My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 81: Nagato and Asuka

Looking at the raging group of rats in front of him, the flying birds felt that they were really unlucky.

Since entering the world of the Sand Chamber, the girl has discovered that she has never been as omnipotent as in the real world. The first gift game caused the partner to be injured. Black Rabbit hopes that the request of the partner to return cannot be completed at all.

And now, in the face of a group of lowest-ranking mice, she couldn't help it.

For the first time, Asuka felt that his gift was really not very powerful, and could not be compared to Yao's life catalog!

Being able to be summoned from outside the box court by the Black Rabbit, the Flying Birds are naturally not ordinary.

She has the highest gift of humanity, and its name-Weiguang!

This is a raw stone talent that has hardly been artificially crafted, and the talent of the flying bird seems to have been cultivated for a long time, and it tends to dominate the attributes and can change the gift of animals, plants and phenomena with a strong mind.

Originally in the real world, no one could refuse the order of Asuka.

Under such circumstances, the girl appeared extremely lonely.

After coming to Ha Ting to get friends, I worried about my friends. The girl refused to make the power of manipulating others stronger, and began to develop towards the "gift of dominating gifts".

This direction cannot be said to be wrong, or even very far-sighted, but the way forward is extremely difficult.

Simply with the support of partners, Asuka's progress is still obvious.

It's just that these advancements do not help the plight in front of the girl.


Seeing this, Asuka said nothing, turned and ran.

And after the girl ran away, the manic rats immediately caught up, and the speed was much faster than the take-off bird, and it was easily caught up, and the flying bird was going to be swallowed by the rats.

at this time--


The cold hum spread around, making the girl's eyes wide.

Then the bird saw it, a lot of shadows poured in front of her escape, and then passed by the girl, causing the girl to close her eyes almost subconsciously.

Then, the huge shadow turned into an endless blade, directly penetrating the group of rats.

Furious rats swarmed with blood and stumps in an instant, turning into a terrible murder scene.


This is not over yet, and then a whispered Dragon Yin came out in the shadows. I saw that these shadows directly turned into the dragon's phantom, swallowing thousands of rats.

After a while, the shadows dissipated, and the rats disappeared in an instant.


Opening his eyes, Asuka discovered in amazement that the rats were gone.

Then there was a slight footstep in the girl's ear, and she looked up, and the girl saw it. The red-haired boy with his hands in his pockets was strolling, and shadows appeared on his body.

"Yo, Miss Asuka!"

The capital of the flaming flame, in a quiet dim sum shop. The long door sat leisurely in his place, quietly listening to the long-distance bird sitting opposite him about his own experience, and then glanced at the elf on the shoulder of the bird.

Seemingly surprised by the long door, the elf flew into the hair of the elder lady.

"It turns out so!"

After Asuka told, Nagato understood why Asuka was here.

All this is because after the black rabbit is made by himself, because of the relationship with the Lord of Chaos, the luck is involved, and the luck of the girl and the surroundings has improved:

Accelerating the process of unnamed recovery, the constant progress of Kasugabe Yao and the distant bird, and the continuous victory of the gift game

In general, let the black rabbit decide that three people will come here to participate in the festival and relax.

Only after arriving here, Black Rabbit was caught by Bai Yecha as a referee, and Yao participated in the gift contest.

However, Asuka, who did not participate in the competition, was traveling around the town alone. As a result, he met the elf beside him-Mel, and then entered the deepest part of the exhibition hall under the guidance of the other party. As a result, he encountered a group of rats.

Of course, if it is an ordinary group of rats, the problem is that those groups seem to be dominated by others.

Dominating ability against the losing bird, almost turned into a snack for the rats!

"You are really unfortunate!"

He whispered softly, and Nagato's brow furrowed again before he said, "However, your strength is only this level. In my perception, your strength should be even better."

"Huh, how do I know this!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the distant bird said a little unpleasantly, and then the girl frowned, "Yes, Nagato, although a little presumptuous, is the shadow you used to be your gift?"

"It's my new gift, Dragon's Shadow!"

In the face of the problem of flying birds, Nagato said without any cover, "It is not a powerful method to simply use the shadow of a pure-blooded dragon species, one of the three strongest races in Hakting."

However, what Nagato did not say is that this is the shadow of the nine emperor dragons who will soon be transformed into pure-blooded dragons!

Although it was only because of the auxiliary ability brought by Orpheus's awakening once, the power of the nine emperor dragons, even just the shadow, has the same powerful strength, which is enough to match the strength of the four-digit devil.

Even Leticia, who can also use the shadow of the dragon, is still defeated in front of the long gate that also uses the power of the dragon shadow.

"Cut, you're really welcome, you guys!"

Although Asuka does not have much concept of the three strongest races in the so-called Sanding, the girl is very aware of the terrible shadows she has experienced before.

And this power is nothing in the eyes of the other party, so what is oneself?

Thinking of this, Asuka suddenly felt uncomfortable and was about to leave here immediately.


"Miss Asuka, interested in a deal."

Just as the flying bird was about to get up, the voice of the red-haired boy spoke again, and the words were full of some mysterious power, which immediately attracted the attention of the flying bird.

"What deal?"

Squinting slightly, Asuka was silent for a while, and said.

At this time, the girl had a mysterious premonition, as if the man in front of him would say something that would affect his life. It was a bit dangerous, and it also made the girl look forward to it.

"This is a deal about your future!" ..

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