My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 88: Dapeng Goldwing Birds ask for subscription!

heat! So hot! It's really hot!

Although in the first time, he transformed his body into the biological characteristics of the fantasy creature of the sand court, the fire rat, but Kasugabuya still felt the unspeakable heat.

The heat that seemed to melt away from the whole body left the girl's brain blank.

In the middle of nowhere, the girl did n’t want anything, just wanted to sleep.

It was just at this moment that the girl's figure of her friend who had been cut off alone flashed in her head, and that body dragged the strongest enemy, teaching her hope of victory to her friend.

"No, no!"

"I can't fall here!"

"For the birds, for the black rabbits, for the community, I want to win!"

The passionate determination was echoed in the girl's heart, which directly dispelled the sleepiness in the girl's heart, and at the same time passed the burning pain of the body.

"Okay, it hurts!"

In the sea of ​​fire, Kasugabe's tears came out directly.

But even so, Kasugabuya did not give up, of course, she did not come up with a way, the girl just grasped her gift-the catalog of life.

"Father, help me!"

In the fire, the girl sent her most sincere prayer.

This is extremely stupid, but it is also wise, because the gift of the girl comes from her father, and it was originally a gift for the girl who had her feet paralyzed when she was young.

It ’s just that in this seemingly ordinary gift, there are terrible possibilities hidden

In fact, the life directory can collect information from all living organisms, sample from the "directory", and then "evolve" and "synthesize", so that the single system tree that the holder continues to evolve can even simulate the power of the "strongest species" .

The gift in Yao's hands comes from his father. The information in it is enough, but it is locked in it!

And now, the girl sincerely calls to wake up this possibility

"Yao !!!"

Outside the sea of ​​fire, the black rabbit, who was the referee, watched all this with great anxiety.

If it were not for the referee in this game, it should not be selfish. If Yao, who was not in Huohai, had not yet conceded, I am afraid that Black Rabbit would rush directly into Huohai.

As a valued partner, Habitat Moon Rabbit, there is nothing more remorse than a partner in a crisis, but he is helpless, and this kind of remorse, Black Rabbit has tasted twice

The first time was two hundred years ago. In the face of the absolute evil that ravaged the Hakting, the Houting Yuetu clan was directly destroyed.

The second time was three years ago, in the face of the Devil Alliance, the destruction of Arcadia!

The two regrets made the heart of the black rabbit so scared that the girl really didn't want to bear it for the third time.

and so--

"Miss Yao, you must be safe!"

Huohai Abroad, the black rabbit prayed silently in his heart, and as if he heard the black rabbit's prayer, the sea of ​​fire at this time suddenly changed drastically.


In the violent roar, a golden flame burst from the center of the originally light blue fire.

Then the golden flame spread out in all directions

It started to erode the blue sea of ​​fire.

"How is this going?!"

Seeing this scene, not only the Black Rabbit was stunned, but the audience outside was also stunned, even Aixia himself was also stunned, but soon Aixia made his own response:

"No matter what you are doing, you will be completely defeated first, then, go on, my darlings!"

Aixia's words had just fallen, and the flames of the eight directions of the sea of ​​fire were rolling. Eight fire dragons that appeared to be bigger than before appeared out of thin air and rushed towards the golden pillar of flame in the center.


The fire dragons collided violently with the golden flame pillars.

The eight fire dragons stepped back a few steps, and the beam of flame soon shattered, but immediately, the collapsed golden flames again gathered in the void

The figure of Kasugabe flashed in the center of the flame, and then merged into it!


At the next moment, a deterrent sound suddenly echoed, and the golden flame condensed into a golden penguin bird with sky-covering wings, which made the unthinkable deterrent force diffuse.

"Ooooooooo !!!"

After the Dapeng bird appeared, the Fire Dragons roared, but the voice was full of retreat. Obviously, the Fire Dragons were extremely afraid of this Peng Bird.

"Well, how is this possible, Dapeng gold-winged bird!"

When I saw the golden golden bird that covered the sky and then felt the fear that passed from the fire dragon, Ai Xia's face was very wonderful. The girl really did not expect that such a thing would appear.

To know that the Dapeng gold-winged bird is one of the eight dragons of the Buddha, the legendary dragon is the strongest species of food!

Whether dealing with gods or dragons, Dapeng Goldwing is extremely powerful.

Unknown, it can change into such a terrible thing.

Aixia can't believe it!

Compared to Aixia, Black Rabbit is also shocked, but not surprised by the transformation of Kasugabe Yao into a Dapeng gold-winged bird, but remembers the leader of the unknown predecessor Arcadia-Kong Ming.

In Black Rabbit's memory, it was a legendary existence, Arcadia's strongest fighting power.

No matter facing any enemies, his winning percentage exists.

It was because Kong Ming and Canary cooperated that the nameless predecessor Arcadia could have such a terrible achievement.

Because the identity of Black Rabbit is the adopted daughter of Acadia ’s staff

Therefore, he is still very familiar with Kong Ming.

In the memory of Black Rabbit, Kong Ming, who seems to be the most powerful of Arcadia, fought through constant transformation, and the Dapeng gold-winged bird was one of his abilities.

"I remember that Lord Canary once said it unintentionally. The real name of Master Kong Ming is not Kong Ming, but Kasugabe, Xiaoming? Wait, Kasugabe? !!!"

Thinking of this, the black rabbit looked at the Dapeng gold-winged bird flying in the air that day, and his eyes were suddenly wrong!

"It turns out that Miss Yao is a real young master without a name!"

"The young master of the unnamed predecessor returned through the call of Black Rabbit. This is the favor of the goddess of fate. I am really moved by the Black Rabbit, hum, and inspired the power of Master Kong Ming, Miss Yao definitely won!"

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