My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 74: before the start

"Huh? Is this where the host said?"

Near the giant tribe outside the city of Ha Ting, Alger walked out from the forest, looking at the giant tribe full of spirits and smoky eyes, with some curiosity on his face.

To be honest, Argel is really strange. The tribe in front of him is really a tribe of giants.

Although it has been sealed for a long time, it does not mean that Alger is ignorant.

Less than two months after awakening from the seal, Alger knew a lot of information about the box court.

Therefore, the Protoss demons know that the giants of the tribe in front of them are mainly from the deep sea giants of the Celtic mythology, and they have a record of defeat, so they do not like to fight.

But fifty years ago, a giant leader was given the authority to host the book of aggression, also known as the book of Lai Kou, and could initiate a compulsory gift game with land as a bet, allowing the community to grow rapidly.

However, there was an unpredictable situation. In a later gift game, the devil failed and the community was disbanded, and the remaining giants also reverted to scattered soldiers and settled outside the city of Ha Ting.


"Fighting spirits have become scorching spirits, which kind of people do not like fighting!"

With a whisper in his mouth, Alger also understood that the giants in the distance might have been controlled by others. Otherwise, their performance should not be so.

"That's right, they are indeed under control!"

At this moment, Alger's ear sounded a pleasant sound, and when he heard the sound, the Protoss demon almost shivered subconsciously.

Suddenly turning his head, Alger saw that there was a white gauze figure beside him.

"You, who are you ?!"

Although he didn't know the other party, Alger felt an almost incredible evil from the other party's breath. Even the original demon didn't have such a terrible evil!

"My name is Saya, remember, Al sauce!"

With a low chuckle, Saya approached the original demon and said softly, "Now you are really weak. No wonder Brother Nagato let you come here. Without me, I don't know when you will recover. "

"Come with me!"

Speaking of which, Saya took the lead towards the tribe.

Behind her, Alger first looked a little sullen, finally stomped his feet, and then followed.

On the other side, Nagato left Ghostfire's headquarters.

With the blessings of Heaven's Eunuch blessing, Nagato instantly crossed the endless time and space, from the northern area of ​​the fifth outer gate of Ha Ting, to the Qianyan branch of the seventh outer gate of East Habit.

"Master Nagato, you are here!"

Seeing the appearance of the red-haired boy, Bai Yecha's maid froze for a moment, then saluted towards the Nagato, "If you are looking for Lord Bai Yecha, please wait in the store."

"Oh, isn't Baiyecha always here?"

Hearing the maid's words, the long door froze slightly and asked.


The maid shook her head and said with some helplessness, "Master Baiyecha's work place is not actually here, just because some private things like staying here."

"Well, where is she now?"

Nodded a little bit, the long gate also knew what Bai Yecha's private affair was. He stopped talking. The red-haired boy came to a room in the shop under the guidance of the maid. "Master Baiyecha is talking to the boss of our community, please wait here for a moment!"

After leaving this sentence, the maid left the room in a hurry. At this time, it was the busy phase of the Qianyan branch, and the task of the maid was also onerous.

"Thousand-eyed boss, twin goddess?"

Sitting alone in the room, the long door narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself, "It is said that Bai Yecha has lost twice, will it be?"

With all that said, the face of Nagato couldn't help but reveal a thoughtful expression.

"Master Nagato, you are here!"

Three minutes later, the door of the room opened again, and I saw Bai Xueji's figure rushed straight in, and fell into the arms of the long door, tightly surrounding the waist of the long door.

"I haven't seen you in some days!"

Feeling the fullness of the girl in her arms, sniffing the scent from the other person's nose, the long door said in a low voice, "I miss you a bit, Baixue!"

"Humph, lie!"

Hearing the long door, the girl in her arms raised her head and groaned in dissatisfaction, "Obviously people are looking for you, but you are not coming to find others, cheating!"

The girl's words were not finished yet, but she was interrupted directly by the long door.

Then, another battlefield instantly evolved between the two.

It belongs to the battlefield between men and women.

There is no doubt that in this battlefield, Shirayuki is definitely a destined loser, because she is facing the Long Gate, a man who belongs to the winner no matter what battlefield he is in.

Under the persecution of Nagato, the girl at first resisted a bit, but soon fell completely behind

Even the coat was pulled directly out of the long door, revealing a great beauty.

Seeing that the battle will reach the most intense level-


The light cough sounded quietly around me, and immediately surprised Shirayuki, who was already absent, and then, a quiet voice came from the side—

"Really, don't do this kind of thing in our room, you two!"


Hearing this sound, Bai Ye ‘wow’ instantly pushed open the long door, then instantly picked up the clothes from the ground, covered himself, and then rushed straight out the door.


Seeing the deliciousness of the mouth fly like this, Nagato sighed slightly.

I sorted out a pair of myself, looked at Bai Yecha, who was sitting not far from me sometime, and sighed again in a grudge.

"Hey, what do you mean by this guy!"

Looking at the grievances expressed by Nagato, Bai Yecha was immediately dissatisfied. "In my place, the people who seduce me have already settled without asking you to settle the bill!"

"Well, even so!"

Sighing again, there was a slight undetectable smile in the corner of the long door.

"Can we beat you?"

"No!" ..

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