang, who are you talking about!"

Hearing Bai Yecha's words, the Nagato hadn't answered, and Alger said first, "I'm doing something wrong, you guys aren't much better, Baiye Wang!"

"No! No! No!"

Lifting his finger and shaking, Bai Yecha unconsciously propped up his chest, "Your information has long been outdated, narcissistic, we are not a demon now."

"Our identity is the class admirer admired by everyone in the Eastern District of Haoting, Bai Yecha!"


Hearing Bai Yecha's words, Alger's face changed slightly, he wanted to say something, but he finally didn't say it, but just sighed, "So, you didn't follow the path of the devil!"

"Yeah, that's a dead end, Alger!"

Bai Yacha felt very much about Alger's sigh, and then looked at the long door, "As a reward for your management of this guy, I will put down the destruction of Perseus."

"Oh, then trouble!"

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and Nagato nodded, agreeing.

In any case, Perseus is a subordinate community of Thousand Eyes, even if there is a cause for this destruction, but for the honor of Thousand Eyes, Nagato is likely to be found by the upper layers of Thousand Eyes.

Although the long door is not afraid, but it is really afraid of trouble

In this case, Bai Yecha was willing to block the above inquiries for himself, and Nagato was naturally willing.

"Okay, let's talk about the second thing!"

Seeing Nagato agree, Bai Yecha's right hand directly pointed to a shiny black long hair sitting beside him, with a plump figure, and exuded a bewitching kimono beauty-

"About the two of you who scared my dear dependents, how are you going to compensate!"

"Then, that, Lord Bai Yacha!"

It was found that Bai Yecha suddenly turned the subject to herself, and there was a flash of panic and shame in the face of the beautiful kimono girl, "I don't need to compensate Shirayuki."

"Why wouldn't it be necessary, Shirayuki!"

When the opening interrupted the beauty, Bai Yecha solemnly said, "You are my family, which represents my face, this is a must, and"

Speaking of which, Bai Yecha's figure disappeared instantly, appeared next to the woman named Bai Xue, leaned against her ear, and said softly, "And I can see that you are very fond of the kid, this kind of You should be brave when you go, this compensation is the bond between you! "

"Woo !!!!"

Hearing Bai Yecha's words, Bai Xue's face turned completely red

"Ah, it's so rare!"

Although Bai Yecha's voice is very low, Nagato's body hearing has been greatly improved many times. Compared with those who have the gift of hearing, they are only as strong as they are weak, but they can easily hear it.

To be honest, this kind of initiative has a little bit of beauty.

Although the body is a snake, Nagato says he can hold it.

and so--

"Then use this to compensate!"

Suddenly, the long door said, focusing the attention of those present on himself, and then took out a necklace inlaid with waterdrop-like crystals from his arms.

"This is the mysterious crystal in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, which I got from playing the gift game. It is very useful for the cultivation of dragon and snake gods!"

"Oh, it's very good, boy!"

Seeing what Nagato took out, Bai Yecha smiled with satisfaction, and then took a few steps to take the necklace from Nagato's hand, and stuffed it into the hands of Bai Xue, who was flushed.

I have to say that Bai Yecha is still very concerned about himself.

"Okay, it's almost time!"

At this moment, Nagato stood up from his position and looked at the sky outside the window, "Then I will go first, Bai Yecha, come back to you when I'm free, oh, and Miss Snow White too!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato didn't wait for Bai Yecha to take care, and took Alger's hand directly and disappeared in place.

Looking at the place where the two disappeared, Bai Yecha blinked and couldn't help laughing: "It's a really interesting way to move, I can't see it, Nagato, it's a guy full of secrets!" -rm->

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