My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 84: The second duel of the Creator!

Boundary wall, stage area!

This is the operational headquarters of the Fire Dragon Birth Festival. The gift game-the final scene of the battle of the creators. At seven or eight in the morning, the audience is already crowded.

On the central high platform of the venue, Nagato and Bai Yecha were sitting on the VIP platform and chatting.

"I have to say that those who open the back door are comfortable!"

A glance at Sandora, who was standing at the front, giving a conversation to the audience, the long door chuckled, and then said to Bai Yecha.

If it were not for Sandora to lead the way, I am afraid that Longmen and others would not even have ordinary audience seats.

As for the so-called VIP seat, it is absolutely delusional

"Indeed, Xiao Shandora is very good!"

After listening to Nagato's words, a look of satisfaction appeared on Bai Yecha's face.

Sandora, the protagonist of the fire dragon's birth sacrifice, the new leader of the community salamandra, looks very satisfied with Baiyecha, the dominant class.

Although she is only eleven years old, she has initially deserved to be one of the class leaders on the north side.

"Okay, no more gossip!"

At this moment, Sandora ’s conversation had come to an end, and I saw the newborn Fire Dragon girl announce loudly, “In the name of the Fire Dragon, the battle of the creators officially began. Miss is coming to host this game, everyone is welcome! "

With the sound of Sandora, the whole scene cheered.

At this time, the sun rises completely

To announce the start of the game, Black Rabbit came to the center of the stage.

She took a deep breath before smiling at the rounded auditorium: "Let everyone wait for a long time! The main gift of the Fire Dragon Birth Festival is now duel for the game creators!"

"The presiding and refereeing work will be conducted by thousandseyes' exclusive referee, everyone familiar with the black rabbit, to serve everyone!"

Black Rabbit smiled to the audience, and a strange roar beyond cheers came from the audience.

Even the stage of the entire game is shaken.

"Oh !!! Moon rabbit is really here !!!"

"Black Rabbit !!! I came here just to see you !!!"

"Today you must have a glimpse of the scenery under your skirt !!!"

The audience showed unusually strong enthusiasm, but the Black Rabbit could not bear it. Although the girl still had a smile on her face, the rabbit's ears fell down, obviously a little scared.

Obviously, the girl felt some indescribable danger, such as the bottom of her skirt.

Although she believes in Bai Yecha, the girl also believes that the power that the former Demon Lord put on the bottom of his skirt seems to be visible, but it is actually invisible.

However, any girl who wants to come can't calm down in the face of countless eyes looking at the bottom of her skirt.


After secretly taking a few deep breaths, the black rabbit calmed down.

Showing his own smile, the black rabbit turned around in the middle of the stage and opened his arms to the entrance of the venue, as if to welcome the contestants to the stage.

"Then invite contestants to enter!"

"Participants of the first round of competition, Noname's Kasugabe Yao, and Willowisp's Aisha Ignatius!"

"There are two contestants and facilitators invited to play !!"

With the words of the black rabbit just falling, Kasugabe Yao who first appeared and her assistant, Jiu Yuan Fei Bird, saw two equally expressionless girls walk in through the entrance on the left.

Whether it is the fresh and natural beauty of Kasugabe, or the noble beauty of the distant birds, the two girls are the kind of characters that make people shine, and the atmosphere of the whole venue suddenly became warm.

Of course, in these cheers, it is enough not to send some complaints.

After all, the nameless community ’s reputation in the box court is really not very good. Some people are naturally dissatisfied with the nameless existence on such a stage.

Just about these complaints, both girls ignored them completely.

And the next moment--


There was a thunder from the sky on the field, and the current suddenly turned, and the figures of Ai Xia and Ai Lei Niang appeared in the sky, as if appearing on the current, it was shocking.

"Oh oh !!!"

In an instant, the atmosphere of the entire scene suddenly rose to the extreme.

The appearance of the ghost fire duo is really shocking, far beyond the nameless, so that the audience immediately understood the strength of the famous ghost fire in the North District of Ha Ting.

In particular, Ai Leiniang, a natural royal sister, attracted a lot of howling!

Facing the ghost fire, the two, especially Ai Leiniang, Yao and Asuka became serious.

They personally witnessed the battle between Nagato and the cosmic monsters, but they knew very well, what terrible lethality was the natural elder sister standing next to the girls with double ponytails.

"Although I have heard that you know my parents Menjun, but don't think I let it go, nameless!"

At this time, the current around him had dissipated. Ai Xia embraced her hands, looked at the birds and Yao with a serious expression, and said proudly, "The final victory belongs to me and belongs to the ghost fire!"


Hearing Aixia's words, Asuka and Yao turned their heads in unison.

"What, you"

Seeing the performance of the two, Love Summer was immediately dissatisfied

But waiting for her to finish, Black Rabbit immediately said: "Okay, the contestants and collaborators have already played. Then, before the game opens in the first round, I would like to ask Master Bai Yacha to explain the stage."

As soon as this remark came out, Love Summer calmed down.

It was n’t just her, everyone calmed down and looked at the high platform.

Seeing such a change, Bai Yecha on the VIP seat stood up and jumped lightly onto the high platform. He said, "Hello everyone, I won't say much at this time. Thank you for your cooperation. Now, with the authority of the sponsor In the name, let me prepare the stage for the game for you. "

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Yecha clapped her hands, the invisible waves spread out, and there was a gray light ball on the field.

And the four contestants entered the light ball instantly

ps: I am attracted to seeing the dry girl ...

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