My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 109: Come fight, Demon King!

Emperor Shitian walked out of the magma on the ground of the capital of flames.

Although he was attacked by the dragon on the front, the title of the strongest warrior was not a decoration. Except for the damaged clothes and a somewhat embarrassed image, Emperor Shitian looked harmless.

But there is no doubt that this is not something worthy of consideration for Emperor Shitian.

Nothing else, because the roaring three-headed dragon is raging in the sky.

Just as the dragon took the punishment from heaven, even Emperor Shitian could not bear it!

"Ah, isn't this our emperor Shi Tian from Wei'an?"

At this moment, a slightly yin-yang sound sounded in the ears of Emperor Shitian, and then the strongest military **** saw it, and the canary with the ten strong men appeared not far from his side.

"Tomorrow tomorrow the army is almost destroyed, and there are two master god-level strongmen, but they are suffering from the demon king. You stay here to watch the drama, is it really okay?"

"It's you, Canary, long time no see!"

When meeting Canary up close, Emperor Shitian's face flashed a little embarrassment, and then shook his head. There is no point in fighting, as for Sol, they should not die anyway. "

"However, what the **** are you thinking about, why should you summon the absolute evil, you should know the consequences!"

Speaking of which, Emperor Shitian looked into the canary's eyes, full of sternness!


Facing Emperor Shitian's lesson, Canary snorted dissatisfiedly, and then said, "This doesn't matter to you. The alliance that I was in two hundred years ago can seal him. Two hundred years later, my organization can fight Kill him."

"That's the reason!"

It was the White Night King who was connected with the canary words. I saw that the Protoss Demon came down from the sky and came to the side of Emperor Shi Tian, ​​and surrounded him with everyone.

"Di Shitian, we think you should consider your comfort now, don't you?"

Looking at everything around him, Emperor Shitian was silent.

The surrounding atmosphere became more and more solid, and the momentum of the two sides collided in the void. Until the moment before the outbreak, the **** of war suddenly said: "Can I surrender?"


"Damn it!"

Saul, who has shown his heroic appearance since his appearance, has changed his face at this time, and it is the first time for this undefeated Nordic warrior to be blasted directly from the state of punishment.

At the moment, he looked at the three-headed dragon's eyes, and he was a bit sinister.

Even under the suspicion of angry emotions, Sol actually liberated his idea of ​​his true posture, but the idea just passed away in a flash and did not really be realized.

In the box court, the level of the four-digit demon king is equivalent to the strong threshold of crossing the Dao Realm.

But that's just the most common Taoist powerhouse, not worth mentioning.

Starting with three digits, it's different.

Most of the people who can reach the three-digit devil level are the existence of the main gods in those powerful **** groups. The gestures of these existences have exceeded the understanding of all living beings.

The existence of itself makes the lower level of the box court a little unbearable, and it is completely the incarnation of the natural disaster!

Therefore, when the upper level of the box court enters the lower level, it either seals itself or changes its posture of existence through some special means, converging a lot of power. If liberating his true posture, Sol is confident that he can fully compete with the three-headed dragon.


"Can not be done!"

In his mind, if he did so, the consequences might be caused, and Sol would have to give up. Thor with the justice in mind did not want to be the culprit in destroying the box court.

"However, even so, I will not admit defeat!"

Thinking of this, Thor was rushing towards the three-headed dragon again, not only Thor, but also the violent God of War, the two main gods and the three-headed dragon were carried on the front.

And at this moment-



The original demon Alger and Halloween Queen appeared in front of Ares and Sol respectively, without any warning, and attacked the two.

At the next moment, Ares was directly blown away by petrochemical light, and all his clothes were petrified.

Saul stepped back a few steps under the queen's star repulsion.


Seeing the queen standing in front of him, Sol was dissatisfied for a while, and Ares was directly violent, but the three-headed dragon seemed more dissatisfied than the two.

"Woman, are you provoking me? !!!"

The violent killing spread from the three-headed dragon, and directly crushed Alger and the Halloween queen. For the three-headed dragon, he only wanted to turn into an enemy who did not share the sky and fight the world.

If the two women in front of him were to please him, he would definitely kill him the first time.

Because he is a natural disaster, he will only destroy everything that enters his eyes!

Other than that, there is nothing else!


At the moment when the three-headed dragon's words just fell, a leisurely voice rang in his ears, and then the crimson space ripples echoed in the void, attracting the three-headed dragon's sight.

In the ripples of this space, the three-headed dragon felt a very familiar fighting intent!

That was no other, it was exactly the war intention of breaking the rules of the Sand Chamber before.

Then, under the gaze of the three-headed dragon, the red-haired boy in a purple robe walked out of the ripples in the space, came to him, and spoke leisurely:

"They are just helping me create an environment where you can fight fairly with your lord."


Hearing the long gate, the head of the three-headed dragon couldn't turn.

Since becoming the ultimate test of humanity, the three-headed dragon has fought against countless enemies, but it hasn't really happened once. Someone actively seeks a fair environment to fight against himself?

"No need to be surprised, I know you are the real devil who can beat the enemies!"

Facing the three-headed dragon's surprise, the Nagato gradually diffused an extraordinary and terrifying breath, spreading in all directions, and there was a slight turbulence in the vagueness of the void.

"But I am also an absolute hegemon who can conquer thousands of worlds, so come and fight, the devil!" ..

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